Can you picture Jesus using genocide as Noah’s God did?

Jesus of the Trinity is mentioned every time the word God is used.

???!!! GIA, the ^^above quoted^^ is...what?

I did not "use" the word "God" in my Post, other than in the quotes of your words. Even in your Post that I quoted from, you did not "mention Jesus of the Trinity" every time you "used" the word "God".

I think I generally agree with most of this (we are products of our environment), but I won't answer to most of this post because of the attitude in it. "generally agree with most of" the Post, but "won't answer to most of" the Post..."because of the attitude in it"...?!?!?!

I also found it disjointed and would likely misunderstand some of it.

?!?!?! "found it disjointed and would likely misunderstand some of it"...after stating that you "generally agree with most of" it!?

Please clarify, GIA, this "attitude" that you "found disjointed and would likely misunderstand" yet "generally agree(d) with most of".

I honestly can not fathom how you could state that you "would likely misunderstand some of it" - that would seem to indicate an "attitude" in your possession, NOT in my Post!?

Clean it up and I will be pleased to answer because you make some excellent points.

GIA, I could not have made my response to your Post any clearer nor any "cleaner"!?

It would appear that you are already "pleased to" respond, so maybe you would be "pleased to" Post what you would consider a "cleaned up" version of my Post?
Can you picture Jesus using genocide as Noah’s God did?
It seems that the God of the Old Testament took an anger management class in order to reform and give up his evil ways. He then sent down the First Hippie to teach us about love and peace.

what i wanna know is, why would a god make a flood? couldnt he just kill everyone with a single thought? so much effort. and i dunno where noah got all his sheets of wood from, it's not like there were saw mills in iraq 4000 years ago
Forget the wood. Where did all that water come from? At the end of an ice age, when all the glaciers and polar caps are melted, sea level is barely half a kilometer higher than it is now. I suppose God, being God, could find a way to extract all the water vapor from the atmosphere and dump it in the ocean with the melted snow, but once all that water in gaseous form condenses into liquid, I'm sure it won't raise sea level more than another hundred meters or so. And the bone-dry air will make breathing very difficult and uncomfortable for the few organisms he leaves alive!

But this alleged Flood raised sea level to the tops of the highest mountains. That would be the Himalayas, whose highest peak is nine kilometers higher than today's sea level! And remember that this new water has to cover the entire planet, which will require about 50% more water than just covering the area of the oceans!
God is not evil.
We just don't understand him or his vile ways. His vile ways are above us, don'tcha know?

God is not evil.
We just don't understand him or his vile ways. His vile ways are above us, don'tcha know?



I understand the "ways" of this "God" that you speak of.

I do not, however, understand who this "we" is/are that you constantly mention.

Long story short, at least you know that, Jesus came down to almost disconsider the Old Testament and, by the time of Noah, it was exactly the Old Testament's law in force right? (with that "Eye for eye, life for life" kind of justice)
@ OP,

Jesus was quite a violent guy. His temper reportedly made him overturn a Flea Market at a local Church just because it was Sabbath. Who knows what other crimes he committed in his outbursts.

Try reading
Matthew 10:34


Isn't he supposed to come back some day and kill all the Heathens of Sciforums.
Try reading
Matthew 10:34


Isn't he supposed to come back some day and kill all the Heathens of Sciforums.

I will put as a side note my own intepretation of that Versicle (i do not like calling it a verse, sorry about it), and i will try to summarize the most.

. Jesus was Jew, and the jews as far as recorded history goes, were always persecutted. --Matthew 10:22 "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake."

. Jesus came to put down some of the *opositor's agenda (namely, comdemn all the human race), and to save us. But, this world is ruled by the "system of the opositor" (read as 'system of things material' in the frivolous sense).
*By the opositor i mean Lucifer.

. Anyone can correct me if i am wrong, as i have as much reminiscences of my past as a Christian as being an atheist would suggest, isn't Michael leading the fight against "The Beast"?

Btw, whenever i read that Versicle i tend to understand that he was fighting something like iniquity or whatever, not like pulling a real sword and fighting on a close to literal sense.
Forget the wood. Where did all that water come from? At the end of an ice age, when all the glaciers and polar caps are melted, sea level is barely half a kilometer higher than it is now. I suppose God, being God, could find a way to extract all the water vapor from the atmosphere and dump it in the ocean with the melted snow, but once all that water in gaseous form condenses into liquid, I'm sure it won't raise sea level more than another hundred meters or so. And the bone-dry air will make breathing very difficult and uncomfortable for the few organisms he leaves alive!

Actually science has discovered a place where there is that much water today. It turns out an ocean of water was discovered under the earth's crust in eastern asia at the top of the mantle of the earth.

Scientists scanning the deep interior of Earth have found evidence of a vast water reservoir beneath eastern Asia that is at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean. The discovery marks the first time such a large body of water has found in the planet's deep mantle. [The World's Biggest Oceans and Seas]
The finding, made by Michael Wysession, a seismologist at Washington University in St. Louis, and his former graduate student Jesse Lawrence, now at the University of California, San Diego, will be detailed in a forthcoming monograph to be published by the American Geophysical Union.

- See more at:

Science also discovered a place in the Mid Atlantic, under the ocean, where the crust is gone and there is a direct exposure of the mantle.

Scientists have discovered a large area thousands of square kilometres in extent in the middle of the Atlantic where the Earth’s crust appears to be missing. Instead, the mantle - the deep interior of the Earth, normally covered by crust many kilometres thick - is exposed on the seafloor, 3000m below the surface.

I can see one of these under crust oceans bursting through the crust, blasting away the crust, with enormous volumes of water pouring into the Atlantic ocean. If it flowed for 40 days and nights, we can calculate the flow rate.

Long story short, at least you know that, Jesus came down to almost disconsider the Old Testament and, by the time of Noah, it was exactly the Old Testament's law in force right? (with that "Eye for eye, life for life" kind of justice)


Who did those in Noah's day use genocide on?

@ OP,

Jesus was quite a violent guy. His temper reportedly made him overturn a Flea Market at a local Church just because it was Sabbath. Who knows what other crimes he committed in his outbursts.

Try reading
Matthew 10:34


Isn't he supposed to come back some day and kill all the Heathens of Sciforums.

I agree that Jesus starts to look more like his genocidal father if you read carefully.

Christians do not do that.



Who did those in Noah's day use genocide on?


I think i barely understood the question to begin with.
What you see as genocide.
The Bible depicts as a "cleansing from iniquity and evil".
And i have no reason to believe on neither.
I think i barely understood the question to begin with.
What you see as genocide.
The Bible depicts as a "cleansing from iniquity and evil".
And i have no reason to believe on neither.

And that cleansing from iniquity and evil does not take genocide when you have a pocket full of miracles. There are moral ways.

The bible does not say why a God who can cure as well as kill always takes the satanic moral low ground and kills instead of curing.


There are moral ways, yes. Created by men, and followed by men.

Maybe god killed because of one thing called 'choice' of men. To not follow the same moral ways you want your god to follow.

The thing on which you bash so much is not even real. And if it was real, would be too much out of our comprehension, out of our scope to be judged in such simple terms as you propose.
And that cleansing from iniquity and evil does not take genocide when you have a pocket full of miracles. There are moral ways.

The bible does not say why a God who can cure as well as kill always takes the satanic moral low ground and kills instead of curing


Odd. In all actuality, the Bible does not "say" anything - it is a collection of "stories" assembled. edited and put forth to advance an agenda.

It is presented in such a way as to allow that "agenda" to be obfuscated.

Thereby those who use the Bible to advance that agenda, as well as their own private or personal agenda, are able to apply its contents in multiple, and often opposing, ways.

In that way, they are able to point to the Bible for a kind of "Divine Support".

Not unlike what you, GIA, yourself, do in this and other Forums.

For instance your statement :
The bible does not say why a God who can cure as well as kill always takes the satanic moral low ground and kills instead of curing.

What proof do you offer that "God...can cure as well as kill" if that "God...always takes the satanic moral low ground and kills instead of curing."

If this "God...always kills", where is the evidence that this fictional/mythological/theological "God" can " well"?

There are moral ways, yes. Created by men, and followed by men.

Maybe god killed because of one thing called 'choice' of men. To not follow the same moral ways you want your god to follow.

The thing on which you bash so much is not even real. And if it was real, would be too much out of our comprehension, out of our scope to be judged in such simple terms as you propose.

Your judgement that we could not judge is a poor judgement. No wonder you do not trust your judgement.

I trust mine.

But You are right that it is all myth. One that has been used against us forever.

Odd. In all actuality, the Bible does not "say" anything - it is a collection of "stories" assembled. edited and put forth to advance an agenda.

It is presented in such a way as to allow that "agenda" to be obfuscated.

Thereby those who use the Bible to advance that agenda, as well as their own private or personal agenda, are able to apply its contents in multiple, and often opposing, ways.

In that way, they are able to point to the Bible for a kind of "Divine Support".

Not unlike what you, GIA, yourself, do in this and other Forums.

For instance your statement :

What proof do you offer that "God...can cure as well as kill" if that "God...always takes the satanic moral low ground and kills instead of curing."

If this "God...always kills", where is the evidence that this fictional/mythological/theological "God" can " well"?

