Can You Help Me With A Few Visitors?

It's in Minnesota Guyute, and if you haven't gathered, :D It's my parent's house, so... you probably wouldn't be able to just stroll on up and ask my mom if you could ghost hunt in her basement. Like I said, if you live close enough I'd be happy to give a tour of the grounds, after you've gone through the long bloodletting process of me deciding you aren't a creepy internet psycho :p
Don't be discouraged, Daphni. No matter what anyone around might say of you, it is very difficult for any person to take authority on something they have not immidietly experienced. Therefore, those who do not believe you express only their opinions, not what they or anyone else can validate and document.

I'll say that there is however, no way to validate your claim from an impirical point of view AT THIS TIME. However, when one says that everything is in pricipal testable in physical reality, they are making a self supporting argument. Can one PROVE that everything in the world is testable and explainable ultimately? Obviously not, since no human being has an onipotent point of view from which to make that judgement. Therefore, the claim that all is testable is in itself an untestable, unproveable philosophy.

There are lots of interesting things in this world which science cannot currently explain. Who is to say if it will ever be able to or not? Science is still limited by the human senses, no matter how advanced they might be compared to previous animals.
Originally posted by FerretQueenDaphni
It's in Minnesota Guyute, and if you haven't gathered, :D It's my parent's house, so... you probably wouldn't be able to just stroll on up and ask my mom if you could ghost hunt in her basement. Like I said, if you live close enough I'd be happy to give a tour of the grounds, after you've gone through the long bloodletting process of me deciding you aren't a creepy internet psycho :p

HAHAHAHA......Nah, I am not a internet psycho. Plus I live in connecticut, so, it is a great distance away:rolleyes:. Thats a funny image though, walking through your parents, I have done that before with my friends parents and they were like"What the Hell", good luck with your gastely friend, try a siance or a ouije board. Mabye just try to talk with the spirit, invite it into the room? It seems to me like it isnt very ill natured. Good Luck.

If i am ever in Minnasota I will give you a call:p


Originally posted by Xevious

There are lots of interesting things in this world which science cannot currently explain. Who is to say if it will ever be able to or not? Science is still limited by the human senses, no matter how advanced they might be compared to previous animals.

Wise words ;) Thank you and I agree whole heartedly.

Guyute: If you ever are in Minnesota and you give me a call, I will be -sure- that you are an internet psycho. :D Thanks.
:rolleyes: ok, good, Well good luck anyways. I wish I could experiance a visitation as good as your's. Have fun with it.


I mis-spelled "seances" because I'm so used to typing "sciences". And yes, I noticed before, along with the spelling of "Ouija".

I generally don't correct people's spelling on sciforums (including my own), unless they actually use the wrong word and it alters the meaning of what they are saying. Everybody makes typos.
Relax.... I was just trying to make the gal feel a little welcome :cool:

It didn't quite seem fair us both teaming up on her.... :D
Heres a true story that happened recently in NZ.

A large retail department store was built over an old railway station site.
There was a huge turnover of staff who reported odd things at night whilst stacking shelves etc.
It turns out that a little girl was killed in a shunting accident on the site of the old station, and was hanging around.
Anyway, the council brought in the local minister and a few others and sent her on her way. There is no activity now.
The hard part about living where I live, is that the people around here are so hardened against anything like this happening, it makes it difficult to find allies, moreover people that are knowledgable in the means of spiritual activity. For people around here, god is in his heaven and all souls go to him. That and a strict dislike for anything that borders on different. Good suggestion however, thank you..

And SkinWalker, thank you for making me feel welcome, I did feel a little crushed against the alter of my beliefs between you and James. But it's all good.

James, in no way is this a chastise, but I just feel like I have to suggest a little bit of chilling on that forceful stubbornness I sense? If the world was black and white, don't you think you'd miss the shades of gray?
Not every critical thinker here is going to chasize you, Daphani. Why don't you go look at the "PseudoScience" forum sometime? I post in there more often and I get the feeling that is right up your alley.

Too often, I see people wasting valuable portions of their lives with stuff which is just not supportable. It's not that I am stubborn and set in my ways, so that I'm not open to new ideas. That is an easy accusation to make against a skeptic, and one which is delivered almost as a matter of course by believers.

The thing is, the balance of reliable evidence simply does not support the existence of things such as ghosts. It can be difficult to explain individual cases, but that difficulty is <b>always</b> a result of lack of information and remoteness from the scene, in my experience. Whenever these things are checked out properly, they are found to have mundane explanations. Either people are mistaken, or they are lying, or there's some explanation which was not obvious to anybody until skilled investigators took a look.

I'm fairly confident that none of this will sway you at all. You'll go away still believing I am blind to the truth, closed-minded etc. etc. You saw what you saw, and you couldn't possibly have been mistaken in your interpretation of your experiences, could you?
I see people wasting valuable portions of their lives with stuff which is just not supportable.

I'm fairly confident that none of this will sway you at all. You'll go away still believing I am blind to the truth, closed-minded etc. etc. You saw what you saw, and you couldn't possibly have been mistaken in your interpretation of your experiences, could you?

Is it up to you James, to save the world from the "irrationality" of others? Who may I ask put you in charge of that, and how does your point of view have the philosophical superiority to merit you the right to engage in thought policing? I don't think I need to remind you of the times the scientific community was not only wrong but arrogantly dismissive of the claims of the masses.

When one says that everything is in pricipal testable in physical reality, they are making a self supporting argument. Can one PROVE that everything in the world is testable and explainable ultimately? Obviously not, since no human being has an onipotent point of view from which to make that judgement. Therefore, the claim that all is testable is in itself an untestable, unproveable philosophy.

In the end James, no one really has the right to speak with authority on anything outside their immidiate experience. This lady is claiming to have the poka-dotted Dragon in her basement yes, but I don't see her charging admission, do you? She's never made the claim that this is direct proof of the existance of Ghosts, has she? For that matter, is she putting her life on hold while she deals with this? You nor anyone else is uniquely qualified to make the judgements you have made. To believe otherwise is truly arrogance.

<i>Is it up to you James, to save the world from the "irrationality" of others?</i>

No, but if I can help in some small way I would consider that a good thing.

<i>Who may I ask put you in charge of that, and how does your point of view have the philosophical superiority to merit you the right to engage in thought policing?</i>

There's no thought policing happening here. All I have done is suggested an alternative way of looking at things. I'm trying to stimulate discussion, not shut it down.

Also, I have never claimed philosophical superiority, whatever that may be.

<i>I don't think I need to remind you of the times the scientific community was not only wrong but arrogantly dismissive of the claims of the masses.</i>

Who said scientists are perfect?

<i>When one says that everything is in pricipal testable in physical reality, they are making a self supporting argument. Can one PROVE that everything in the world is testable and explainable ultimately?</i>


<i>Obviously not, since no human being has an onipotent point of view from which to make that judgement. Therefore, the claim that all is testable is in itself an untestable, unproveable philosophy.</i>

I agree completely.

<i>In the end James, no one really has the right to speak with authority on anything outside their immidiate experience.</i>

I disagree. It is not necessary to experience something directly to have an informed opinion about it. I don't need to drink hydrochloric acid to know that it would be harmful to do so, and I think I would be quite justified in warning somebody who was about to have a drink of it not to do so.

<i>This lady is claiming to have the poka-dotted Dragon in her basement yes, but I don't see her charging admission, do you? She's never made the claim that this is direct proof of the existance of Ghosts, has she?</i>

No. I am more concerned for her personal development than for any negative effects her story may have on other people.

<i>For that matter, is she putting her life on hold while she deals with this? You nor anyone else is uniquely qualified to make the judgements you have made. To believe otherwise is truly arrogance.</i>

I have not claimed to be uniquely qualified in any sense here. I have merely applied my own experience and knowledge towards coming up with what I consider to be a reasonable working hypothesis, given the information with which I have been presented so far. I'm not stopping anybody from viewing the matter differently.

Which judgments of mine do you think are particularly arrogant and dismissive here? I am interested to know.
I see people wasting valuable portions of their lives with stuff which is just not supportable.

Whenever these things are checked out properly, they are found to have mundane explanations.

I don't think there is anything out there which is ultimately unexplainable - just things which are so far unexplained

Yes, people are connected in subtle ways, but not in paranormal ways.

Either people are mistaken, or they are lying, or there's some explanation which was not obvious to anybody until skilled investigators took a look.

These are just a few examples, but in all of these your sentence strucure is defenitive. These are all claims or better worded, presented as fact - statements. Maybe I'm misinterpriting you and if so I apoligize, but the way you worded these statements is very authoritive.

If I'm totally misreading you I apoligize greatly, but it just seems to be so.

It's just my opinion. Any authority read into it comes from somewhere else. On the other hand, I have looked into paranormal phenomena quite extensively - certainly enough to form an informed opinion on many of them.

If you like, add "I think that..." or "In my experience ..." or "According to what I know..." to the start of all those parts you quoted sections. Of course, I think that should be understood as added to everything anybody posts on sciforums.
Hmmm, an interesting story.

From my understanding, Ouji boards are a bad way to go. You wont learn anything and the thing playing on the other side of it is usually not nice. You should try finding out who that man could be.

I have had 2 experiences somewhat like that.

number 1, blue mountain, canada.

Driving up blue mountain, its a ski resort as well as a community.

We kept driving and driving and we got stuck in the snow eventually. We passed a road and to me it looked as if something was hopping on the side of the road. Once we got stuck we started turning the car around and passed that same road. I had 3 friends in the car and they all just felt something bad following them.

They told me to go faster. Now, this was in january, going down a snowy mountain road. The temperature was perfect (coincidence) for the car not to slide. We could've just slide off the side of the road off the cliff but we had to get off that mountain really quick.

Whatever was there was pissed that we had passed.

I just couldnt feel it :(.

But we made it away, down the mountain and the thing still kept following us. No matter how fast i went, it was always the same distance away and all my friends were scared.

My one friend had this weird growling thing going on, he claims to have a beast inside of him that sometimes comes out.

We all made it home safely and the thing eventually stopped following us at the city limits ( i think)

Story number 2

Lots of friends at my big house. We were all in the basement and we moved into a huge open space inside the basement. My friends looked around and said that they could see 3d movies going on in the pictures on the wall. They saw and felt some of the walls, something about a gateway and different pillars.

Somebody had to be driven home and they asked me to do it because they wanted to get a feel for the place without me around. I left, i had a really bad feeling about leaving my friends in that place (not just because there were like 4 teens in my home, but something different), so i raced to his home and then my home. And when i got back my fear in the pit of my stomach dissapeared.

The candles were lit, and my friend dawn was on one side of them, and surrounding the candles were my other 3 friends. My friend richie was talking to dawn, back and forth something about having to die, and a canvas being wiped clean. She snnuffed out the candles and the room went dark. I looked at my friend matt, richie and kevin and i could see them fine. I looked at dawn and all i saw was a dark outline of her, her 2 arms, and 1 extra black arm that was reaching to the ground while the other one was reaching towards the candles.

I looked to a pillar behind me and between it and the wall and i saw these 2 huge blue eyes in the shape of a tigers just looking back at me. My friend dawn has a friend or familiar maybe thats a big tiger.

Richie tried to touch her arm later in the night, and my friends were partially paralyzed to the spot. One person was completely paralyzed, the others only partly. Then richie said something about " the cavalary arriving" and that something else had entered the room.

I tried to touch dawn and she hissed at me, and richie told me to touch her and once i did the other 3 were released.

So i held on to her and she fought me for a while struggling while the others tried to help. She talked to me and told me i had a choice, i could let in whatever was in her and save her, but i said, no way. I couldnt have helped her if something else had been in me and besides, i was about to be my family's only child, without my knowing.

Richie touched her and he got very very sick a few days later.

Eventually we were told by something talking to kevin to go out in a specific order and that everything would be better then.

I and matt went out, he felt like he was being held down by something once he got outside and he told me to get away from him. I waited and waited but i went inside and that seemed to have broken whatever opportunity we had. So everybody got outside of the house and went home, whatever was in her talked to me and said you failed, and that dawn was going to die.

She's fine, havent had a reoccurance of anything like that in a while but it really puts you in touch with difficult situations. Do not get caught up in trying to rationalize it, you'll just delude yourself into believing it never happened.

I've also had friends over and they just feel ghosts, or something in the darkness that they cant quite make out.

I've seen balls of light dancing around the room once, not very vividly.

Thats about it for me.