Can you help but do evil? I do not see how. Do you?

Then you must hurt after writing this post.

You will do evil again because you must compete at some point or die.

If you recall when you sinned in the past, you will know that it felt good otherwise it would mean that you do things that hurt you by full intent. That is called insanity.


Surviving is no sin. Competition is fantastic!

I just said, sinning is painful to me. If anything I hold it that way. Back down, GIM.
I was going to post about particular points, but I think we basically agree, and indeed, trouble with semantics is a problem plaguing people.
First, why should I proffer any support when commenting on your lack of argument and given your history of completely dismissing any counterargument with vacuous copied posts? Second, all of your thinly veiled ad hominems do nothing to make your point.

As per just personal development (no need to bring evolution into it at all), competition is necessary. The "loser" in your scenario would never become anything else without being challenged through competition. The job seeker would never become a better candidate without facing the opportunity to learn from failure. Without such opportunities, no one develops personal survival skills. You are making the typical argument of someone who blames "bad luck" for the shortcomings of their own responsibility. Jobs are not as scarce as people make it seem. Well, that is if you are not afraid of real work, not "too good" for some jobs, and have not amassed more debt than you can reasonably handle. Developing survival skills includes learning when one strategy is failing and adopting a new one. Trial and error. Or more generally, just the ability to learn.

Only the extremely naive would attempt to make such blanket proclamations about any opportunity for learning being evil.

Maybe this post scared off GIA, even after trolling for a substantive argument. Still waiting for a reciprocal argument.
Surviving is no sin. Competition is fantastic!

I just said, sinning is painful to me. If anything I hold it that way. Back down, GIM.

I will if you start thinking.

Do you intentionally go around doing things that hurt you?

You say you do but I see that as B S.

Maybe this post scared off GIA, even after trolling for a substantive argument. Still waiting for a reciprocal argument.

I see no question. Just your usual preaching.

All you want is a reaction on your personal B S and you will not get it.

In material terms, the survival of one being depends on the partial or complete destruction of others.
This is how in material terms, there are eventually no winners.

The real question is whether one believes that the material is all there is / all that matters ...

Evolution has no winners. How droll.

In the real world, we all compete for resources.
To survive, you must work and finding that work involves competing for it.
Competing for jobs is like pool balls "competing" for position in the rack, or people jostling for position in a buffet line. There's room for everybody. It isn't really competing for resources and there's certainly nothing evil about it.
I see no question. Just your usual preaching.

All you want is a reaction on your personal B S and you will not get it.

Why would there be a question? You had trolled me for an argument, not a question. And it seems that once you have received a substantive argument you are, troll-like, completely unwilling to provide one of your own or even refute any part of what you so desperately asked for. And this nonsense about preaching is obviously only projection, seeing how you are unwilling to make any substantive argument of you own, rather than proclamations.

Seems the only thing personal here is your unwillingness to address any argument that you know you are incapable of refuting. Have it your way. Your inability is acknowledged.
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Competing for jobs is like pool balls "competing" for position in the rack, or people jostling for position in a buffet line. There's room for everybody. It isn't really competing for resources and there's certainly nothing evil about it.

Tell the 10 million or so that die under the age of 10 of easily preventable causes that there is room for all. They will set you straight.

You do your share of evil in their eyes as they too may have lost to simple competition.

Tell the 10 million or so that die under the age of 10 of easily preventable causes that there is room for all.
You're moving the goalposts. You said that competing for jobs is evil and I pointed out that it isn't. When children die, it may or may not be because of "evil" but it isn't because of people competing for jobs. Arguably, competition for jobs improves the economy as a whole and makes us more capable of helping out the less fortunate nations. If their plight is caused by "evil", you'll have to look elsewhere for the source.
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You're moving the goalposts. You said that competing for jobs is evil and I pointed out that it isn't. When children die, it may or may not be because of "evil" but it isn't because of people competing for jobs. Arguably, competition for jobs improves the economy as a whole and makes us more capable of helping out the less fortunate nations. If their plight is caused by "evil", you'll have to look elsewhere for the source.

I have not moved the posts at all.

In competing for resources, including jobs, it can be said that the parents of those who are dying kept losing the competitions against others for those resources till they could no longer do their duty to their children.
All of our small competitioms and evils must stop somewhere and the death of the less fit is where it all lands.

In competing for resources, including jobs, it can be said that the parents of those who are dying kept losing the competitions against others for those resources till they could no longer do their duty to their children.
It can be said but does it have any basis in fact? When we see children starving - in Africa, for example - it isn't because their parents are competing for jobs. Their parents are subsistance farmers and it's constant warfare that prevents them from producing enugh food - and the food that they do produce is stolen to feed the soldiers. It may be evil and it may be competition for resources but it isn't competition for jobs.
It can be said but does it have any basis in fact? When we see children starving - in Africa, for example - it isn't because their parents are competing for jobs. Their parents are subsistance farmers and it's constant warfare that prevents them from producing enugh food - and the food that they do produce is stolen to feed the soldiers. It may be evil and it may be competition for resources but it isn't competition for jobs.

Jobs are resources the same way food is.

You say it is not competing for jobs that the soldiers are doing but is is competition that is lost by the dying.
Competition is what kills them and you competing with others ends in killing the one at the end of the line.
Neither of us like that idea but it is reality. We have both contributed to evil from the losers POV.

You say it is not competing for jobs that the soldiers are doing but is is competition that is lost by the dying.
Competition is what kills them and you competing with others ends in killing the one at the end of the line.
What? Exactly how does me competing for a job cause children to die in Africa? Show the detailed mechanism please.
What? Exactly how does me competing for a job cause children to die in Africa? Show the detailed mechanism please.

We live on a world where we have finite resources.
Jobs are resources.
Have you not heard your political masters cry of the hardships to the population if too many jobs are exported?

If we do not export those same jobs, do the hungry and dying of the poorer countries not suffer hardships?
Yes they do.

If you cannot fathom the long chain, try a short one.
Let us say that there are only 10 jobs/resources, in your little town of 11 workers.
If you competed for the 10th job and won, are you not forcing the 11th worker to go hungry without a way of feeding his children?
Yes you are. But if you did not cause his losing the competition, then you would lose and you would see it as evil, in survival terms, because your children would be the hungry ones.

Have you not heard your political masters cry of the hardships to the population if too many jobs are exported?

If we do not export those same jobs, do the hungry and dying of the poorer countries not suffer hardships?
But it's competiton here that causes jobs to be exported. The harder we compete over here, the more jobs there are over there.

Let us say that there are only 10 jobs/resources, in your little town of 11 workers.
If you competed for the 10th job and won, are you not forcing the 11th worker to go hungry without a way of feeding his children?
Of course not. We have all kinds of social safety nets, both government and private, to prevent people from starving over here. Your claim was that people are starving over there because of our competition over here.
But it's competiton here that causes jobs to be exported. The harder we compete over here, the more jobs there are over there.

Of course not. We have all kinds of social safety nets, both government and private, to prevent people from starving over here. Your claim was that people are starving over there because of our competition over here.

Are we not living in an economy that is worldwide?
Yes we are.
Yet you think that what we do does not affect others.

All we all ever do all day is cooperate or compete. When we compete we do evil to the loser.
Understand that and the rest will follow.
From there, think demographically and you will get the big picture.

So you cannot possibly be responsible for whether you commit evil because everyone is responsible for "evil" half a world away all the time? So blaming everyone equally without qualification means your own irresponsibility is commonplace. What a grand excuse.