Can you die more than once?

you would have to be born more then once for that,woulden't you. you woulden't be exactly the same just because of living in a different enviroment then unless you lived in a parallel universe or something like that.
Death - irreversible damage of the brain's critical neural networks.

The soul concept is an ignorant and baseless speculation created in times when no one could explain how thoughts, emotions, and consciousness, could be generated except through a magical process. The very recent discovery of neural networks makes the soul concept redundant and hence pretty much all religions.
In the existance of heaven, could one die again? What happens if he/she does? Do they wake up again in bed tomorrow ready for another day? Or go to another place along the string? is that a theory? What if someone is there with them? Or do the righteous not allow anything harmfull to your health in heaven?
In the Bible there is the concept of the second death, a death of spirit, the second death is fire (or in other words 'hell').

Also, the first doom of the world was water, while the second (the one coming) will be fire.

However this second death, to my understanding, can't happen in heaven, cause there will be a gap between heaven and hell, so that no one from heaven can go to hell, and no one from hell can go to heaven.

Also, no one can live this life two times, since then Jesus would have to die for us a second time and be ridiculated.

This is all in the Bible, and should rest your question.
First provide evidence of a soul. As for the rest we don't bother with till we have empirical EVIDENCE of soul! :p

So you're saying no one should ponder about anything that there's no evidence for nor against currently? Its a good thing no one took your advice..we'd still be in the caveman era...
So you're saying no one should ponder about anything that there's no evidence for nor against currently? Its a good thing no one took your advice..we'd still be in the caveman era...

M*W: You don't seem to understand what anybody is saying. You misread everything or your reading comprehension is lacking. I think it's not lack of reading comprehension, I think you are trying to be manipulative which won't work here. That's not what Godless said at all.

Pondering things that have no evidence is a good thing. I think Godless will agree. It's not only scientists who ponder the unknown, it's average guys with average intelligence as well as atheists like us. In order to come up with evidence, one needs to ponder the subject. Are you pondering the evidence for your belief? Have you come up with anything? Has anyone you know who is of like mind with you come up with any evidence for your common beliefs?

Seriously think about these questions, and don't dwell on what atheists know or believe. Concern yourself with the evidence your peers can provide you. If they cannot provide you with any credible evidence, then maybe you should reconsider your common beliefs. If you cannot find truth among your compadres, then I suggest you find truth where it exists.
M*W: You don't seem to understand what anybody is saying. You misread everything or your reading comprehension is lacking. I think it's not lack of reading comprehension, I think you are trying to be manipulative which won't work here. That's not what Godless said at all.

Pondering things that have no evidence is a good thing. I think Godless will agree. It's not only scientists who ponder the unknown, it's average guys with average intelligence as well as atheists like us. In order to come up with evidence, one needs to ponder the subject. Are you pondering the evidence for your belief? Have you come up with anything? Has anyone you know who is of like mind with you come up with any evidence for your common beliefs?

Seriously think about these questions, and don't dwell on what atheists know or believe. Concern yourself with the evidence your peers can provide you. If they cannot provide you with any credible evidence, then maybe you should reconsider your common beliefs. If you cannot find truth among your compadres, then I suggest you find truth where it exists.

I didn't misread anything Godless said "...we don't bother with till we have empirical EVIDENCE..."

As for evidence of soul, since the soul does exist eventually there will be concrete evidence, but right now such empirical evidence is difficult to gather. My evidence is just personal experiences but subjective experiences don't consitute as empirical evidence so I never discuss them.

Its only a matter of time until the many-worlds interpretation is proven to be a concrete fact (to a certain extent). Once that happens the rest will all fall in place....
I didn't misread anything Godless said "...we don't bother with till we have empirical EVIDENCE..."

As for evidence of soul, since the soul does exist eventually there will be concrete evidence, but right now such empirical evidence is difficult to gather. My evidence is just personal experiences but subjective experiences don't consitute as empirical evidence so I never discuss them.

M*W: Assuming the soul exists, explain how it exists?

Its only a matter of time until the many-worlds interpretation is proven to be a concrete fact (to a certain extent). Once that happens the rest will all fall in place....

M*W: Well, if it's "only a matter of time," you should be able to discuss the existence of the soul with some kind of idea of your own. Surely, you've pondered the existence of the soul. What have you come up with? Since there are many others who believe as you do, there's got to be something more than personal experience.
M*W: Assuming the soul exists, explain how it exists?

M*W: Well, if it's "only a matter of time," you should be able to discuss the existence of the soul with some kind of idea of your own. Surely, you've pondered the existence of the soul. What have you come up with? Since there are many others who believe as you do, there's got to be something more than personal experience.
Well ok, I'll explain...

What most people call the soul is just the mind. Its made up of this type of thought-energy, in fact matter is just a denser form of this energy. This energy is what causes consciousness or awareness, otherwise there would be no consciousness at all. The body is like a machine that reacts with this energy, but without it its lifeless, just like how a computer is lifeless without electricity. What is called the soul is located in at the center of the brain, it contains all memories, causes sense perception, death the soul-mind continues on existing because it is not subject to the body, eventually at some point it enters into a new that point all other memories become forgotten (but not destroyed) due to the sensations of the new body...

Every in itself is another reality...we each exist in our own personal reality...
Well ok, I'll explain...

What most people call the soul is just the mind. Its made up of this type of thought-energy, in fact matter is just a denser form of this energy. This energy is what causes consciousness or awareness, otherwise there would be no consciousness at all. The body is like a machine that reacts with this energy, but without it its lifeless, just like how a computer is lifeless without electricity. What is called the soul is located in at the center of the brain, it contains all memories, causes sense perception, death the soul-mind continues on existing because it is not subject to the body, eventually at some point it enters into a new that point all other memories become forgotten (but not destroyed) due to the sensations of the new body...

Every in itself is another reality...we each exist in our own personal reality...

M*W: Do you think the 'soul' could be what we call 'bioelectric energy?' Our body works on bioelectric energy. Without this bioelectric energy, we would be inert (dead)(flat line). So, I can understand the concept of the 'soul' as 'bioelectric energy' of which there is medical evidence.
M*W: Do you think the 'soul' could be what we call 'bioelectric energy?' Our body works on bioelectric energy. Without this bioelectric energy, we would be inert (dead)(flat line). So, I can understand the concept of the 'soul' as 'bioelectric energy' of which there is medical evidence.
Well I don't really know much about bioelectric energy, but if its anything like chi or prana then the soul-mind is the controller and director of this energy...
M*W: Assuming the soul exists, explain how it exists?

the soul is a body made of invisible energy.

M*W: Do you think the 'soul' could be what we call 'bioelectric energy?' Our body works on bioelectric energy.

electricity is life. it makes everything ALIVE. like when you put some electricity in a vacuum cleaner, it becomes ALIVE.
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Death - irreversible damage of the brain's critical neural networks.
erm - evidence for this?
The soul concept is an ignorant and baseless speculation created in times when no one could explain how thoughts, emotions, and consciousness, could be generated except through a magical process.
I would argue that you apply the same general principles to determine that consciousness is a purely neurological phenomena

The very recent discovery of neural networks makes the soul concept redundant and hence pretty much all religions.
correction - the moment that life can be created from matter religion/ soul etc will be redundant - since so far, despite spending big budgets on it, the result is zip, it seems that there is still a bit of work to be done

or to quote one of the pioneers of this new discovery

"in my search for the secret of life, I ended up with atoms and electrons which have no life at all. Somewhere along the line, life has run out through my fingers. So , in my old age, I am now retracing my steps " Szent Gyorgyi

wait I know - in the future we will be able to make life from matter

M*W: You don't seem to understand what anybody is saying. You misread everything or your reading comprehension is lacking. I think it's not lack of reading comprehension, I think you are trying to be manipulative which won't work here. That's not what Godless said at all.

Pondering things that have no evidence is a good thing. I think Godless will agree. It's not only scientists who ponder the unknown, it's average guys with average intelligence as well as atheists like us. In order to come up with evidence, one needs to ponder the subject. Are you pondering the evidence for your belief? Have you come up with anything? Has anyone you know who is of like mind with you come up with any evidence for your common beliefs?
if I said yes, how would you know if I was lying or not?

Seriously think about these questions, and don't dwell on what atheists know or believe. Concern yourself with the evidence your peers can provide you. If they cannot provide you with any credible evidence, then maybe you should reconsider your common beliefs. If you cannot find truth among your compadres, then I suggest you find truth where it exists.
a little bit of philosophy never killed anyone
Yes LG you should try it some time, perhaps you can then grow some common sense! :shrug:

actually it would help you form a coherent argument, rather than relying on conclusions without solid premises, or premises that don't lead to an advocated conclusion ... or even just ad homs, which are certainly the medium of delight for your average atheist here on sciforums
actually it would help you form a coherent argument, rather than relying on conclusions without solid premises, or premises that don't lead to an advocated conclusion ... or even just ad homs, which are certainly the medium of delight for your average atheist here on sciforums

Coherent argument? You mean like your evidence of saintly persons that you have failed and failed again to address? You speak of a lot of crap that supposedly you know, but then when asked to back up your freaking claim, you avoid them, face it, you have nothing. But act is if you had a case, then blame the observer for not being enlightened superstitious bull shit! Not all of us can be enlightened with superstitious bull shit such as yourself LG, some us rather deal with reason and reality as is, and as it exists, other than live in fantasy land and the illogical reasoning of supernaturalism! ;)