Can you die more than once?


Isvara.... . 1S Evil_Lau
Registered Senior Member
In the existance of heaven, could one die again? What happens if he/she does? Do they wake up again in bed tomorrow ready for another day? Or go to another place along the string? is that a theory? What if someone is there with them? Or do the righteous not allow anything harmfull to your health in heaven?
From my understanding of Christianity, (and please, if I'm wrong, feel free to point it out), no every day human goes to heaven or hell till the end of time when God finally gives judgment for all souls. Once we've reached that point, there's no earth to go back to.

But if we're talking about bringing people back from the dead in general, Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead as one of his miracles. I assume he died again for a second time at some point.

From my personal thoughts, no. Once you're done, you're done.
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(can you die more than once?)

seriously, absolutely not.
please get real.
if your dead your dead, you cant be brought back.
your hart can stop and be reactivated or replaced. And experience may accor that change your view on life.But I don't believe you can get back the moments you see the chicken human interbreds
All the main religions are obsessed with how to cheat death, and very little time has been spent on the remaining fantasy beyond death.

In Christanity there are opposing views. One is a spiritual neverending cloudlike paradise, and the other is that everyone judged will be ressurected in human form again and will populate a perfect eden like Earth.

The idea of dying again does not enter the picture.

Now reincarnation ideas have the concept of life/death cycles where you have an opportunity on each cycle to improve yourself so your next cycle will be better.

Here lfe/death is a perpetual activity.

It's all fantasy - observation tells us when you die - that's the end.
Can you die more than once?

clinical death can occur possibly numerous times as all tissue and organs can rebound for up to 28 minutes.
perhaps 28 minutes is a stretch, usually 3-4 min of hypoxia causes severe damage and the quality of life is greatly diminished, but I have seen many people die more than once.
In the existance of heaven, could one die again? What happens if he/she does? Do they wake up again in bed tomorrow ready for another day? Or go to another place along the string? is that a theory? What if someone is there with them? Or do the righteous not allow anything harmfull to your health in heaven?
death is not the quality of the soul

BG 2.20: For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.

for the soul incorrectly situated (whether in a higher or lower sphere in the material world) death is a given

BG 8.16: From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of Kuntī, never takes birth again.
death is not the quality of the soul

First provide evidence of a soul. As for the rest we don't bother with till we have empirical EVIDENCE of soul! :p
perhaps 28 minutes is a stretch, usually 3-4 min of hypoxia causes severe damage and the quality of life is greatly diminished, but I have seen many people die more than once.
no what you've seen, is people going into a very deep coma, because once you dead your most definitely not coming back.
declared clinically dead and actual dead, are completely different.
O really, you want to define death as something besided ceased respirations and no mechanical heart activity? What exactly is your definitiion. Comas are usually thought of as lack of conscious response with stable vital signs. Way different. I have seen people way dead, we perfrom successful cardiopulmonary resusitation and they die months later.
when these people died, there names were'nt kat/h or kat/ia or even tiddles.
when your dead, your dead. if you resusitate, then you were never actually dead "period".
clinically dead and actually dead, are completely different.

no longer living; deprived of life, not endowed with life; inanimate, no longer functioning, operating, or productive, extinguished permanently.
your hart can stop and be reactivated or replaced. And experience may accor that change your view on life.But I don't believe you can get back the moments you see the chicken human interbreds

If your heart stops, and they re-start it, then you didn't die. You just had your heart stop for awhile.

That would be like saying you quit smoking every time you snub a butt out. Even though you plan on firing another one right up.
When I said heaven, I meant an archaic metaphysical reality provided by god in an afterlife. If you did die and wake up the next day everytime, would that stop people from killing you since you always come back?
The OP supposes some form of a entity exists "the soul" for we all know that one will not survive death, your claims of soul existence is what is being questioned here, please provide evidence of such an entity. Put up or shut up!
The OP supposes some form of a entity exists "the soul" for we all know that one will not survive death, your claims of soul existence is what is being questioned here, please provide evidence of such an entity. Put up or shut up!

If you need to find references for proof of a soul existence, like Im trying to say that cannot die, this book seems to extrapolate theories from well known scientists: