Can you describe “a point in time”?

If you look at the equations in my last post you should see that, as you look farther away from our point, the recession velocity gets closer to the speed of light. I said that my calculations match the observation up until about 13Gly. The only reason I can think of for this discrepancy is the idea that space can expand faster than the speed of light.

When I started this I was fairly ignorant towards known physics. I have always had a natural distrust of orthodoxy. I started fresh with two axioms and through the years I came to realize that what I was discribing paralleled the concepts of spacetime geometry. The two main axioms are:
1) Every point in the universe is the origin of the Big Bang.
2) The differences between two points is equal to an angle off of the origin.
From this I deduced all of the Macro angles and then added the Micro angles to them via SI density (kg/m^3). I assume that I have some misconceptions and was hopping to find someone more knowledgable than I to help point them out.
I like what you have done but it brings us to completely different places in our view of cosmology. I don't see the logic of axiom #1 unless you start with the preconceived notion that the Big Bang was the beginning of space, time, and energy.

I'm not critical when I say that because I can be accused of preconceived ideas when I start by saying that the space is infinite and has always existed and energy cannot be created or destroyed.

We come up with completely different cosmologies that yield the same present observations but have different histories and different futures.

As for looking for someone more knowledgeable than you, there is knowledge of facts and observations, and there is knowledge of theories that go beyond the current consensus. I look for sources that are knowledgeable of facts and observations and I find them via Internet search, the library, my reference books, and science forums. Like you I form my own ideas about the nature of the universe, but I don't hesitate to speculate about the answers to questions that none of the professionals can answer.

Try asking hard questions of people who will declare their credentials at the drop of a hat and see if you find them helpful. Professionals will either keep quiet about questions they can't answer or they will be haughty as if you are not asking the right questions. If you already have a good foundation of knowledge and want to understand things that science cannot yet answer, you need to contemplate the facts and observations for yourself and speculate about how they fit together.

Like they say, opinions are like a**h***s, everyone has one and I'm not any different. My opinion is that the standard cosmology which includes General Relativity, Inflationary Theory, and the Cosmological Principle is incomplete. I see zero evidence that space was created with the big bang and no one has any substance to support that view. I see no way for energy to be created or destroyed and therefore in my view the energy that was demonstrated by the Big Bang and that now expresses itself as our observable expanding universe has always exited. It existed before the big bang and none of the professionals I have ever asked will even entertain that idea without disclaimers and profuse qualifications. It is a club and you and I don't belong and speaking for myself, I don't want to join :cool:.