can you call your self a true XXXXX

You're ignoring the new testament. You could say that jesus trumps the OT.

For example, the NT says not to be concerned about what you put in or on your body, ie what you eat or wear.

Jesus is the atonement that was accomplished in other ways in the OT.

not ignoring it trying to make a point why do chrhistians ignore the laws in the OT they are part of the bible also? i do believe the The Ten Commandments were essentially a summary of the entire Old Testament law.
not ignoring it trying to make a point why do chrhistians ignore the laws in the OT they are part of the bible also? i do believe the The Ten Commandments were essentially a summary of the entire Old Testament law.

Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for atonement, that was accomplished by all of the individual sacrifices in the OT.

Like the law of love overrides the laws you mentioned from the OT.

Here is an example too that proves your point about looking at the bible comprehensively. The bible says that you should abide by the laws of your land. So how could I stone someone to death?

They stoned to death adulterers in the OT. But jesus comes along and says "let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone". Jesus was supposedly without sin and he didn't cast the stone, just sent the adulterer home with some good advice.
not talking about just the 10 commandments talking about everything like all thoes little ones that everyone seems to skip over
like no wearing mixed fibers
no getting tattoos or piercings
no eating shellfish
no eating pork of any kind
Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed
If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake
Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community.
If anyone, even your own family suggests worshipping another God, kill them.
Kill anyone with a different religion

Don't cut your hair nor shave

just to name a few

using capital punishment.. like stoning

got this from a odd source and ill be the first to tell you that i havent read the bible so if im wrong please correct me

Those exist but are were meant towards the people of that time. There are parts of the Bible that are only direct for those of that time.

But here is the deal, doing those things do not make you a Christian. Faith in Jesus Christ's death and ressurection is.
if you havent read your bible from cover to cover how can you call yourself a true X?
Would this be true for memberships in other groups? Must one have read all documents related to the Republican Party to consider oneself a member? If one adheres to 'the scientific model', what would be an adequate considered adequate reading background? or should one be tested on methodology?

IOW can one not have decided that one GOT the core of the religion, and reached this via processes that included some reading, but not all reading, of a given core text?

And how far should one carry this? Should one read in the original languages, since translation will shift certain ideas? Should one also analyze the process through which the church selected out certain texts for inclusion and others for exclusion?

What does 'reading' mean? I know for sure that I can read the same text as someone else and one of us will understand much more than the other - or even more complicated, each of us will understand different aspects or even in different ways. If we were Christians and the text is the Bible are we necessarily equally Christian?

If we each read the whole thing, but hate the poor with all our hearts are we more Christian than someone who doesn't even know what the Bible has to say about the poor, but somehow felt, through what they heard in church that the poor should be treated with respect and love?

I realize I am mixing necessary and sufficient causes here, but I want to make fun of the whole issue from a few angles.

When religions people (seem to) choose a worldview, one can run to their documents. But everyone has (at least one) worldview). The non-religious can point to contradictions in said texts or, in this case, challenge the status of the religious person for not having read 'the whole thing.' But non-religious people....are they held to this same standard? What world view do you have and have you read all the relevent texts? If you are capitalist have you read Smith? If you've vote for Neo-cons have you read the core texts of Neo-conservatism? etc. etc. with liberal versions. If you believe in science - whatever that would mean - what texts have you read and how did you decide that you read the right ones and enough of them? Or how did you determine you really understand science?

Are you a dualist, a monist, a physicalist, a materialist - either sense of this term - and have you read the correct texts? have you been tested by experts to see if you really understand whatever worldview(s) you think you have?

Do the various worldviews you hold all work together?
how can you be a self proclamed born again christian that is throttled by the thought of god yet you havent read the bible from cover to cover and live to a T by what it says?

if thats the case ill be a self proclaimed neuro surgon

Well first thing. I do not proclaim myself to be a born again christian.

I am a Christian i believe Jesus.

Secondly i have read the bible from cover to cover. But many people who have heard only the message of Jesus and accept the basic foundation beliefs of the gospel are Christian's and i believe will have eternity with Jesus without ever having opened a bible.

Otherwise literacy and access to a bible and the time to read it would be pre-requisites to one being redeemed by the Messiah Jesus.

Also it is not about ones ability to "Live to a T" by what it says. It is about one believing to a T in the message it gives.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Just wanted to add that a Christian, for example, is called a Christian
a Biblian.

This might be a hint as to why full reading of texts in not necessarily central.
not talking about just the 10 commandments talking about everything like all thoes little ones that everyone seems to skip over
like no wearing mixed fibers
no getting tattoos or piercings
no eating shellfish
no eating pork of any kind
Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed
If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake
Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community.
If anyone, even your own family suggests worshipping another God, kill them.
Kill anyone with a different religion

Don't cut your hair nor shave

just to name a few

using capital punishment.. like stoning

got this from a odd source and ill be the first to tell you that i havent read the bible so if im wrong please correct me

No worries glad too.

like no wearing mixed fibers

There is such a teaching in the OT. And by faith i trust that it is good advice. i don't know why but i trust that it is good. But wearing mixed fibres or not wearing mixed fibres does not make me a good person or a bad person.

no getting tattoos or piercings

Yes this is also on the OT. And again i believe it is good advice. It probably relates to health issues as the first example may do. but again its a trust issue. trusting in the advice of God for the betterment of out lives here on earth. But once again having tattoos or not having tattoos does not transform one into a good or a bad person.

no eating shellfish

Yes this is in the OT and again i believe it is related to health issues. I do not eat Shellfish because i trust in the advice of God on the issue, time may come when i am hungry and need food and i do eat shellfish because there is nothing else on offer. I am not justified by my avoidance of shellfish nor is my eternal salvation removed if i do eat shellfish. If i ever do.

no eating pork of any kind

Yes this is in the OT and again i believe it is related to health issues. I do avoid eating pork but in my society i an often offered pork in meals offered to me when i am a guest. I eat whatever is put before me because that's what the NT tells me i should do rather then cause unnecessary offence to the giver. Once again I am not justified by my avoidance of pork nor is my eternal salvation removed if i do eat pork.

Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed

Yes anyone who even hates another person is worthy of death. So if one is cursing their mom or dad then of course it is an act of hate. Now as a Christian i am told to pass judgement to God. So while it was an OT commandment to execute one who cursed their father or mother such judgement is taken out of the hands of followers of the Messiah Jesus. It is God who Judges.

If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake

Don't remember reading that one in the Bible. Don't believe they ever burnt people at the stake. But if you find a quote from the bible saying so then i will deal with it for you.

Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community.

Yes that is in the OT. But as explained above in the cursing of ones mother and father such judging has been taken out of the Hands of followers of the Messiah Jesus and is now in the Hands of God.

If anyone, even your own family suggests worshipping another God, kill them.

Yes that is in the OT. But as explained above in the cursing of ones mother and father such judging has been taken out of the Hands of followers of the Messiah Jesus and is now in the Hands of God.

Don't cut your hair nor shave

This one is not as clear cut as some state. (excuse the pun :) ) The scriptures state:

Leviticus 21
5They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.

But this directive was only given the priests. It was not given as a directive to all in the OT.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days