can you call your self a true XXXXX


Valued Senior Member
had a conversation the otherday with a co worker and i wanted to ask all my fellow forum mates

do you call your self a true X "insert your religion here" if you do have you read your "bible" cover to cover or do you like most id say 98% religous "NO proof of that number pulled it out of the air" people cherry pick sections out of the "bible" that you agree with..

if you havent read your bible from cover to cover how can you call yourself a true X?

in the post when i say bible i just mean the religous book you go to for prayer or readings
No, I don't call myself a true Christian, or a true Communist, or a true anything. Why the fuck should I?
had a conversation the otherday with a co worker and i wanted to ask all my fellow forum mates

do you call your self a true X "insert your religion here" if you do have you read your "bible" cover to cover or do you like most id say 98% religous "NO proof of that number pulled it out of the air" people cherry pick sections out of the "bible" that you agree with..

if you havent read your bible from cover to cover how can you call yourself a true X?

in the post when i say bible i just mean the religous book you go to for prayer or readings

i haven't read it cover to cover. i've read it of my own volition occasionally when i've felt the need for some inspiration, or help with some specific issue, but generally, i read it when the holy spirit tells me to, and the specific scriptures he tells me to.

what makes you think that reading the bible makes you a christian?
I read the Bible cover to cover. Not all at once, or in any order. I was a Christian then, and I wanted to walk the walk and talk the talk.
what makes you think that reading the bible makes you a christian?

That's not what he's saying, he means how does one know if they are following all of their god's will if not all of the instructions and examples to understand its will are read.
That's not what he's saying, he means how does one know if they are following all of their god's will if not all of the instructions and examples to understand its will are read., it would be like reading a textbook with an approach like that., it would be like reading a textbook with an approach like that.

well people say they are true devout X like sandy is one example they spread the word and say its the best thing ever but if you havent read it cover to cover how can they say that? along with following the bible to the T and not just cherry pick the good things

it would be like going to the doctor and needing a heart transplant and you ask have you dont it before? doc says well no but i have skimmed thru the books i know we will get thru it
well people say they are true devout X like sandy is one example they spread the word and say its the best thing ever but if you havent read it cover to cover how can they say that? along with following the bible to the T and not just cherry pick the good things

it would be like going to the doctor and needing a heart transplant and you ask have you dont it before? doc says well no but i have skimmed thru the books i know we will get thru it

so you're suggesting practicing a religion, using the scripture as an instruction manual, and making an effort to witness to/convert others based upon your study?

i can't help but think that's a dangerous approach.

in regards to the bible, the scripture itself speaks of attaining a personal relationship with god through christ, and seeking the counsel of the holy spirit. the holy spirit is said to be the author, and also should be the interpreter. so if one is reading the bible, in order to be an expert bible thumper, or some authority on god or

my approach is that i encourage the spirit to teach me things...whatever he feels i need to know to accomplish his will in my life, and to allow my life and my behavior to be a witness. to do that he's used the bible, but many other things as well, including music and art, other people, and by communicating with me directly (like telepathically). the people around me, who know me, have seen the changes in me. i think the best way to witness to people is to love them, and to be a strong, honest, humble person. the experience has influenced me to be that way much more than the text has.
so you're suggesting practicing a religion, using the scripture as an instruction manual, and making an effort to witness to/convert others based upon your study?

i can't help but think that's a dangerous approach.

in regards to the bible, the scripture itself speaks of attaining a personal relationship with god through christ, and seeking the counsel of the holy spirit. the holy spirit is said to be the author, and also should be the interpreter. so if one is reading the bible, in order to be an expert bible thumper, or some authority on god or

my approach is that i encourage the spirit to teach me things...whatever he feels i need to know to accomplish his will in my life, and to allow my life and my behavior to be a witness. to do that he's used the bible, but many other things as well, including music and art, other people, and by communicating with me directly (like telepathically). the people around me, who know me, have seen the changes in me. i think the best way to witness to people is to love them, and to be a strong, honest, humble person. the experience has influenced me to be that way much more than the text has.

what im saying is someone the extremereligious people only follow parts of the bible and not the whole thing.. how can you call yourself "born again" or a true servent of god if you dont follow the bible to a T? regaurdless of the repercutions. because remember you will be saved
what im saying is someone the extremereligious people only follow parts of the bible and not the whole thing.. how can you call yourself "born again" or a true servent of god if you dont follow the bible to a T? regaurdless of the repercutions. because remember you will be saved

that's true, and that bugs me too. i think a comprehensive approach is best. but there's also the issue of people interpreting the same scripture differently, which i think causes a lot of confusion for onlookers.

in my experience, i don't really see the bible as a rule book, or a textbook, but as a spiritual tool, to be used by the spirit to teach an individual. it seems multi-faceted, layered in meaning, kind of like the matrix. i think scriptures might be used to convey different things to different people, but that in the end, the result is the same, and that is a change in perception and behavior. but honestly, it's the influence of the spirit in your life that impacts you the most.
If reading, or doing action(s) "z" are requirements to make you a true "x" then you are not "x" unless you have done "z."

If you believe that "z" is a direct revelation or communication (or even a commandment) from an all loving, sovereign Deity, then yea I do not understand why a person wouldn't try to do "z."

As far as the supernatural aspect goes there has been a giant separation between the Supernatural and the natural, or everyday actions. I do not see why one needs a feeling to read the Bible, especially if that same person holds it as God's word. Of course intentions are of concern, but I do not see why a Sovereign and Perfect God could not still work in-spite of intentions. I mean I did my daily reading before this post and honestly I did not feel a super spiritual feeling. Does that make me less of a Christian?

Its a sad truth that Believers are not fervent, but that does not make them any less of a Believer. Just less knowledgeable.

had a conversation the otherday with a co worker and i wanted to ask all my fellow forum mates

do you call your self a true X "insert your religion here" if you do have you read your "bible" cover to cover or do you like most id say 98% religous "NO proof of that number pulled it out of the air" people cherry pick sections out of the "bible" that you agree with..

if you havent read your bible from cover to cover how can you call yourself a true X?

in the post when i say bible i just mean the religous book you go to for prayer or readings

I have read the bible from cover to cover. But i know that it is the Holy Spirit that opens up understanding of the Bible. And it is a gradual revelation when the revelation is needed. Step by step each one who believes the first steps are given deeper understanding in more and more areas of the scripture when and if the Holy Spirit wills for them to understand.

So i do not believe that one Needs to read the Bible from cover to cover to be a true Christian. But one must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit each step of the way on the journey of faith in ones own life.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I have read the bible from cover to cover. But i know that it is the Holy Spirit that opens up understanding of the Bible. And it is a gradual revelation when the revelation is needed. Step by step each one who believes the first steps are given deeper understanding in more and more areas of the scripture when and if the Holy Spirit wills for them to understand.

So i do not believe that one Needs to read the Bible from cover to cover to be a true Christian. But one must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit each step of the way on the journey of faith in ones own life.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

how can you be a self proclamed born again christian that is throttled by the thought of god yet you havent read the bible from cover to cover and live to a T by what it says?

if thats the case ill be a self proclaimed neuro surgon
how can you be a self proclamed born again christian that is throttled by the thought of god yet you havent read the bible from cover to cover and live to a T by what it says?

if thats the case ill be a self proclaimed neuro surgon

i'm a little confused about what you mean by "live to a T by what it says". for example, how would genesis tell me how to live. what is a practical application of it in today's society?

much of the bible is in parables and stories that you can relate to, if you have the experience to relate to it.

in general, the bible's "rule" is to love each other, and it gives a definition of what love is. beyond that is where the diversity among denominations is born, which i have an aversion to, because each one will swear up and down that their way is the only way.

the bible's main message, in all of it's stories and lessons, is that a personal relationship with god is attainable through christ. so if you accomplish that, you are living it to a T. right?
how can you be a self proclamed born again christian that is throttled by the thought of god yet you havent read the bible from cover to cover and live to a T by what it says?

if thats the case ill be a self proclaimed neuro surgon

If reading, or doing action(s) "z" are requirements to make you a true "x" then you are not "x" unless you have done "z."

If you believe that "z" is a direct revelation or communication (or even a commandment) from an all loving, sovereign Deity, then yea I do not understand why a person wouldn't try to do "z."

If becoming a neuro-surgeon required you to just proclaim it then fine you are a neuro-surgeon and I will contact if I have a problem. But it is based on definition.

Lori said it straight when she said "the bible's main message, in all of it's stories and lessons, is that a personal relationship with god is attainable through christ. so if you accomplish that, you are living it to a T. right?"

just say you think Christians who do not read the Bible from cover to cover are stupid and be done with it, but reading the Bible does not make you a Christian. Its definition. I'm a blonde. But i'm not because my hair is actually dark brown. Blondes do not have dark brown hair. Therefore i am not blonde.
If reading, or doing action(s) "z" are requirements to make you a true "x" then you are not "x" unless you have done "z."

If you believe that "z" is a direct revelation or communication (or even a commandment) from an all loving, sovereign Deity, then yea I do not understand why a person wouldn't try to do "z."

If becoming a neuro-surgeon required you to just proclaim it then fine you are a neuro-surgeon and I will contact if I have a problem. But it is based on definition.

Lori said it straight when she said "the bible's main message, in all of it's stories and lessons, is that a personal relationship with god is attainable through christ. so if you accomplish that, you are living it to a T. right?"

just say you think Christians who do not read the Bible from cover to cover are stupid and be done with it, but reading the Bible does not make you a Christian. Its definition. I'm a blonde. But i'm not because my hair is actually dark brown. Blondes do not have dark brown hair. Therefore i am not blonde.

not talking about just the 10 commandments talking about everything like all thoes little ones that everyone seems to skip over
like no wearing mixed fibers
no getting tattoos or piercings
no eating shellfish
no eating pork of any kind
Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed
If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake
Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community.
If anyone, even your own family suggests worshipping another God, kill them.
Kill anyone with a different religion

Don't cut your hair nor shave

just to name a few

using capital punishment.. like stoning

got this from a odd source and ill be the first to tell you that i havent read the bible so if im wrong please correct me
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not talking about just the 10 commandments talking about everything like all thoes little ones that everyone seems to skip over
like no wearing mixed fibers
no getting tattoos or piercings
no eating shellfish
no eating pork of any kind
Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed
If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake
Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community.
If anyone, even your own family suggests worshipping another God, kill them.
Kill anyone with a different religion

Don't cut your hair nor shave

just to name a few

using capital punishment.. like stoning

got this from a odd source and ill be the first to tell you that i havent read the bible so if im wrong please correct me

You're ignoring the new testament. You could say that jesus trumps the OT.

For example, the NT says not to be concerned about what you put in or on your body, ie what you eat or wear.

Jesus is the atonement that was accomplished in other ways in the OT.