can you answer

From a textualist standpoint I think it would make perfect sense for there to be a true blood (a genetically superior race such as Adam and Eve) and a tainted blood (a genetically inferior race). The mixing of blood produces the disease vulnerable creatures we are today.

This is definitely a creative interpretation, but was a document like the Bible ever intended to be anything but a collection of creative interpretations? Since no society or "age" or person is alike, I would have to assume that the only way such a document could ever survive is if it was to be considered as a "book of creative interpretations."

Time is not static, why must interpretation of the Bible be as well?

MadMaxReborn said:
Time is not static, why must interpretation of the Bible be as well?Max

Good point.

One I used to Ask, back in the Day. (I was, of course handed a "pat" answer that was, upon closer examination, really a "non-answer", like "It's the Mystery of God" or other nonsense.)

I would also point out, that Language itself, is a very dynamic Thing (sort of like the Ozone Layer: it is continually being created and destroyed, it's in a constant state of flux).

Since Language is so dynamic, and Language is one of our Basis for Thinking, it follows that as Language changes over time, so must Human Thought.

If the above is True, then, our Understanding of the Bible, must be Different than that of it's original writers.

(but this is a bit off-thread ...)
I don't think it's off-thread at all.

The original question was supposed to "challenge" the way the Bible is interpreted. The question revolved completely around there only being 4 people on Earth at the time of reproduction, which is nothing but one interpretation.

And since language is the most critical part of interpretation, that point is also directly relevant.

Not only are we limited by our language (there are some things that simple words can never accurately describe), our perception of the world around us is also limited to five senses, distance and time.

These factors should be taken into consideration when viewing a document like the Bible. If I could only see from horizon to horizon and travel 10 miles a day, flooding my backyard will appear to be as if the entire world was flooded. We know the entire world wasn't flooded (no one needs to cling to that), but from the perspective of the author, the "entire world" was flooded.

Lori_7 said:
The Bible does not say that Adam and Eve were the only "beings" on earth at that time. It states quite the opposite actually. It just says that they were created (their flesh, that is). It doesn't say that they were the first to be created, or the last. Words used like "replenish" and "repopulate" signify that they were definitely not the first, but were to replace what was depleted or diminished. That doesn't mean the population had been depleted entirely. It wasn't depleted entirely with the flood. Who knows how many times God has almost wiped the slate clean, and started over? Logic states that Genesis is not the beginning, just as Revelation is not the end. I mean, we're talking eternity here...infinity...a dimension without time. So there is no beginning and no end...that's just kind of an illusion that we buy into due to the constraints of our flesh and being in this physical world.
Very good explanation....
Not only was there a race of animals closest in creation to Man .i.e.;Adam.....
(man in the day he was created)
But one from this race .i.e.(the serpent), that fathered Cain, created a hybrid mix in Cain, the "Sons of Men", as apposed to the pure Adamic line with representation in God as His "gene seeds" to be manifested in this world as the "Son of God"
We don't know how many there were of this species, the "serpent" least two male and female, and only the male was changed in the curse.
The two creations refered to, are refering to the creation of the spiritual man who would inhabit a realm of heaven which do have bodies,.....a theophany or "Word" body where sons of god would stand in representation for "flesh" man that would be here in this dimension of earth in physical bodies made from the earth to "till the soil".
The fall seperated this connection causing the immortality of man in this dimension to be lost
(This is explaned much better than I am doing here in a message titled "who is this Melchesidic"...delivered by a prophet named William Branham in 1965)
There also may have been "pre-adamic" you have very well gathered from the way ......
1)...the earth was covered with water and void or desolate, as from a previous destruction, and
2).. the references to "replentish" the earth.
3)..the fallen spirits were speaking through and possessing hosts of the serpent.....a species right next in the creation to man.
4) The bible which is the Word is concerned with God and his creation in this does speak of a new heavens and a new earth to come also.

Jesus is the begining of the creation of God, and we as the sons of God become manifested here with Him the Captain of our salvation, the first born of many brethen.
The Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New.
We are his genes, his attributes becoming material and expressed.
God is the Word....what is in that Word is what we have need of.
Someday we will know all things......there are a lot of questions, for sure.
Got to go..
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MadMaxReborn said:
... We know the entire world wasn't flooded (no one needs to cling to that), but from the perspective of the author, the "entire world" was flooded.Max

Aaaah, you'd be surprised ....

But, then again, maybe not.

I try to never underestimate the power of Human Self-Delusion .. :p
"Every time I think I've seen the absolute limit of human stupidity, some moron like you comes along and fucks everything up."
-anonymous poster at

:D :p
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duendy said:
of COURSE Adam and Eve are metaphors. the biblical tale is patriarchal propaganda!

EVE is representing the Goddess, and woman and her religious rituals which the patriarchy/writers of this patrirchal mythic propaganda want to defame and destroy
ADAm representing mankind is a victim of 'her'...'seduced' 'led astray' from the authoritarain 'God'

The Tree/Fruit/Serpent/Garden all reprsnt the psychedelic sacrament and its ecstasy

and the 'original sin' as defined by the patriarchs is their eating of the'Fruit'

see in the tale when authoritaran voice warns that tey mustn't eat of te fruit from the 'Tree of Life' 'less they become gods'. tis means that age old Indigenus sacramental communal rites are being busted by this male elite...because it is the 'word of God' such activity becomes deemed 'original sin'....!they then are to become misreable slaves workin fo my maaaan

so whats changed??

You have it back words, Eve was the one tricked and Adam consumed willingly. Adam listinged
to Eve instead of God. He makes the choice to actively disobey, while Eve is tricked.. That’s
why God questioned Adam about were He got the fruit and Adam said his wife gave it to him,
and she said the snake tricked me.

Go back and read the story again. Your interpretations have no foundations in the text.
As Bob and Lori eluded to, where does the Old Testament say that these were the only people on earth?
Keep in mind that the Tanakh was written as a history of a specific people, Israelites.
The Tanakh is about these people alone, not all people.
It does not deny that other peole exist.
Just as YHVH is the God of the Israelites.
The Tanakh does not deny the existence of the Gods of other people, in fact it outright acknowledges other Gods, but it is ABOUT YHVH.
Just as it is ABOUT Israelites.