Can We Stop Arguing the Existence Of God?

All I know is that there sure are a lot of atheists spending a lot of time talking about something that supposedly doesn't exist. :shrug:

M*W: There are other non-existent things we talk about, such as:

Santa Claus
Easter Bunny
Tooth Fairy
Intelligent theists on sciforums
That's true. I suggest the non-existence of God can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, but not absolutely, since almost nothing is subject to that degree of certainty in science.

But how beyond a reasonable doubt? It is PURELY impossible to either prove or disprove God, and therefore it stands exactly in the middle. That makes it irrelevant.
Argument to what! you've not put forward an argument worthy of debate.
Put something logical, intelligible, and sensible, on the board and I will.

you could be in a dream, you could be a butterfly dreaming of being to be a human.

your perceptiosn can not be sjustified to correspond to reality.

thus you have to doubt them, but you cannot doubt the existence of what permits in the first place these perceptions: consciousness.

consciousness exists.

all other claim are unjustifiable.
and you do not need any other claim than consciousness perceive everything including you now, me, you in the past, you in the future.

Moreover, the hard problem if impossible, will show that matter if exist cannot interact with consciousness, thus matter has no relevance to our perceptions.
M*W: There are other non-existent things we talk about, such as:

Santa Claus
Easter Bunny
Tooth Fairy
Intelligent theists on sciforums

Then why are you wasting your time talking about fairy tales?
Is this all you got, ggazoo? Some whining about being picked on by the much smarter atheists? Just go home before you get hurt.
Why do you care?

Not sure about that... why not focus on the things you do believe in rather than the things that you don't? Seems counter-productive.
M*W: If I focused on myself and my family, you people would get bored. This is the religion sub-forum, and that's what I come here to talk about.
On a sidenote, the generic concept of 'God' is not falsifiable; however, specific human claims of 'God' are. More importantly, the root of such claims are heavily influenced by a survival mechanism called anthropomoprhism so we also have an explanation as to why claims of 'God' exist.

yeah, you can punch holes in a certain christian definition of god, like how is he merciful when he sends people to hell for eternity? or how is he all-knowing when you identify a certain action as a mistake. etc etc.
Why do you care?
Because I want mankind to continue, with all the religious nutjobs about, each one of them willing to kill and die for their god, this is not very likely at the moment.
If we can understand how this mind virus afflicts them, then we are better able to cure it, before it becomes to late.
Because I want mankind to continue, with all the religious nutjobs about, each one of them willing to kill and die for their god, this is not very likely at the moment.
If we can understand how this mind virus afflicts them, then we are better able to cure it, before it becomes to late.

Considering that Christianity is continuing to grow, that isn't going to happen.

Well, the "secularization thesis"is now largely discredited. Christianity's growth has been explosive.

There are now six times more Anglicans in Nigeria alone than there are in all of the U.S. There are more Presbyterians in Ghana than in the U.S. and Scotland combined. Korea has gone from 1 percent to 40 percent Christian in a hundred years, and experts believe the same thing is happening in China. If there are half a billion Chinese Christians fifty years from now, that will change the course of human history.

Now, because of the vitality of religious faith in the world, efforts to suppress or control it often serve only to make it stronger (ie. when the Chinese Communists expelled Western missionaries during WW II, they thought that they were killing off Christianity; instead, it just strengthened it). Robust religious beliefs dominate the world. There is no reason to expect that to change.
Well, the "secularization thesis"is now largely discredited. Christianity's growth has been explosive.

There are now six times more Anglicans in Nigeria alone than there are in all of the U.S. There are more Presbyterians in Ghana than in the U.S. and Scotland combined. Korea has gone from 1 percent to 40 percent Christian in a hundred years, and experts believe the same thing is happening in China. If there are half a billion Chinese Christians fifty years from now, that will change the course of human history.

Now, because of the vitality of religious faith in the world, efforts to suppress or control it often serve only to make it stronger (ie. when the Chinese Communists expelled Western missionaries during WW II, they thought that they were killing off Christianity; instead, it just strengthened it). Robust religious beliefs dominate the world. There is no reason to expect that to change.
and the sources please, it's just your ramblings, without several sources to verify it.
Considering that Christianity is continuing to grow, that isn't going to happen.
M*W: Christianity may be growing in places such as Brasil and certain in certain parts of Africa, but that doesn't make-up for its progressive demise in the rest of the world.
and the sources please, it's just your ramblings, without several sources to verify it.

On the growth of Christianity in the non-Western world, see Philip Jenkin's The Next Christendom, or Whose Religion Is Christianity by Lamin Sanneh, for starters.

And for how many sociologist are now backing away from the secularization thesis, you might want to pick up The Desecularization of the World: Religion and World Politics, written by a Mr. Peter L. Berger.
Well, the "secularization thesis"is now largely discredited. Christianity's growth has been explosive.

There are now six times more Anglicans in Nigeria alone than there are in all of the U.S. There are more Presbyterians in Ghana than in the U.S. and Scotland combined. Korea has gone from 1 percent to 40 percent Christian in a hundred years, and experts believe the same thing is happening in China. If there are half a billion Chinese Christians fifty years from now, that will change the course of human history.

Now, because of the vitality of religious faith in the world, efforts to suppress or control it often serve only to make it stronger (ie. when the Chinese Communists expelled Western missionaries during WW II, they thought that they were killing off Christianity; instead, it just strengthened it). Robust religious beliefs dominate the world. There is no reason to expect that to change.

Islam is growing faster than Christianity. Just so ya know.

Anyway, are you rooting for this kind of madness, GG? Are you actually hoping that Christianity takes over the world? I can't imagine you would be. Why isn't it enough to have your beliefs and let the rest of the world be?
Islam is growing faster than Christianity. Just so ya know.

Two case studies are instructive. In 1900, Christians comprised 9 percent of the African population and were outnumbered by Muslims four to one. Today, Christians comprise 44 percent of the population, and in the 1960s passed Muslims in number. This explosive growth is now beginning in China. Christianity is growing not only among the peasantry, but also among social and cultural establishment, including the Communist party. At the current rate of growth, withing 30 years Christians will constitute 30 percent of the Chinese population of 1.5 billion.

Anyway, are you rooting for this kind of madness, GG? Are you actually hoping that Christianity takes over the world? I can't imagine you would be. Why isn't it enough to have your beliefs and let the rest of the world be?

I'm not; I was answering a question.

Let me ask you this: How could you possibly know that no religion can see the whole truth unless you yourself have the superior, comprehensive knowledge of spiritual reality you just claimed that none of the religions have?