Can We Stop Arguing the Existence Of God?


Banned many more threads can we have by an atheist trying to use science to disprove God? At what point are we going to realize that it is a useless, baseless argument that has no standing in any science whatsoever?

I'm not a believer, but it shames me to see atheists actually trying to play this game. There is no way to disprove God. You can't do it! It's no different that trying to disprove ghosts! Or demons! Or bigfoot!

I would rather see intelligent conversations regarding the real issues, like where religion belongs in society, what role it plays and/or should play in politics, what role atheism should play in both, ect., ect.. We shouldn't be lowering ourselves to trying to disprove God, when we all know it can't be done. No matter what science you throw at a theist, they can always push God back further in the timeline. Evolution? Oh, OK, well, he programmed us for it. Big Bang? Oh, well, he did that. Quantum physics? Oh, well, that's just the framework that he built.

See? There's no amount of logic that works, because the furthest back science can go doesn't explain away any god.

So let's talk about the real stuff. C'mon, guys, we're better than this.
What's funny to me is that even though "science doesn't believe in god" , many atheist scientists are just as wrapped up in the global gloom and doomsday squaking as the theists. They just put a different spin on it.
That's not true at all. Scientists only go by what they have evidence for, or at least good maths. Theists go by stuff written by Bronze Age Jews in a book 2000 years ago.

What doomsday stuff are you talking about?
I merely think it's a funny coincidence that they echo each other in the manner of:

"If we humans don't act now to change our ways and conform to standard X, we will most assuredly experience widespread global atrocities and disaster. All of which ending in a fiery blaze/human extinction"

As for scientist, I think the most common subjects today that invoke this reaction is global warming, nuclear holocaust/fallout, religious wars, pollution,asteroids,super viruses and fresh water shortage.

But I'm not here to
As for scientist, I think the most common subjects today that invoke this reaction is global warming, nuclear holocaust/fallout, religious wars, pollution,asteroids,super viruses and fresh water shortage.

Well, last time I checked, scientists weren't running around screaming about that stuff. If they talk about something, it's to increase awareness to potential dangers. And by the way, things like viruses and pollution and global warming are real threats, as opposed to the supposed unearthly retribution from a supposed decline in religious morality. many more threads can we have by an atheist trying to use science to disprove God? At what point are we going to realize that it is a useless, baseless argument that has no standing in any science whatsoever?

I'm not a believer, but it shames me to see atheists actually trying to play this game. There is no way to disprove God. You can't do it! It's no different that trying to disprove ghosts! Or demons! Or bigfoot!

I would rather see intelligent conversations regarding the real issues, like where religion belongs in society, what role it plays and/or should play in politics, what role atheism should play in both, ect., ect.. We shouldn't be lowering ourselves to trying to disprove God, when we all know it can't be done. No matter what science you throw at a theist, they can always push God back further in the timeline. Evolution? Oh, OK, well, he programmed us for it. Big Bang? Oh, well, he did that. Quantum physics? Oh, well, that's just the framework that he built.

See? There's no amount of logic that works, because the furthest back science can go doesn't explain away any god.

So let's talk about the real stuff. C'mon, guys, we're better than this.

I agree.
Mostly I only react to outrageous theist claims myself though.
What's funny to me is that even though "science doesn't believe in god" , many atheist scientists are just as wrapped up in the global gloom and doomsday squaking as the theists. They just put a different spin on it.

That's not funny, and, a totally different thing. This "doomsday" scenario has some evidence to back it up.
I would hope while there is a sense of free-thought free-will, or even intelligence people will deny the existance of something that has no proof of existing.

Perhaps part of the theist's frustration causes resentment towards atheist's there has been a couple of threads which appear to be anti-atheist :)scratchin:I suppose that would be theist) but when you read the content some people don't seem to understand the concept of it at all, while maybe atheist's (in my case) understand religious teachings/religious edict/text to be no more than a concept and primative ways to portray things that were not fully understood at the time.
Perhaps the problem lies in interpretation of what is being portrayed.
That's not funny, and, a totally different thing. This "doomsday" scenario has some evidence to back it up.

Oh, it's funny! Ha!.......Ha ha!.............Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah............aaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahhahah! ha....ah...ha..ah..ha


Ps. there have been more than a few scientist who set out to disprove god only to convert after failure.
Oh, it's funny! Ha!.......Ha ha!.............Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah............aaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahhahah! ha....ah...ha..ah..ha


Ps. there have been more than a few scientist who set out to disprove god only to convert after failure.

I'm not trying to disprove God.
I'm just saying the destruction of the natural environment is real, and people aiming to bring this to the attention of the dumb and ignorant are not to be compared with religious freaks.

I'm not trying to disprove God.
Yes,Enmos. I know.

I'm just saying the destruction of the natural environment is real, and people aiming to bring this to the attention of the dumb and ignorant are not to be compared with religious freaks.

Perhaps, equally as funny is that scientists created these potentially dangerous methods and practices, brought them to the people and now realize, Oh shit, that was a huge mistake. So give yourselve's a big pat on the back. But from a economic sense, it's kinda like job security. Make money fucking it up then make money trying to fix it.
Really, though, without a sense of humor in this world, neither God nor science can help you.
Yes,Enmos. I know.

Perhaps, equally as funny is that scientists created these potentially dangerous methods and practices, brought them to the people and now realize, Oh shit, that was a huge mistake. So give yourselve's a big pat on the back. But from a economic sense, it's kinda like job security. Make money fucking it up then make money trying to fix it.
Really, though, without a sense of humor in this world, neither God nor science can help you.

Well, I agree with that. Humans suck.. nature would be better off without them.