Can U handle truth?

alien princess

Registered Member
Here take a survey...

If you found out that the government was hiding something, would go public?? or would pretend you never saw anything?

I always find these surveys funny. more often then not what someone thinks they would do is totally different then what they would really do if they find themselves in the actual situation.

As for me it would depend upon the size and ramifications of going public . Without more details the question is quite unanswerable .
A little short-tempered, aren't you, princess? I mean, what about the question of national security? I wouldn't want to do anything that may jeopardize innocent lives, which is what tends to happen when openly hostile nations get hold of advanced technology and turn it over to their war machines.
I was just saying to forget about, I get the point, you people think it's a stupid question. Just ignore this article. And I wasn't trying to be rude by saying Forget it.

¤*+¤*+alien princess+*¤+*¤
That national security stuff is a load of cr*p. It's only an excuse to perform illegal tests and disregard proper protocols, and siphon money away into pockets of the military henchmen.

Do you really think people would abandon their lives and go around burning cities and sacrificing children? Yes, they would probably be in shock for a few days. Yes, the stock trading volume will probably fall to 0 for a while. Yes, it will finally force some of the extremist happy-go-lucky people out there to get a fresh perspective on the world. But no armageddon would occur, I assure you.

I would trumpet the news on all media channels, and make sure every last human on Earth hears about it.

I am; therefore I think.
Go Boris!
When I worked for the Government, We were debriefed after spying on the Russians and some of their new technology being tested. Ho-hum ...we got the usual crap about we'll kill ya if you talk...well, I talked and it made a great conversation piece and I'm still here, so it's all hot air and stand over tactics that bores me no end!
Any one who feels they will lose their lives for talking just needs to watch the evening news and see what happened to the Chinese guy stealing American nuclear secrets and handing them to his brain-buddies in China. Instant death?.. nope, mysterious accident?.. nope.....kick up the bum and sent home?'s all hot air and patriotic bullsh*t!!!
Well Princess, in answer to the question, it would depend upon the significance of the find, as i know for a fact if it had weapon potential the govt would come and snatch it up and threaten you to secrecy and use the technology against the american people, so i would be very discreet otherwise if it was general knowledge hell ya i would share it. Ive just seen too many cover-ups in the military from Somolia to Kuwait to Germany in the last 10 years in the Army to trust this damn govt.

Eric Cooper

I think it would depend a lot on what it was I discovered, whether or not I had proof, and what affect it might have on the world (not to mention my life) to reveal it - especially if we are talking about UFOs and aliens. Without proof, you run the risk of looking like some kind of a nutcase, and no one would take you seriously. It is unlikely that anyone would have more substantial proof than a photograph or video, which is difficult to authenticate and can easily be faked.

I do think I would tell my closest friends and family members who know me better than to think I would make something like that up. Other than that, I think it is unlikely I would say anything.
Depending on the severity of what I had discovered, I would have to determine who it was safe to tell. I would have to find a real life Mulder or something, someone to trust, and someone in a position to do something with the information I had obtained.
To hell with safety! Scream, scream hard as you can!

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited October 29, 1999).]
Rogue- You're going to trust a MULDER? As much as I like the show and the character, the guy has no business working for the FBI, let alone carrying a gun! He's jumpy, edgy, has an oral fixation, comes from a family that redefined "dysfunctional", seems to believe every UFO story that comes his way regardles of the source, voluntarily had his head drilled into, had space oil shoved up his nose, and suffers from so many anxieties he's going to die from an ulcer-rupture before cancer catches up with the Cigarette Smoking Man. I wouldn't trust this guy to carry a pound of cheese, let alone a delicate government secret. Give it to Krycek. At least HE doesn't lose his gun every episode (just body parts).
Not all national security is bullshit. What kind of world would it be if the government publicly released all of their weapons technology? If covert ops were impossible, as they had to be disclosed first?
Hi Matt,
Where have you been hiding??!! :)
You're right about the weapons/secrecy side of things but what if you stumbled onto a hangarwhere they were back-engineering a UFO and saw with your own eyes a craft that wyou could confirm to be of extraterrestrial origin.
Say you were caught looking or climbing all over it and were then threatened to tell no one "or else!"...what would you do?....
as most of you can tell i dont really have a life to begin with, so i say screw the gov. and i'd tell you all. but the thing is is that the only sources i have, are crack dealers, and other dealers, and i dont do anything that they deal me, so i'm basically screwed. but i get my info from mtv news and tv. so the gov wouldnt let anything interesting pass buy me, would they? cause seriously, what could i do???

thats all i got

Hi Dave, I havent been hiding, I just had a bit of an accident with my computer and had to get a new one. I would still like to know how you got my name ;) ... my new email address is

But to answer your question..I cant answer your question. We would all like to be ables to say "Oh yeah, of course I would tell the media and the public. That is the moral and ethical answer." But how many of us would really do it? How many of us would just put our tail between our legs and walk away?

[This message has been edited by Corp.Hudson (edited November 10, 1999).]