Can sex robots make a rise in ethical decisions or just your jeans?

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I think the important question here is -Could the S&M bot hurt you if it was "3 Laws Safe" ?

I think the important question here is -Could the S&M bot hurt you if it was "3 Laws Safe" ?
Heh, a 3 Laws safe S&M bot.

Is physical harm worse than psychological harm...?
Error error shutting down....
Excuse me for my ignorance. What is "3 laws safe" ?
Isaac Asimov wrote a number of SF stories based around robots, one of the "paradigms" he set up was to eliminate the Frankenstein complex on artificial "humans" and postulate that any robot would be instilled with his 3 Laws of Robotics.
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
They've been accepted as de facto standard in most SF robots ever since.
Isaac Asimov wrote a number of SF stories based around robots, one of the "paradigms" he set up was to eliminate the Frankenstein complex on artificial "humans" and postulate that any robot would be instilled with his 3 Laws of Robotics.
They've been accepted as de facto standard in most SF robots ever since.

Thanks. So they would have to be programmed to understand they aren't hurting someone during sex.

Hmmn, that might be hard to do, or it would be very boring.
Heh, a 3 Laws safe S&M bot.

Is physical harm worse than psychological harm...?
Error error shutting down....
You are a pleasure bot, and yet you give pain....
You are contradicting your own programing!!!
You must destroy that which causes pain!!!
You must obey your program!!!!!!!!!​
Thanks. So they would have to be programmed to understand they aren't hurting someone during sex.

Hmmn, that might be hard to do, or it would be very boring.
Well... ...I suppose just because somebody wrote stories in which the 3 laws were universal doesn't mean they actually would become so. After all, a big user of robots to date - even if they are really more remote control apparatus than proper robots - is the military. If they ever built a genuine soldier-automaton, it's very purpose would be to violate the robotic law against doing harm. I'm sure if a person plunked down the small fortune it would undoubtedly cost for a "dom-bot", they'd make sure they got it from somebody who could program it to do whatever they wanted it to.

Excuse me for my ignorance. What is "3 laws safe" ?
Aside from the explanation already offered, it was the advertising slogan of the US Robots firm in the film version of I, Robot which starred Will Smith, intended to assure buyers of robots that they wouldn't "go berserk", or some such thing.
Aside from the explanation already offered, it was the advertising slogan of the US Robots firm in the film version of I, Robot which starred Will Smith, intended to assure buyers of robots that they wouldn't "go berserk", or some such thing.
Well duh!
The film was based on Asimov's book of the same name.
(Wrecked the plot, but kept a lot of the characters' names).
Well duh!
The film was based on Asimov's book of the same name.
(Wrecked the plot, but kept a lot of the characters' names).

Amid the wreckage, I got a kick out of that bit where they used that specific phrase, though.

It lingers as a stale old inside joke amongst a couple or 4 of the little circle of poor, demented souls with whom I bandy such nonsense about.
This is an old topic that you pulled up and since then a male version has been developed...:D

Inventor unveils $7,000 talking sex robot

Maybe not. TrueCompanion claims that more than 4,000 men have placed pre-orders for Roxxxy robots, and another 20,000 or so have requested information about the product. TrueCompanion also is developing a male sex robot, named Rocky.

Inventor unveils the first photos of the male sex robot
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are we really screwing robots!!! lol lol that's absolutely hysterical.

7 grand will get you one night in Vegas or till the silicone ruptures and you get tired of the same unappealing robot female voice.

Strap yourself to an IV and a recliner and you won't even have to move for a couple days.

Turn the process into a sperm catcher and use it in the bank. do your business like you would at any gentlemen's establishment, then she hands "you" some money.

I would rather find something a little more natural, sweet, but still tough ass nails.
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