Can religion fit into evolutionary theory?

Hence the controversy - not the hijab.

Controversy is not a reliable sign of the existence of opposition to evolutionary theory.

We seem to find creationism to be a tenet of Islam in many places where it is not controversial. So perhaps we can sharpen the question a little: we have here not just a difference between religions, but between sects and schools of one single religion, in whether or not a particular religion can fit itself into evolutionary theory.

And Turkey is the country where creationism is strongest.
Christianity would be another example of that. And we have some record of how Christianity went about fitting itself - at least some sects of itself - into evolutionary theory. How have the sects of Islam that accomplished the feat done it ?

Did it require, as with Christianity, some modifications that brought the religion a bit closer to other religions that have no such difficulty, or perhaps the common modes of thinking of the irreligious ?

No modifications in the Quran, if that is what you are asking. But many people are more aware of creationism due to the missionaries than they are to the fact that none of the Bible stories are replicated in the Quran.

Like this thread by Muslim.
SAM said:
And Turkey is the country where creationism is strongest.
No evidence of that. It appears to be simply the country of greatest controversy - the Islamic country where creationism is weakest, possibly.
SAM said:
No modifications in the Quran, if that is what you are asking.
Of course not. We are discussing actual religions as they exist in time and space.

So, about the questions at hand - - -
Attention: I have doctored this quote for "goofy humor" purposes only. No disrespect is intended. Nor am I trying to make a point.

The Evolution Deceit

"Many people think the... ... humans has to read this book."

The Atlas of Creation

"The fossil record is perhaps... ... a major hoax and deception in the history of science."
Hey 'Q' Am I mixing you up with someone else, cuz I thought you were an atheist. You're Muslim? If so, that's cool. I got no problem with that. Just want to keep my facts straight.
(This is a real question. I not trying to trap you or anything)