Can I do something about this?

Call the ACLU see if you have any legal rights been violated, if not then there's not a damn thing you can do. Unless you take Cris' advice and join the group, start debating, questioning, and see if they have any hint of critical thinking, BTW you won't find much of that ;)
Ahh I'm jealous I'd love to be in your position and join these activities and take every opportunity to bring reason to insanity. I've done something similar in the past where I was the lone voice of dissent - takes courage and I did receive some unpleasantness at one point. However, my constant questioning at every opportunity and their 100% inability to give convincing answers did generate an atmosphere of embarrasement for them. At one point I was asked to just stay quiet and accept what the bible said - naturally I did not comply. And humming audibly as if bored and staring at everyone while they prayed also seemed to make them nervous.

Against such odds an essential tactic is never go on the defensive. You must always be the one asking the questions, as soon as they start asking you questions and you begin to reply then you will unlikely recover. If asked a question you must only answer it with a question. Remember that it is the Christians that are making the claims for their religion, your job is to make them see reason and for them to prove their case.

But it would help you were not the only one otherwise you will significantly feel the pressure of being overwhelmingly outnumbered.
Agreed. It won't be easy, but you'll likely feel a LOT better about it 5 years from now than you would by simply going along with their scheme. Maybe there are other students who feel the same way as you but are too afraid to challenge the situation? If you 'break the ice' so to speak they may find the courage to join you in asking the hard questions. By making these things mandatory they're forcing you to be there, so force them to defend their teaching at every turn.

This is a hard road to take for someone in high school. Being in university now I'd jump at the chance you have, but my perspectives on things have changed a lot since grade 10 and you're likely looking at the situation differently than I am. So the question you have to ask yourself, is it worth it to take this approach? 5 years from now I bet you'd answer yes. It's just a school, a few years of your life, you can choose to do whatever you want with those years. After that life goes on, and you'll look back on whatever happened in high school and laugh. So my advice is to take this chance, stand up for what you believe instead of playing a sheep. Ask the hard questions. Define yourself, and maybe others will find the courage to do the same.
Actually, even without specific legislation, parents have all and absolute right to state that their children be either exposed to or shielded from religion. Some uppity teachers may grumble, but it doesn't matter.

If Mew is underage, Mew's parents have to voice their opinion. Other than that, I wouldn't join the'd have to fight group mentality or mass hysteria. I'd tackle them one by one. Applying critical thought to a single person would get that individual to think for himself. Usually.

That is if Mew wants to stop the group himself (herself?) Sorry Mew lol

Personally, I'd leave 'em alone and go on achieving real goals and making real changes to the world :)
Personally, I'd leave 'em alone and go on achieving real goals and making real changes to the world

Like campaigning to get religious indoctrination banned from public schools?
It is banned, and having an after school club is not religious indoctrination. Although I'm an atheist, religious freedom is very important to me.
Perhaps, but it standard practice to indoctrinate children to religion during school hours in public schools.
Wow, at my school it was the complete oposite. I couldn't even wear the star of david, christian/catholics can't wear crosses/roseries, but muslims could wear turbins.
In my school, a public school, they hold christian activities before and after school. I believe there is saposed to be a seperation between church and state, thus meaning govenrment run services like school ain't allowed to hold religious activities. What can I do to get religion out of my school?

As with any indoctrination, some people will take longer than others to fully submit. Feel fortunate that you have the mental capacity at this point in the game to see the unreasonable and illogical, and resist it. But be forewarned that it can change. You're on the right track, it takes some willpower to hang in sometimes, especially when friends or groups that think different than you begin to ostracize or keep you out of their circle because you don't share their religious beliefs.

Unfortunately you will be seen as an example of devilish intervention by them even though you question all of religion including devils. You will become a virus to their cause so be prepared for anything and watch out for secular violence perpetrated or threatened upon your person. At some point it ceases to be fun, the religious fanatics in the course of my lifetime at least, have demonstrated more than once the lengths of idiocy they will go to in order to push their cause.

Actually you are a small ray a hope for a species bent on destroying itself for the exact religious ideologies you protest against.. A follower you appear to be not. If you think you've just woke up right smack in the middle of a nightmare then you are correct. Good luck to you in your endeavors.
Psy, why are you scaring Mew? lol

On a serious note, much of what he's saying is true. It is amazing how various groups of people believe each religion as true history and look upon us more logical folks as a pariah.

I remember once having a conversation at the office (admittedly I'm slightly past University lol :bugeye: ) wherein I revealed I wasn't religious. One guy was staggered that I didn't believe "the Lord thy God" was my saviour. That's how he put it. Word for word. Including "thy".

At any rate, If Psy proves correct, feel free to acknowledge that anyone who ostracizes you because of your lack of religious beliefs wasn't much of a friend to begin with. And most of us non-theist folk are more fun anyway...I for example go clubbing and don't worry about having to get up for church Sunday morning ;)
Oh! the benefits of being an atheist. Drink all Saturday night, don't worry about church in the morning. Atheist's make better lovers, we don't have a hank up with "feeling guilty" cause we are getting some ;)

It's widely known atheist make better intellectuals here's a short list;