Can I do something about this?

MewSkitty sucks!
Registered Senior Member
In my school, a public school, they hold christian activities before and after school. I believe there is saposed to be a seperation between church and state, thus meaning govenrment run services like school ain't allowed to hold religious activities. What can I do to get religion out of my school?
Well if I could go back to when I was a teenager (and younger) with what I know now, I would simply refuse to participate in religious activities or forced indoctrination. Hey, you might even make the news in this world of religious controversy and tensions :D
They are mandatory. Perhaps a note from my parents could have pardoned me from acts of worship and religious indoctrination, but that almost never happens. Children are under the impression this is something they have to do, and parents are under the impression that it is in some way beneficial. In fact I explicitly recall a teacher saying that if we were not Catholic and did not believe in God, we should not be at the school. Which on reflection, seeing as it was a public school (as opposed to a private faith school), why should my religion and beliefs dictate what school I should go to?

Clearly separation of church and state is a problem in even the United Kingdom, which many people consider a 'secular' country.
In my school, a public school, they hold christian activities before and after school. I believe there is saposed to be a seperation between church and state, thus meaning govenrment run services like school ain't allowed to hold religious activities. What can I do to get religion out of my school?

Nope, this is acceptable, since it is after hours. You don't have to attend these clubs or groups, so what's the problem?
During school. Thats where most children get indoctrinated. They rarely recieve religious indcotrination at home. Actively religious parents are in the minority.
I have heard this subject talked about on Christian shows, it is perfectly legal. It's not part of the school program, but voluntary, and many groups are allowed to make use of the school building before and after school.

Here's a suggestion, start your own after school club.
In my school, a public school, they hold christian activities before and after school. I believe there is saposed to be a seperation between church and state, thus meaning govenrment run services like school ain't allowed to hold religious activities. What can I do to get religion out of my school?

You can join the club. Seriously. Join and begin being the voice of reason at their meetings. Ask questions about how they "know" certain things they proclaim to know; why certain assertions are valid. If the topic of anti-science is brought up as when religious nutters go on about how evolution is "just a theory," etc., ask why God isn't capable of creating using the laws of physics that are present in the universe.

If this isn't possible, or if you get run out of the group (you'll have to be polite, reasoned, and respectful to stay, which may be hard if you vehemently oppose religion; and you'd need to really have some smart answers/questions to stay on their game), start your own group. I wouldn't call it an "atheist" group, but rather a skeptics club, humanist club, or a free inquiry club. You might find some support and guidance on starting a club of this sort at The Center For Free Inquiry. They have clubs at various college campuses, but I can't imagine that it would be impossible to start a high school level group. You might even get a bit of material or even financial support if you contact them.
There is nothing that can be done legally about this. It would be different if they were preaching or handing out leaflets during school hours. It does not conflict with separation of church and state, and I am a supporter of this separation.
Wait a minute, why are we talking about before and after school? Isn't during school more important? Seems everybody gets indoctrinated to religion during school hours in public schools in my country/city which is a 'secular' country. Apparently I seem to be the only one on these forums that had to go through it?
Apparently, although we did have to recite "under God" in the pledge of allegience, which is stupid anyway. We are talking about before and after school, because that's when religious groups can use school property to meet.
Fire, no you weren't. My alma mater had a "Religious Instruction" period every Friday for each major religion for years before the government got enough complaints. It was mandatory for the children of earlier forms (or grades to the US folks). When the teachers deemed you mature enough they'd let you choose to go to a "Religious Instruction" class or sit out the period studying in the library.

The kicker was, it wasn't complaints of separation of church and state. The complaints were from parents who didn't want to encourage the appearance of religious competition! Ridiculous people.

At any rate, the indoctrination classes were stopped for a while, I don't think they've started back up. There are the various religious clubs for extra curricular activity, all voluntary. Unfortunately though, and I think baum had alluded to peer-pressure as it relates to religion in a separate thread, I'd seen some students be 'pressured' into joining those clubs by the "zombthiest" students (to coin a word).
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Apparently, although we did have to recite "under God" in the pledge of allegience, which is stupid anyway. We are talking about before and after school, because that's when religious groups can use school property to meet.

None of these things during school hours?

Praying in class
Praying in assembly
Singing hymns in class
Singing hymns during assembly
Bible reading
Bible myths being taught as fact
The class being taken to church one per week
Confessing sins to priests
Celebrating religious occassions within school (ash wednesday etc)
Ahh I'm jealous I'd love to be in your position and join these activities and take every opportunity to bring reason to insanity. I've done something similar in the past where I was the lone voice of dissent - takes courage and I did receive some unpleasantness at one point. However, my constant questioning at every opportunity and their 100% inability to give convincing answers did generate an atmosphere of embarrasement for them. At one point I was asked to just stay quiet and accept what the bible said - naturally I did not comply. And humming audibly as if bored and staring at everyone while they prayed also seemed to make them nervous.

Against such odds an essential tactic is never go on the defensive. You must always be the one asking the questions, as soon as they start asking you questions and you begin to reply then you will unlikely recover. If asked a question you must only answer it with a question. Remember that it is the Christians that are making the claims for their religion, your job is to make them see reason and for them to prove their case.

But it would help you were not the only one otherwise you will significantly feel the pressure of being overwhelmingly outnumbered.
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In my school, a public school, they hold christian activities before and after school. I believe there is saposed to be a seperation between church and state, thus meaning govenrment run services like school ain't allowed to hold religious activities. What can I do to get religion out of my school?

Does your jurisdiction have StormTrooper's? Can you report them? How about throwing tomatoes at them?
Wait a minute, why are we talking about before and after school? Isn't during school more important? Seems everybody gets indoctrinated to religion during school hours in public schools in my country/city which is a 'secular' country. Apparently I seem to be the only one on these forums that had to go through it?

Hardly. I am currently going through serious issue with my daughter's school. She's 7 years old and they think they have the right to shove religion down her throat. While I would try and stay polite, I can only say I find it fucking disgusting. Sorry about the language, but that's literally how I feel about it.

Other than taking her out of school when they start getting stupid, there's very little I can do. I find it truly dispicable.