Can God love?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Can God love?

We are told that the mythical bible God is love or the epitome of love.

Archetypal Jesus said that we would know his people by the love, deeds and actions they showed others.

Jesus gave us examples of the deeds and works. Feed the poor, love all our neighbours, do not sin and many others.

Love then, seems to Jesus, to be something that must be shown by deeds, actions and works to be alive and true love. Love, like faith, without works is dead. Both St. James and Jesus agree on this.

It follows then that if God is not doing something to show this love then the love for man expressed in scriptures is wrong and God cannot love.

You are in the image of God. When you love someone you show them that love by works and deeds. This is how the recipient of that love knows it is there and that allows for reciprocity. You will agree that without reciprocity, true love cannot exist between two individuals. We must do things for each other for true love to exist.

Imagine what those you love would think if you never did anything to express your love. Imagine what you would think of the love of others towards you if they never did anything to show they loved you. See what I mean. Love always must have deeds to be real and true and reciprocity must be at play.

Love then has no choice but to be expressed if it is true love.

We are told that God loved his son so much that he planned to have him sacrificed even before the earth was created. This human sacrifice or any other human sacrifice, voluntary or not, is immoral and the notion that it is good to sacrifice an innocent victim to give the guilty believers a free ride into heaven is a completely self-gratifying notion and is completely immoral. One does not show love for someone by having them sacrificed for the sins of others when God himself stated that we are all responsible for our own salvation and cannot put that responsibility of the shoulders of a scapegoat Jesus.

Does love need deeds and works to be expressed?

Have you seen God express his love for us lately?


These following speak to this issue if you wish to view them.
Can God love?

We are told that the mythical bible God is love or the epitome of love.

Archetypal Jesus said that we would know his people by the love, deeds and actions they showed others.

Jesus gave us examples of the deeds and works. Feed the poor, love all our neighbours, do not sin and many others.

Love then, seems to Jesus, to be something that must be shown by deeds, actions and works to be alive and true love. Love, like faith, without works is dead. Both St. James and Jesus agree on this.

It follows then that if God is not doing something to show this love then the love for man expressed in scriptures is wrong and God cannot love.

You are in the image of God. When you love someone you show them that love by works and deeds. This is how the recipient of that love knows it is there and that allows for reciprocity. You will agree that without reciprocity, true love cannot exist between two individuals. We must do things for each other for true love to exist.

Imagine what those you love would think if you never did anything to express your love. Imagine what you would think of the love of others towards you if they never did anything to show they loved you. See what I mean. Love always must have deeds to be real and true and reciprocity must be at play.

Love then has no choice but to be expressed if it is true love.

We are told that God loved his son so much that he planned to have him sacrificed even before the earth was created. This human sacrifice or any other human sacrifice, voluntary or not, is immoral and the notion that it is good to sacrifice an innocent victim to give the guilty believers a free ride into heaven is a completely self-gratifying notion and is completely immoral. One does not show love for someone by having them sacrificed for the sins of others when God himself stated that we are all responsible for our own salvation and cannot put that responsibility of the shoulders of a scapegoat Jesus.

Does love need deeds and works to be expressed?

Have you seen God express his love for us lately?


These following speak to this issue if you wish to view them.

Don't you get tired of this? Anyone reading this just google search this persons handle, you will find that he/she posts this garbage in as many forums (both religious and not) as he/she can just to get a rise out of people. Nothing but a jerk with no respect for the beliefs of his/her fellow man/women.

Whether you believe or not you don't have to be a dick about it, and most certainly should not be.

This person has nothing better to do with there time then harass others over the internet.
Are we going to do this again? Multiple threads about basically the same general topic, posing rhetorical questions?

C'mon, GIA. there are existing threads in which these posts would fit.
Can God love?

God loves me :)

It follows then that if God is not doing something to show this love then the love for man expressed in scriptures is wrong and God cannot love.

I am the faithful, I do not have faith in N. Korea's ability to get along with the world. God is Love, he does not need to love you.

You are in the image of God. When you love someone you show them that love by works and deeds.

Wrong! You love by that look. That feeling

Love then has no choice but to be expressed if it is true love.

He is the emotion Love, what does that mean to you? He does not blindly love, as I do not blindly believe.

Does love need deeds and works to be expressed?

Yes, to be expressed it must be shown in some way, but is a smile not a deed?

Have you seen God express his love for us lately?

Yes, I ask, he answers. I need, he gives.
blah blah blah,
yada yada yada..

been here..done opinion is known, no use repeating it..
(which is why i haven't posted much lately..)
God loves me :)

I am the faithful, I do not have faith in N. Korea's ability to get along with the world. God is Love, he does not need to love you.

Wrong! You love by that look. That feeling

He is the emotion Love, what does that mean to you? He does not blindly love, as I do not blindly believe.

Yes, to be expressed it must be shown in some way, but is a smile not a deed?

Yes, I ask, he answers. I need, he gives.

planned to have him sacrificed even before the earth was created.
You will agree that without reciprocity, true love cannot exist between two individuals.

Really? Love is solely defined by reciprocity? So people who may be unable to reciprocate with action, for various reasons, cannot possible love another?

Either that's one hell of a bleak outlook, or you don't make it clear that the expression can merely be a communication. Most people who profess to love a god, do indeed feel reciprocity.

Or even by your reasoning:

This is how the recipient of that love knows it is there and that allows for reciprocity.

So a god could not reciprocate what has not been demonstrated to be there. Seems you'd have to actually and genuinely love a god to even attempt to verify what you've asserted.
Really? Love is solely defined by reciprocity? So people who may be unable to reciprocate with action, for various reasons, cannot possible love another?

A one-sided relationship isn't much of a relationship ...
planned to have him sacrificed even before the earth was created.

No, no he did not. Get a first hand source, or give me a better theory. God knew Jesus, King Angel would go to earth willingly, and he would ultimately be put to death by the "Jews who are not Jews." God did not plan this, he only knew it would happen. God does not interfere with nature for you, he doesn't interfere with nature with Jesus.
A one-sided relationship isn't much of a relationship ...

You're conflating a relationship with love in general. Does a poor relationship change what one person may feel for another? Evidently not when so many relationships ARE indeed one-sided.
You're conflating a relationship with love in general.

I do not think that there can be love outside of a relationship.

Does a poor relationship change what one person may feel for another?

Yes, absolutely.

Evidently not when so many relationships ARE indeed one-sided.

Then you appear to be working with a very mathematical understanding of the concept of "relationship", according to which even a situation as "A and B do not communicate or interact, ever" still counts for a "relationship."
I do not think that there can be love outside of a relationship.

Yes, absolutely.

Then you appear to be working with a very mathematical understanding of the concept of "relationship", according to which even a situation as "A and B do not communicate or interact, ever" still counts for a "relationship."

Then define how you are using the word "relationship", as it seems you are either equivocating or obtuse.

Regardless, you're still conflating the two. Love is a subjective feeling which, while it may motivate it, does not necessitate expression.
Then define how you are using the word "relationship", as it seems you are either equivocating or obtuse.

Syne the Daisy!

Regardless, you're still conflating the two. Love is a subjective feeling which, while it may motivate it, does not necessitate expression.

Do you like romantic films, like Twilight?
Per example, I tried to illustrate a point.

Love does necessitate expression, or it is not love.
Per example, I tried to illustrate a point.

Love does necessitate expression, or it is not love.

Whatever your example was meant to be, it failed miserably. I guess you don't love any departed loved ones? How can you when you can't express it to them, and they certainly cannot reciprocate.

Do people stop loving each other when they are simply out of contact?

Also, movies aren't usually known to be accurate depictions of life, especially Twilight.
How is Twilight an example of your assertion that love necessitates expression?

It's quite telling that you seem to ground your understanding of love in angst-riddled teen melodrama. It certainly would explain a lot.
I find people want to see God's love in times of disaster famine flood war and so on. "Look at all the starving in Ethiopia" was a common expression.
Yet I have seen God's love, when someone fights against injustice, and someone helps another in distress. Look at their motive ... there will be love. :)
I find people want to see God's love in times of disaster famine flood war and so on. "Look at all the starving in Ethiopia" was a common expression.
Yet I have seen God's love, when someone fights against injustice, and someone helps another in distress. Look at their motive ... there will be love. :)

How is that "God's love?" Why isn't that simply human compassion and empathy?
Are we going to do this again? Multiple threads about basically the same general topic, posing rhetorical questions?

C'mon, GIA. there are existing threads in which these posts would fit.

blah blah blah,
yada yada yada..

been here..done opinion is known, no use repeating it..
(which is why i haven't posted much lately..)

It appears repetition is a major quality to his posts - though he seems to do better on this site then he does on others