Can God Die?(or get sick)

This forum is participating in killing him (the idea of him) right now.

Long live the truth!!
"God is dead, God remains dead, and we have killed him"

Gods have no power beyond that given to him by the strength of human belief. If humanity lost all copies and knowledge of the bible, we would indeed have killed Him
God is omnipotent - he can do what he wants and he can undo what he wants -
that is of course if God excists .
Jesus is supposed to have died on the cross - however I have never seen his deathcertificate issued by a doctor. Pontius Pilate wondered how he could have died so fast (PP had crucified a lot of people before) - and send two soldiers to check on mr.J - they stabbed him with a spear in the side and blood and fluid came out of the wound - actually that only happens if a person is still alive with preserved bloodcirculation. In modern forensic medicine the doctors determine whether a wound has been added postmortem, by the fact that a postmortem wound do not bleed !!!
Then mr.J was taken to a grave with a stone placed in front - in there he woke up from his sunstroke and dehydration and hid for a while before coming out - then claiming that he had overcome death - pretty smart PR gag !! - then telling his disciples that he did not want to continue his business as a prophet due to the risks of the trade (such as crucification) and ran off to Srinagar in Kashmir , where he is buried (I have seen his grave there). Before he ran off, he instructed his disciples to
pass on his messages about christianity to other people and convert them - that is like passing on a computer virus that goes into your CPU (brain) - takes over command and influences your thought and behaviuor.
You produced one of the longest living computer vira known in history - you are truly the greatest hacker ever !!!
Hail to you mr. J !!!
We might all need a little Norton or Symantic antivirus program - and that goes for
prophet M. and the fanatic islamists as well .
The muslims claim that all children in the world are muslims untill their parents (with other believes ) brainwash them....... I hardly believed my ears when I heard a muslim say that the first time .... but all muslims belive that.....
I claim all children are just children untill someone install a computer virus in their brain . no matter what belief it contains .......
perfectblue said:
umm, can it not be argued that essentially god did technically die? you see, if it is argued that jesus is indeed the son of god, and is a piece of the holy trinity that the god-entity is composed of, then god did die when jesus died, since it can be argued that jesus and god are the same being, and jesus is a piece of said being made mortal.
I'll tell you what.
You show me where in the Bible that Jesus states he is God, or that the Trinity is a reality, as opposed to after-thought justification doctrine by church fathers, and I will conceed the point.
I have looked long and hard and asked quite a few people to show me where I may be mistaken, but it seems to me that nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus claim that he is God.
The way or path to God? Yes.
Son of God? Sure?

In fact, he explicitly states on many occasions that he is the son of God, and seems to go out of his way to make it clear that all other people are also the children of God.

There are a few quotes that could possibly be used to come to that conclusion if that's the conclusion you wanted to come to, of course, but most of the Bible can be interpreted to say just about anything you want it to say, anyway.
So, show me where Jesus says, "I am God" and I will conceed the point.
Actually, I would be quite happy to conceed the point, because I honestly have been looking for someone to explain this to my satisfaction for a long time now.

perfectblue said:
i think that i just like to pick fights with you, one_raven.
Keep at it.
I like challenging discussions.
They make it worth my while, and there seems to be a dearth of discussions around here lately that I find interesting and challenging.
You just may change that.
one_raven said:
I'll tell you what.
You show me where in the Bible that Jesus states he is God, or that the Trinity is a reality, as opposed to after-thought justification doctrine by church fathers, and I will conceed the point.
"...Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but but made himself no reputation, taking the form of the bondservant and coming in the likness of men. ...Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name..." Philippians 2:5-9 (and edited, for space's sake)

"He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgivness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation."
Colossians 1:13-15
*my emphasis in bold, my bible's emphasis in italics.

i don't know, it sounds an awful lot like jesus and god are the same friggin guy with dissociative disorder, and an extra human body laying around.
one_raven said:
They make it worth my while, and there seems to be a dearth of discussions around here lately that I find interesting and challenging.
You just may change that.

darling, i seek to change the world, one forum at a time. muahahahha.
Philippians was written by Timothy and Paul and they were not quoting Jesus.
They were offering their adaptation of his teachings as fathers of the church creating doctrine.
Colossians - again, an Epistle, written by Paul, establishing doctrine.
By the time Paul was writing his Epistles, the spin machine was already in full swing.

Again, I asked for you to show me where Jesus claimed to be God.

perfectblue said:
darling, i seek to change the world, one forum at a time. muahahahha.
I am about this far *squinches thumb and forefinger together* from giving up on changing the world.
Hi one Raven !!

Actually J himself never said that that he was God - on the contrary :
when adressed as "good master" in matt 19:17 , mark 10:18, luke 18:19
he answered: why callest thou me good ? There is none good but one, that is God.

J also put his status lower than me (the Holy Ghost) for he said in matt 12:32 :
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man -(in else J himself)- , it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world , neither in the world to come.

J always refered to himself as a man not a God :john 8:40 :
but now ye seek to kill me, a MAN that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God; this did not Abraham.

Actually whenever J spoke of being son of God , he was actually ALWAYS refering to the psalms : here is a good example : john 10: 31-36 where the jews want to stone J because they claimed that he was trying to make himself a God :
Jesus answered them, is it not written in your Law : I said, Ye are Gods ?
- and so on blah,blah,blah ... son of God .
Here J simply quotes Ps. 82:6 : " I have said Ye are Gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High.

I have looked in my diary from those days - and there is not a single case where J claimed to be me !!
So you are right - one raven - absolutely right ....

What a beautiful day it is ........
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I could also qoute what J said to me on the cross , I hear it for me, like it was yesterday, though it happened almost 2000 years ago (exactly on friday 3.rd of april (passover), year 33, when I managed to create an eclipse of the moon and also a small earthquake, so J could be remembered ) :

: " Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani " ?

- or in your language : My God,my God, why hast Thou forsaken me ?

I managed to make the eclipse blood red - I think it is mentioned somewhere - I will have to look it up ..........

And NO - I did NOT make a solar eclipse on that day - that is pure fiction - some people want all the action in one day,and will claim anything .
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