Can condom avoid AIDS 100%

Anyone have any info on how effective the average human immune system is against exposure to average levels of HIV? I would assume it is very low considering the lack of people who gain immunity to aids, but maybe it is stopable before it gains a foothold.

Speaking of this idea, I wonder if a form of bacteria can be created(altered) to live inside the genitals and effectively kill HIV during exposure. It would have to have a very low mutation rate to avoid "unpleasantness" though.
There are some people that are genetically immune to HIV: they lack the one of the receptor for HIV to attach and invade their T-cells. Perhaps by making a retrovirus inserted an anti-version of the CCR5 gene (the gene for the specific receptor CCR5) into normal peoples T-cells the anti-version gene would produce mRNA that jams or double stands the normal gene and affectively stops production. We can also put in a anti-version to the HIV genes as well affectively preventing HIV infected T-cells from produces HIV.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
There are some people that are genetically immune to HIV: they lack the one of the receptor for HIV to attach and invade their T-cells[/QUOTE] I thought that this was found to be false. (IE: some AIDS variants attached to different receptors) I may very well be wrong, because I can't find a link:)
Just because they are HIV-positive does not mean they will get AIDS, that just means their body has antibodies for HIV and they have been exposed to the virus. Of course it would be exaggerating to say that a person is totally immune yes some variant of HIV may have found another way around but lacking CCD5 does give you resistance the virus infects and reproduces several fold slower without a efficient means of entering the T-cells, this makes it so that these people can survive infection without ever getting AIDS, HIV is reduces to the lethality of the common cold.
If you kissed her, her saliva entered your mouth, can you get AIDS ?
Not unless you had a bruise in your mouth and jacked up teeth with bleeding, maggoty gums.

Anyone have any info on how effective the average human immune system is against exposure to average levels of HIV? I would assume it is very low considering the lack of people who gain immunity to aids, but maybe it is stopable before it gains a foothold.
Apparently there’s only a small group of HIV ‘non-progressors’ that make up a pathetic 5% of the human population. So these lucky few once infected remain only carriers and never (well, keeping fingers crossed and praying like a motherfucker) get AIDS.

But here’s what’s incredibly interesting: We all know the Bubonic Plauge chewed through Europe killing off some 1/3 of its population right? Now, the plague itself was caused by a bacteria, not a virus, that attacks the white blood cells in much the way HIV does- targeting immunity cells and using them as hosts to breed in.

Now, its fully documented that there were people who were immune to The Plague, and if you read Poe he writes about villages that were set up where these people were locked up on suspicions of being witches and warlocks. Anyway, these lucky few have descendants that are alive today and studies have shown that there is a link between a gene called delta 32. Its a mutant.

And this same mutant gene is the one responsible for the those lucky 5 percenting sons of bitches immune to AIDS. It locks the doors on HIV the way it locked the doors on the plague. Its all about what fits and what won’t.

What’s fascinating is knowing that there is a vaccine for The Plague and though not used anymore the most recent its been administered has been to folks in the U.S.

AIDS is recent phenomena.

And guess where the bulk of those 5 percenters live? And don’t we sometimes use one disease to combat another? Cow pox against small pox? Shingles and chicken pox?

See the connection?

"Hey I one heard a story about a beauty shop in Spain in which people bathed in tomatoes and a women got pregnant from it! Apparently someone at the tomato crushing factory blew his load into the mix. "

wait... you mean... im a father?!
You're a funny little devil. A herald of madness.