Can condom avoid AIDS 100%


Valued Senior Member
If you(guy) have sex with a woman who has AIDS, you used condom while having sex, it is 0.03 mm thick,
do you have chance to get AIDS ?

If you kissed her, her saliva entered your mouth, can you get AIDS ?

Condoms arent effective in protecting agst. anything 100%. Read what it says on the box.
Originally posted by whitewolf
Condoms arent effective in protecting agst. anything 100%. Read what it says on the box.

YUP, wolf speaks right....only 98%...that 2% chance is still too much of a chance to play with....
If it does not break... and since they break its not 100%.

You can't get AIDS from saliva (it gets digested) only blood to blood from transfusions or micro-cuts from copulation.
Spook, if you really want to, and if you really try, you really can.
i wanna be a guinea pig and martyr myself for humanity

conventional wisdom say saliva is not a factor in the spread of aids. i agree but there could be exceptions....

Abstract: In a study of the possible transmission of HIV by saliva, three of 55 samples of whole saliva and one of 16 samples of parotid gland fluid tested positive for extremely low levels of the virus, report University of California at San Francisco researchers Jay Levy and Deborah Greenspan, writing in response to an article by Dr. RozenbAUm and colleagues about the possibility of HIV infection through oral sexual activity. The researchers say it is highly unlikely any of the HIV-positive subjects became infected through oral/genital contact. Transmission by this route cannot be ruled out, but frequency would be so low that researchers should seek additional information from people claiming oral sex as the sole source of risk

HIV in Saliva

Most HIV+ patients have more virus in blood than saliva, possibly due to the potent HIV-inhibitory properties of saliva. However, some individuals are hyper-excretors of HIV, carrying more HIV in saliva than in blood

oral transmission of HIV

damn i love that word...hyper-excretors!

Originally posted by sargentlard
Why are so inclined on having sex with a woman who has AIDS in the first place?

ignorance of her condition? discombobulated? snot-suckin, knee walkin, gutter sleepin drunk?
Why don't you try that on lab animals first, before you go to the self testing experiment I mean we lose a LOT of good scientist when they do that.
Nothing is 100% safe agianst any STD....Like they say in school, The only way to stay STD free, is to not have sex. Here is another one though......"Sex can wait, Masturbate"

Abstinence my butt: what if you get raped or get pregnant from shaking a guys hand (Hey it could happen!) or get herpes from drinking out of a used cup (hey it has happened!) and what about those aliens that molest you at night, hey who knows what diseases they have!
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
get pregnant from shaking a guys hand (Hey it could happen!)

HUH??...that woman must have had dead nerve cells since she didn't notice something like that on her hands and then she must have proceded to pleasuring herself aftrewards.
Hey I one heard a story about a beauty shop in Spain in which people bathed in tomatoes and a women got pregnant from it! Apparently someone at the tomato crushing factory blew his load into the mix. Its possible the chances are unlikely though. my point was abstinence is the closes to 100% percent, but is not 100%, that and I was just joking around.
Well, when having sex with someone who has AIDS, when using a condom.. your chance of catching it is .003%... or about a 1 in 30000 chance. This number assumes vaginal sex. It increases drastically with anal.

If everybody on the planet had sex once a week with a random person, BUT USED A CONDOM... only 63000 people worldwide would be infected a year. In comparison, 63000 people die per year from the flu (in the US alone, much higher if you count the world).

The solution is to get people to use condoms. How you do this is debatable.
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"Hey I one heard a story about a beauty shop in Spain in which people bathed in tomatoes and a women got pregnant from it! Apparently someone at the tomato crushing factory blew his load into the mix. "

wait... you mean... im a father?! :eek: :m:
I doubt the beauty shop story, just because of the high acidity of raw tomato chucks/juice. The entire reason for female sexual arousal is to temporarily lower the acidity in there so that the sperm can survive.

I'd bet that tomato juice is a good enough spermicide for remote impregnation. However, stranger things have happened. :confused: