Can atheists tell right from wrong?

For fucks sake ! :mad:

Can we please ban the next person that makes a stupid thread like this about atheism ? PLEASE !
Sure they can, whatever they say is right, is right. If they say its wrong, its wrong.

Source: The Advanced Atheist Dictionary of Redefined Concepts

Duh! :rolleyes:
What do you mean "how".
How about: education - we are raised with the concept of right and wrong.
How about: morality has a genetic basis.

Without objectivity, morality is subjective, and therefore, nonexistent.
Norse-this is rather silly of course they can A right or wrong judgment does not even require emotion, much less belief in God. It merely requires logic and rationalization.
Norse-this is rather silly of course they can A right or wrong judgment does not even require emotion, much less belief in God. It merely requires logic and rationalization.

However, I could rationalize that genocide and thievery are moral and righteous

What then?
Norse-this is rather silly of course they can A right or wrong judgment does not even require emotion, much less belief in God. It merely requires logic and rationalization.

logic and rationalization: Morality is a myth derived from the myth of free will which ascribes accountability to actions only for humans.


Morality is whatever the majority regard as being moral.

That's irrelevant, though. What's relevant is morality in general. If morality is subjective, why is murder wrong?