Can artificial intelligences suffer from mental illness?

Survival from stress involves moving away from the stress and the chemical reaction (within the organism) undergoing the stress react (under physic / chemical) processes (non sentient)
I agree. This behavior is apparent in the Parmecium which does not have a neural network but it does have cilia.
There are two types of cilia: motile cilia and nonmotile, or primary, cilia, which typically serve as sensory organelles.
Thus, Paramecia are brainless but sentient or at least proto-sentient.
If unable to move away will adapt
And learns to synthesize Adrenalin,
a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion.
"performing live really gets your adrenaline going
"TRADEMARK"; the hormone epinephrine extracted from animals or prepared synthetically for medicinal purposes.
No. Pain requires a pain network. A upway path to, a HQ to decide "it hurts" or it's "OK" and, a downward path to send instructions for the action / non action to be taken
I tend to agree, but I've always wondered, why C elegans, a worm with a well mapped neural network does not respond to pain. According to Hameroff the worm has a neural network but it isn't used for "pain" transmission. The reason is that the worm has no cilia (surface receptors) to detect any introduced surface stimulation.

Thus the single celled Paramecium feels "stress" from it's cilia, the worm C. elegans cannot, in spite of its neural network. The worm was stimulated with an electric shock, but just laid there. No pain response.
The brain's "pain sensor" has been found, researchers say. When you step on a thumbtack or hit your funny bone, this is the part of your brain that lights up.
Significant photophobia is usually associated with more severe ocular surface disease or, more likely, intraocular inflammation. The pain induced by exposure to bright light represents ciliary muscle spasm and explains the use of parasympatholytic drops such as atropine in iridocyclitis; painful spasm is prevented by pharmacologically paralyzing the ciliary muscle.

It looks like cilia are a common denominator in all organisms with ability to "feel", and a neural network is required to transmit the sensation of "feel" to a central processor.

Is the microtubular "sensor/transmitter" (cilia), and the neural "transmission distribution network", terminating with the translation of the transmitted signals by "microtubules in the brain"?
Seems logically efficient to me.
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That is after the pre-boarding process
Watched the 11 min video

Great as he normally is

Noticed he picked up on one of the things which annoyed me as safety officer on offshore oil rig - the near miss report

No such animal

Anyway thanks

Thus, Paramecia are brainless but sentient or at least proto-sentient.


Certainly not sentient

While I think you might mean sentient organisms would have passed through a stage where they resembled Paramecia, stating Paramecia are pro sentient seems to imply they will / might become sentient in the future

I have my doubts

Certainly not sentient
It depends if you wish to assign magical powers to being sentient.
sen·tient, adjective, able to perceive or feel things.
synonyms ; capable of feeling, living, live;
Being sentient is not necessarily equivalent to being conscious. IMO, sentience just means ability to experience external influences and react to these influences. Paramecium, when encountering an obstacle, will back up, and adjust course until it is able to avoid the obstacle in its path. It "perceives" the presence of the obstacle and takes corrective action.
I agree, this is an unconscious response mechanism, however it is subjectively sensitive to external conditions and displays reactive behavior. Even if it is purely physical, Paramecia are made of the same stuff as humans, and there is no known reason why simple organisms should not be able to display sensitivity to their environment.

The acquisition of consciousness in humans is a result of evolved complex fermionic and bosonic fields and chemical memory via microtubules, which Paramecium have in abundance and which allows for cognition and processing of information from external stimuli.

Paramecia have no cognition of specific stuff, but they recognize obstacles as obstacles and take corrective action. To me that is the very essence of "proto-sentience", a rudimentary ability to react to stimulus.

This only means the presence of required physical assets (building blocks) for evolving conscious sentience, proto-type patterns and cellular constructs.

A Cuttlefish, the descendant of a mollusk, is sentient, conscious, and highly intelligent.
This would suggest that mollusks have certain specific physical features which make it possible for a cuttlefish to evolve into the sophisticated creature it is today. Thus mollusks have cellular equipment that makes them proto-sentient to touch. I bet this identifies the presence of microtubules, the processors of physical information.

Tap a mussel and it will snap shut. How does it do that? Sentience? Proto-sentience? Micro-tubules?

How does a Venus fly-trap know there is an insect within its trap. Actually we do know that when the insect trips two microtubules in the plant's "flower", this triggers a hydraulic action which forces the leaves (petals) to close rapidly, trapping the insect.

The same as a patch of light sensitive cells may evolve into an eye. The patch is a proto-eye.
The development of the eye is considered by most experts to be monophyletic; that is, all modern eyes, varied as they are, have their origins in a proto-eye ...

The eye has many micro-tubules!

In summation; all organisms which share (the genetic formation of) microtubules at birth, possess rudimentary cell structures or proto-types of all sensory abilities.

A "common denominator" in all sentient or conscious or intelligent organisms are microtubules (biological proto-computers).

When did action/reaction become sentient? I submit that, if action/reaction is always governed by a mathematical form or function, then one could argue that the universe itself is a proto sentience. An active and reactive medium possessing all qualities and quantities necessary in the formation and expression of biological organisms.

Some cosmic dust clouds are proto-stars and will create all the elements necessary for human life. It's all chronologically and mathematically connected. Bohm's potential "Implicate".
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It depends if you wish to assign magical powers to being sentient. Being sentient is not necessarily equivalent to being conscious. IMO, sentience just means ability to experience external influences and react to these influences.
So an ice cube is sentient?
This see
So an ice cube is sentient?
An ice cube is factually sensitive to temperature, no? It actually undergoes melting when a treshold temperature is reached?

Keep it warm enough and eventually the ice cube will melt and shapeshift from a solid state to a liquid state.

This is a form and expression of an unconscious sentience, IMO....:cool:
It depends if you wish to assign magical powers to being sentient.

No magical powers. I checked a few sources about sentient and it seems to imply everything alive is sentient

In modern Western philosophy, sentience is the ability to experience sensations (known in philosophy of mind as "qualia")

which in essence embraces all life, and

The concept is central to the philosophy of animal rights because sentience is necessary for the ability to suffer, and thus is held to confercertain rights.


My point would be, can you track backwards from
  • a dog with a clear ability to suffer, to a
  • Paramecia, with no ability to suffer?
To my thinking this would require the same respect (claim to life without suffering) be given to bacterium as the dog

Would you (extreme extreme situation) be charged "for cruelty to bacterium" because you could not prove they did not suffer when you used a hand wipe?

Shades of Hindu??

I agree, this is an unconscious response mechanism,

I would put it more reactive not unconscious

can we choose which magical powers ?
yes ! i have a list.

assignment of class, of sentience, maybe a class of asinine asymmetrical semblance of non sentience :p:D
Lol, but nothing magical there, these are existing defined terms. Magical is unexplainable and belongs in the realm of the fantastic.
No magical powers. I checked a few sources about sentient and it seems to imply everything alive is sentient
True, but all living things are not consciously sentient. And it also means that at one point a biochemical pattern must have had the potential for evolving into a sentient biological organ. IMO, that potential would be called a state of proto-sentience (inherent ability to evolve), into greater complexity.
In modern Western philosophy, sentience is the ability to experience sensations (known in philosophy of mind as "qualia")

which in essence embraces all life, and

The concept is central to the philosophy of animal rights because sentience is necessary for the ability to suffer, and thus is held to confercertain rights.


My point would be, can you track backwards from
  • a dog with a clear ability to suffer, to a
  • Paramecia, with no ability to suffer?
To my thinking this would require the same respect (claim to life without suffering) be given to bacterium as the dog

Would you (extreme extreme situation) be charged "for cruelty to bacterium" because you could not prove they did not suffer when you used a hand wipe?

Shades of Hindu??
This is why there is a distinction between proto-abilities (the building blocks) and fully evolved functional abilities. I find this evolutionary process so successful that one might say the universe from the instant of creation and was able to fashion the first particles. Suppose the hydrogen atom had not been formed. Life as we know it would not have existed. But the orderly hierarchical progression from potential proto-abilities to expressed sophisticated sensory processing and ultimately evolving consciousness.
I would put it more reactive not unconscious......:)
Right and there is a threshold where non-functional "proto-abilities" actually become real expressed abilities, even as these sensory abilities are not in themselves conscious.

IMO, one can even make an argument that, assuming a mathematical essence to the universe, such a processing function would be equal to really good logical thinking in human thought. The world of Mathematics is a self-referential pseudo-intelligent structure for processing information.
A Deistic perspective.

A perfect example lies in the "flagellum" where a sweat gland evolved into a chemically driven dynamic propulsion mechanism with some other remarkable properties.

A flagellum is a lash-like appendage that protrudes from the cell body of certain bacterial and eukaryotic cells. The primary role of the flagellum is locomotion, but it also often has function as a sensory organelle, being sensitive to chemicals and temperatures outside the cell.

However, micro-tubules (proto-processors) already existed long before they had to process the functions of flagella. AI = a non-conscious proto-sentience.....maybe?....:)
Shades of Hindu??...:)
Yes, IMO, Deism describes the symbolized universe's proto-types of various mathematical Patterns. Kinda like the symbolism contained in the Platonic solids. Pretty deep stuff.


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i beleive in magic
the type of magic that creates an air of newness and unique expereince to a percepted event or expereince, upon an ability to conjur that for someone to expereince it.
that is the art of making magic.
the nature of truth in science is unknown(quantum theory), there for what is deemed impossible is only dreams of dreams.
The dream is real, but the Dream of the Dream IS the dream and thus not real.
the ability to create this is magic.
the perception is magical
the event is not impossible, only the path to arrive at its inception is elusive.
that is the art of making magic.
But that's not how it goes.
"Natura Artis Magistra", Nature is the Magical teacher of Art....:)
Mathematics and Art -- So Many Connections
Mathematics generates art
Pattern is a fundamental concept in both mathematics and art. Mathematical patterns can generate artistic patterns. Often a coloring algorithm can produce "automatic art" that may be as surprising or aesthetically pleasing as that produced by a human hand. Colored versions of the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets are striking examples of this: each is generated by the recursive equationzn = zn -12 + C. In the case of the Mandelbrot set the equation is iterated for each point C in the complex plane, where z0 = 0 and the point C is colored according to rules based on whether the iterated values eventually exceed 2 and the number of iterations after which this occurs. [P15] Other fractals, as well as images based on attractors, are also produced by iteration and coloring according to rules. The intricacy of these images, their symmetries, and the endless (in theory) continuance of the designs on ever-smaller scales, makes them spellbinding. [P10]

Renate Loll proposes that the fabric of the universe itself unfolds in a fractal manner.
Causal dynamical triangulation (abbreviated as CDT) theorized by Renate Loll, Jan Ambjørn and Jerzy Jurkiewicz, and popularized by Fotini Markopoulou and Lee Smolin, is an approach to quantum gravity that like loop quantum gravity is background independent.
This means that it does not assume any pre-existing arena (dimensional space), but rather attempts to show how the spacetime fabric itself evolves.
Fractals is a new branch of mathematics and art. Perhaps this is the reason why most people recognize fractals only as pretty pictures useful as backgrounds on the computer screen or original postcard patterns. But what are they really?

You can build a Universe with fractals.....the Universe can build itself with fractals......:)
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I find this evolutionary process so successful that one might say the universe from the instant of creation and was able to fashion the first particles.


It took 380,000 years for electrons to be trapped in orbits around nuclei, forming the first atoms

I guess 380,000 years is close enough to instant in 13 billion years

Made it this time

Yes, physics are created from energy via a mathematical formula.

It took 380,000 years for electrons to be trapped in orbits around nuclei, forming the first atoms

I guess 380,000 years is close enough to instant in 13 billion years

Made it this time

Maybe it was probabilistically inevitable. As Hazen says "given enough time and spatial dimensions, it is no longer a question of either/or but when".
He has great confidence in the probability that life exists elsewhere......:):)

Time does not exist

Mike drop :)

He has great confidence in the probability that life exists elsewhere

So do I

If intelligent, with a equivalent Sciforums site, I hope they have dealt with the god issue better than us Earth Minions

Imagine a sensible dialogue about a implausible Sky Daddy without a Doppleganger Jan

Oh happy days
