Can angels be proven to exist?

SouthStar said:
From cavepaintings to modern atheists, there are depictions of otherwordly beings transforming lives. There was this story by a (New York I believe) woman who was trapped in a fire and yet saved from harm by an angel although everyone else died. Of course if you are an idiot, you will stupidly claim that since there is no way of verifying the millions of claims scientifically they have no credence.

Well, there are plenty of bad things that happen to people. I'm not surprised that there are these statistical anomalies. I mean, if miracles happened all the time, they'd hardly be miracles, right?
TechStd said:
Tech: I highly doubt the existence of ETs. There have been no signals reported despite years of listening, conditions need to be ideal and life can't form spontaneously (ref: Louis Pasteur). What are these cave paintings I've heard about on sciforum and maybe mostly from you MW?

I don't want to turn this into an ET debate, but to assume there is no other intelligent life in the universe is akin to assuming the world was flat.

Out of the billions and billions and billions of stars out there, one of them has a planet circling it that contains or at one time contained advanced civilizations.
top mosker said:
I don't want to turn this into an ET debate, but to assume there is no other intelligent life in the universe is akin to assuming the world was flat.

Out of the billions and billions and billions of stars out there, one of them has a planet circling it that contains or at one time contained advanced civilizations.
Tech: It may seem probable in a universe of galaxies but if it isn't it probably isn't. Statistics: Consider tossing a uniform coin. Your chances of turning up with all heads in 300 tosses is 2 followed by 90 zero's.
top mosker said:
I don't want to turn this into an ET debate, but to assume there is no other intelligent life in the universe is akin to assuming the world was flat.

Out of the billions and billions and billions of stars out there, one of them has a planet circling it that contains or at one time contained advanced civilizations.

No, this is not necessarily true. It might be the case that a lot of precise conditions need to be satisfied for life to form. We don't really know yet. If we had more knowledge, we might be able to calculate the chance that life exists elsewhere as as probability; since we don't know now, we can't really say for sure that "somewhere, there has to be life." Of course, we also can't say for sure that we're the only ones. Eventually, I imagine that we will find that probability to either be close to 100% or close to 0% confidence.