Can angels be proven to exist?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: We've all had experiences in our lives whose outcome we couldn't explain. Can anyone prove there are angels among us? Please describe them and what they did for you.
On the contrary Linx..

From cavepaintings to modern atheists, there are depictions of otherwordly beings transforming lives. There was this story by a (New York I believe) woman who was trapped in a fire and yet saved from harm by an angel although everyone else died. Of course if you are an idiot, you will stupidly claim that since there is no way of verifying the millions of claims scientifically they have no credence.

Only such a moron would expect that an "angel" would come into a scientifically controlled environment to be tested like a rat. Then again these are the same morons who scoff at every report of an angel assuming the foolish stereotype that they are white men with wings on their backs.
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I believe in imagination. I believe everyone is a moron (mostly people who believe just because they ear that something without explanation happened)... and i believe Angels are morons, and very incompetent...
§outh§tar: From cavepaintings to modern atheists, there are depictions of otherwordly beings transforming lives.
M*W: Hi, SouthStar! I've always been curious about those cave paintings showing beings with space-like suits and various types of flying machines, but I've never thought of them as angels. I guess everyone would have a different image of what an angel may be. I was curious if anyone else had seen or had contact with an angel and what their experience was. Does anyone think that angels could be ETs?
Linx said:
I believe in imagination. I believe everyone is a moron (mostly people who believe just because they ear that something without explanation happened)... and i believe Angels are morons, and very incompetent...

Well only morons believe the supernatural (assuming there is one) is also subject to the scientific method without contemplating independent methods of verification.
Medicine Woman said:
§outh§tar: From cavepaintings to modern atheists, there are depictions of otherwordly beings transforming lives.
M*W: Hi, SouthStar! I've always been curious about those cave paintings showing beings with space-like suits and various types of flying machines, but I've never thought of them as angels. I guess everyone would have a different image of what an angel may be. I was curious if anyone else had seen or had contact with an angel and what their experience was. Does anyone think that angels could be ETs?

I'm only saying the idea of angels (the supernatural in general) is universal and therefore angels who appeared in ancient Greece might have worn togas, angels who appear today might wear jeans and a t-shirt.

I'm only irritated by people who say that because of such a discrepancy, it is somehow proof that angels don't exist or even at the very least, should lead to skepticism. It is a non sequitur.
Duh... of course angels exist.

They live in a magical kingdom in the sky with a super powerfull guy named "God" and they look down on us and protect us and some of them have swords and they wear halos and they have wings and they sing in choirs. YEA!
It seems these angels have big guns that can sing in unison.


It seems these angels have big halos.


And this one I will just leave it up to your own interpretation.


Have a nice day.
I don't believe in agels, demons, gods, unicorsn, pegasus, and/or every ancient mythological being created by man.

I do however believe in good samaritans; thought to be angels by the ingnorace of others.

A man saves the life of a child in a burning car, he gets the child out of the burning vehicle risking his own life, then runs away from the automobile while it explodes, leaving one dead mom, the man does not even wait for the cops to arrive, he only tells the little girl to stay close to the car; till the cops arrive. He splits the scene.

Police investigation of the accident and the child that got saved by this good samaritan makes the evening news. Her father offers a reward for his bravery,
the reward never gets claimed.

Aparently this man does not want any publicity, further investigation of witnesses, reveals the model, license plate of the vehicle that the man was driving. It turned out to be a stolen car.

Was this an agel or a theif? oviously it was a thief with a heart, or perhaps felt quilty that he may have had caused the accident.

There are certain vibrational patterns of energy that we perceive as our known world that can be defined by scientific measurement but there are other energy patterns that are beyond the capablity of current science to measure. It is in this realm that Angels and other unexplained phenomenon exist. You might say that they are extra-dimensional rather than extra-terrestrial with the ability to briefly enter our perceptional field.
I believe that beings known as Angels exist and that they have their own agenda. Most of the Angel stories seem to involve their taking action to save a particular person rather than everyone which I find intrguing.
candy: There are certain vibrational patterns of energy that we perceive as our known world that can be defined by scientific measurement but there are other energy patterns that are beyond the capablity of current science to measure. It is in this realm that Angels and other unexplained phenomenon exist. You might say that they are extra-dimensional rather than extra-terrestrial with the ability to briefly enter our perceptional field.
M*W: Thanks, candy, for your informative reply. I agree with you that there is an extra-dimension or inter-dimension that exists like a parallel universe where we generally cannot go to -- yet! I really haven't studied this phenomonen, but I am interested in it since my mother recently passed away. I felt the urge to try to contact her in the other realm.
candy: I believe that beings known as Angels exist and that they have their own agenda. Most of the Angel stories seem to involve their taking action to save a particular person rather than everyone which I find intrguing.
M*W: I know angels were mentioned in many places in the bible (I don't believe in the bible), but they could have been alien messengers or something. I can't really say that I've had an angelic experience, but I've met many fine and altruistic human beings in my day. My grandmother told me a story of when she was nine years old in Appalachia, and they lived in a log cabin up in the mountains. She was at home with her 13 year old brother when someone knocked on the door at night. She thought her brother was playing a trick on her, so she went to the door, and lo and behold she said an angel was standing there! She didn't know why the angel had appeared to her. She didn't remember anything that the angel said. It might not have said anything, but she said it was white and glowing. Now my grandmother was quite practical and was not much of a socializer. She said she'd been afraid to tell her family because they might think she was crazy. I'm the only one she ever told! Strangely, there were not that many times I got to be alone with her during family visits, etc. It still strikes me as odd, because my grandmother was so prim and proper.

I haven't really experienced anything supernatural such as observing angels. I would prefer to beleive in angels and think many people are of the same mind. Why do you ask MW?
We've all had experiences in our lives whose outcome we couldn't explain. Can anyone prove there are birdmen among us?

Hmm, God lives in the sky. He must have messengers, since our leaders have messengers to. The birds can get to the skykingdom - maybe God has BIRDMEN to give messages to us. Maybe since God is an all powerful king, he doesn't actually do much himself, but relies on his servants the noble BIRDMEN. Hmm, maybe we'll even call these BIRDMEN angels. :eek:

All joking aside, shit happens, good shit happens. No explanation necessary.
TechStd: MW, I haven't really experienced anything supernatural such as observing angels. I would prefer to beleive in angels and think many people are of the same mind. Why do you ask MW?
M*W: I haven't experienced it either, but I was just wondering if anybody else had. There have been times I was in some kind of jam and a stranger would come by to help, but that was probably just a good person helping out. I wonder if in the ancient times, the cave paintings they left with men with wings and spacesuits were aliens or angels. I'm not sure if angels are real or not, but if I have seen one, he probably looked human.
I've had no experience yet with angles. I do however have a terrible gnome problem. They come into my house at night and steal my socks, which is why I never seem to be able to find a matched pair. They also like to unscrew the top of the mustard bottle so that when I squeeze it the top pops off and drenches my hotdogs with too much mustard. I've never actually seen a gnome but only a moron would expect them to stick around so that I could capture them on film or perform scientific testing. Gnomes are actually just like us except they're smaller and they vibrate in a different dimension of smell.

I'd just like to note that there are no known cave paintings of extraterrestrials. That is cult archaeology, and serious archaeologists know what those pictures really are. If you're referring to someone like Eric von Daniken, well, he's pretty much a joke.
M*W: I haven't experienced it either, but I was just wondering if anybody else had. There have been times I was in some kind of jam and a stranger would come by to help, but that was probably just a good person helping out. I wonder if in the ancient times, the cave paintings they left with men with wings and spacesuits were aliens or angels. I'm not sure if angels are real or not, but if I have seen one, he probably looked human.

Tech: I highly doubt the existence of ETs. There have been no signals reported despite years of listening, conditions need to be ideal and life can't form spontaneously (ref: Louis Pasteur). What are these cave paintings I've heard about on sciforum and maybe mostly from you MW?