Can a Religion Be Banned?

Should it be legal to ban a Religion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 12 70.6%

  • Total voters
No. It is not.
Most religions are not tolerant. Their Holy Babbles teach them to be intolerant.

Three or four of the worlds religions are not "most religions". That's only a few.
Furthermore, believing that oneself is right doesn't mean that one cannot tolerate others believing different things. Unless you are childishly naive and think that tolerance = thinking the same. :rolleyes:
Con artists are legally banned. People who snow others into giving them money. Except for priests, preachers & most other religious con artists. Why are they allowed to convince people to give them money without giving anything substantial in return while others, from medicine to auto mechanics are shut down & prosecuted???
Scientology is in an entirely different league. They're the only "religion" I know of that actually SELLS people their religious information. A priest might encourage you to donate, but he'll still be happy to tell you all about christianity and probably even give you a bible for free. You can still attend service, get confession, etc. without donating money.
Three or four of the worlds religions are not "most religions". That's only a few.

And also these religions have been causal and participatory in the elimination and damage of other religions. So it would be unfair to religion to blame all because of the advantages gained immorally by a few.
I wonder what Christians would think of Scientologists Televangelists with a 1-800-XENU-LOVES donation hot line?!? :eek:
Scientology is in an entirely different league. They're the only "religion" I know of that actually SELLS people their religious information. A priest might encourage you to donate, but he'll still be happy to tell you all about christianity and probably even give you a bible for free. You can still attend service, get confession, etc. without donating money.

It is not entirely different. It is extremely similiar.
Priests go much further than encouraging donations.
False, I've attended church and mass, been a bridesmaid for a Catholic friend, met several priests and they never so much as did anything but answer my questions.
It is not entirely different. It is extremely similiar.
You don't see a difference between offering religious service and instruction for free while encouraging donations vs. telling people they can only learn about your religion and attend classes etc. if they pay? Really?
Priests go much further than encouraging donations.
I disagree. Priests don't bar anyone from attending mass, receiving communion, or anything else if they don't donate. At worst, they might get a bit frowny. That's very different from a scientologist saying "Sorry, it will cost $2000 for you to [do some stupid religious bullshit].
Who the heck is forced or coerced to learn about Scientology, attend their classes & pay for it???

Your disagreement doesn't change facts. Priests & preachers are con artists with parents, family & society as duped deluded abettors. They induce people into feeling they have no choice but to donate. And/or that it's the right thing to do, which is the chief tactic of the con artist.
Church of Scientology on Trial in France: Can a Religion Be Banned?

I wonder, do people think that it should be legal to ban a particular faith? I mean, if people are stupid enough to worship Xenu why not let them be fleeced?

China bans Falun Gong and Indonesia bans that heretical Muslim sect Ahmadiyya - I'm pretty sure there aren't too many Synagogues and Hindu temples in KSA, the USA all but banned the LDS polygamy cult - - but we're talking about France! The West.

I thought we were open and free?

Freedom fries and all that.... :)

So, Sciforum members do you think it should be legal to ban a Religion?

Religion cannot be banned. But it can be persecuted.

No place in the world is "Free", that’s just brain washing propaganda that some authorities use in their controlling techniques.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Who the heck is forced or coerced to learn about Scientology, attend their classes & pay for it???

Your disagreement doesn't change facts. Priests & preachers are con artists with parents, family & society as duped deluded abettors. They induce people into feeling they have no choice but to donate. And/or that it's the right thing to do, which is the chief tactic of the con artist.
But many people choose not to donate. (and besides how can the preachers help themselves, they are simply acting out their utterly detemined nature which was set in motion back in the Big Bang, and before that since I know you believe there was a before in relation to the Big Bang. they are simply dominoes falling in a different way than you fall. They happen. You happen)
Who the heck is forced or coerced to learn about Scientology, attend their classes & pay for it???
Who said anything about scientologists forcing people to attend classes? The point is that if you want to attend a scientology class or service you must pay for it. It is free to attend virtually all christian services.
Your disagreement doesn't change facts. Priests & preachers are con artists with parents, family & society as duped deluded abettors. They induce people into feeling they have no choice but to donate. And/or that it's the right thing to do, which is the chief tactic of the con artist.
And you simply asserting that priests "induce people into feeling they have no choice but to donate" doesn't change facts either. I grew up in the catholic church, and I have never seen a case of a priest trying to coerce people into donating money. You will never hear a priest say that you must pay money to get into heaven.

I am an atheist, and while I think that both scientology and christianity amount to ridiculous bullshit, most christian churches don't appear to me to be motivated by a desire to make money. The christians for the most part really believe that they're helping people and want to "spread the word," as stupid as the "word" may be. The scientologists, on the other hand, seem to be overtly motivated by profit. Which is why I said they're in an entirely different league.
Who said anything about scientologists forcing people to attend classes? The point is that if you want to attend a scientology class or service you must pay for it.
Is this a problem? I mean come on, I've been to many MANY church services where the preacher spends about half the time talking about the importance of tithing 10% and the other half about eternal fires of hell damnation as just about the right place for the tight-arse who don't tithe!

This is to CHILDREN mind you. Heck, one must wonder how many trillions of dollars were scared out of people's hands!

The Scientologists probably just says you'll live a miserable life unless you pay to play?

The point is - THEY ALL DO IT!
I wonder, do people think that it should be legal to ban a particular faith?


Its always been legal to ban religions which present a clear public menace. The thuggee's for example.

What exactly is a clear public menace is another story and whether such bans are terribly effective seems to vary wildly.
Who the heck is forced or coerced to learn about Scientology, attend their classes & pay for it???

Your disagreement doesn't change facts. Priests & preachers are con artists with parents, family & society as duped deluded abettors. They induce people into feeling they have no choice but to donate. And/or that it's the right thing to do, which is the chief tactic of the con artist.

Is this a problem? I mean come on, I've been to many MANY church services where the preacher spends about half the time talking about the importance of tithing 10% and the other half about eternal fires of hell damnation as just about the right place for the tight-arse who don't tithe!

This is to CHILDREN mind you. Heck, one must wonder how many trillions of dollars were scared out of people's hands!

The Scientologists probably just says you'll live a miserable life unless you pay to play?

The point is - THEY ALL DO IT!

I find both these comments both insulting and rather uninformed of the more ancient and established world religions. It is patently absurd to even attempt to draw a parallel between "Scientology" and religions like Catholicism or Islam. Would Scientology ever set up a Madrasa and school a whole communities children for free? Think of all the relief work and aid that the Catholic Church does in South America and Africa.

These two posts that want to draw a parallel and claim that these ancient organizations are in it for the money? eh. . . it's dubious at best. I really don't think these posters have any real experience with a legitimate organized religion that has a long and deep history.

I am not religious. Not one bit. I do however study spirituality and find religion interesting as a matter of hobby, and I likewise find as we enter an age when quantum physics posits multiple dimensions, it is time to do away with this nonsensical notion that there should be a separation between physics and metaphysics, simply because of our limited scientific instrumentation. Can't empirical observation be good enough for now?

But I can clearly see a false parallel being drawn when one is being made. Though the oldest of the world's religions are filled with as much politics and B.S. as there is wisdom and truth, they are NOT primarily "con artists with parents, family & society." Nor do "THEY ALL DO IT!" These statements seem to stem from ignorance, and a real negativity toward religion. Isn't this precisely what religion has warned about for millenniums? No matter which religion? That if you turn from them you become soulless and negative? And here, you only prove to become the very thing you claim that their "fairy tales" are talking gibberish about. Seems there might be some wisdom in all those assorted tombs after all, eh?

Aside from their ignorance, their divisiveness, their backwardness, etc. they do give lots of people hope, joy, love, a sense of community, and most of all, an outlet for doing good works throughout the planet. THIS is what the worlds oldest and most respected religions primarily do. They were not set up thousands of years ago as fabulous pyramid schemes, get real.
The fallacy: Appeal to Tradition

Scientology is equally a valid superstition as Catholicism and Islam.
Scientologists give to charity anyway.

I wonder: If Scientology were to donate all the building materials to make and maintain School's of Xenu where the kids sit and recite L Ron Hubbard like they do in the Madrases of Pakistan out of the Qur'an ... would you really see this as charity? Or more as institutionalized brainwashing of poor people in 3rd world countries?

Yeah, many people are sincere in their faith, no doubt. It's why they are so easily duped out of their money. Luckily for us we live in secular societies, but, in the past the church was all powerful. Clergy were the law in and unto themselves. We just happen to live in one of the only times in history where man has wrestled the power out of the hands of clergy and given it back to the people. Thomas Jefferson has some interesting quotes on the matter - hell, he even wrote his own bible.

I'll give you that no all PEOPLE DO IT. But all RELIGIONS do it - at one time or another.

Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Your limited experience means very little in determining the overall situation.

So does yours. :rolleyes:

My post you quote was obviously in response to someone citing their personal experience as proof of how most religion is. Your rolleyes is foolish.
As evidenced by many of my posts, I do not go only by my experience.
From what I have read & noticed, most of the standard religions seem to have sincere people at the local level running a church, mosque, or synagogue. The rotten apples are exceptions rather than the rule at the lowest level.

The further up you go from the local level, the worse it seems to get. At the higher levels, power, money, & prestige seem to be more important than religion. This is best shown by those in the Catholic church who covered up pedophilia, sending priests new churches to prey on new victims when their actions were discovered.

The electronic church is another example of abuse. Jimmy Swaggart & others are only interested in collecting large amounts of money, often from people who cannot afford to donate as much as they do.

Scientology seems to be money oriented at the lowest levels of their hierarchy, which makes them fundamentally different fom the other religions.