Can a culture be abnormal, evil, neurotic?

nor is that anywhere near TORCHER

Dosn't make it right though

It's wrong? Personally, I'm glad for it.
It is much cleaner. And I have no recollection of it. And I'm sure, when I was a baby, I forgot about it within a minute or so.

'Some say homosexuality is rampant in boy scouts, catholic system, prisons, military - is that a cultural thing?"

A circumstancial thing. Men are, usually, very highly sexual. So you put them in an extended time with only other men around, and what's gonna happen?

"Social governance is a product of a culture. That also creates starvation in some countries (especially African ones). Do we close our eyes because, it is none of our business?"

Morally, yes. If the majority of a population have decided one way, we have no right to intervene. Of course, if it's a minority that is hurting the vast majority, then I say ask the majority if they want help and if they say yes, go on in. America does not have a history of doing this though. America's greatest use of intervention has been to help itself.

"Certain group wants to kill the other group. As long as they do not come to our land, should we let them?"

How do you pick a side? And peace keeping doesn't do a lot (usually). Canada tries it, it rarely works well.
A circumstancial thing. Men are, usually, very highly sexual. So you put them in an extended time with only other men around, and what's gonna happen?

May be we should supply sheeps as the men go to the battle. Then again - the animal activists will get upset....:D

Men are, usually, very highly sexual.

Tell that to the women. In this country women want men to have the same level of sexual feelings as the women. Women think, men will become rapists, abusers etc by viewing playboy or other visual items. When we have a female president, she may decree that no male shall masturbate using playboy or internet. :D
Ok Tyler. So, we shouldn't "police" the world. If Canada suddenly passes a law that mandates parents behead their first children, we should respect Canada's decision.

If the people of Scotland suddenly decide to castrate and blind all the newborn boys, we should sit idle and say to ourselves, "Boy, that's just to bad."

I'm doing no more here than taking your logic to its absurd extremes. It's not practical, and frankly, I think it's counterproductive to moral growth. As global communication grows, so does our need to find universal moral laws that are compatible with all creatures living in our age.
"Ok Tyler. So, we shouldn't "police" the world. If Canada suddenly passes a law that mandates parents behead their first children, we should respect Canada's decision."

Nope, then it infringes on the people.

"Morally, yes. If the majority of a population have decided one way, we have no right to intervene. Of course, if it's a minority that is hurting the vast majority, then I say ask the majority if they want help and if they say yes, go on in."

The question at hand is a moral one. I don't believe I have the right to choose another nations future. I believe in democracy. So if the large majority chooses to vote one way in another nation, I don't believe I have hte moral right to intervene and force my opinion on them.

If you've read much of what I've written, you'll notice I could care less about morals. If a large part of the population is being treated in a way that breaks basic human rights, I say ask the nation to straighten up or face me fighting to free their people.

However, like I pointed out, what about the gay issue? Should Canada attack America or try and force their opinions on America? Ditto abortion?

Another question for you...

Is "our" culture abnormal, evil, neurotic?

... :rolleyes: :cool: :eek: :D :eek:

Racism & anti-Semitism are evil and irrational, if not neurotic. However we are working on these issues and have been slowly curing ourselves. We inherited slavery, which is the basis of racism: We did not invent it. Furthermore, for well over 100 years, racism & anti-Semitism were practiced, but not written into our laws, which showed some sense of ethics.

I do not think that our entire culture can be condemned for these vices since they are not institutionalized as are the evils of various other past & present cultures.

There are certainly evil/neurotic individuals and groups in the USA. We have yet to develop a rational approach to government, although I would not call our system evil or neurotic.

We have an inherent flaw which might lead to an evil and neurotic system. Asimov summed up the nature of a politician in one of his scifi novels. One of his characters said the following.
You are wasting your time and mine. If I try to pass the legislation you want, I will lose the next election. If that happens, I do not care if the sun goes nova and destroys the earth in 5-10 years.
Our politicians’ best interests are served by winning elections, which goal seldom comes close to being in the best interests of the nation.

The best we can say for our system is that it seems to be able to fix evils like racism and a view of women as property without resorting to revolution. It also seems better than any currently possible alternatives, although we seem to be drifting in the direction of communism & socialism in spite of the obvious evils and short comings of those philosophies.

And kids killing each other at school? Is that a sign of the decadence of our system? Isn't that evil, abnormal and neurotic?

And nuclear weapons that creates all this fear, which ultimatly controls our society? Isn't that evil, abnormal and neurotic?

And violence in big cities like Los Angeles, Detroit...? Isn't that evil, abnormal and neurotic?

And the fascism spreading in Europe? Isn't that evil, abnormal and neurotic?

And all the mental illness there is in this world... that have been increasing, mainly by the increase of stress (which is basically the most common illness of our society). Isn't that evil, abnormal and neurotic?

I could go on and on with the list... :eek:

I would not call our system evil or neurotic.

Uuhhhmmm... are you sure...? :eek: :bugeye:

I WILL go on

And the destruction of the very planet that surports us

And the Youth suicides

YES our sociaty IS evil
Actually, our society is HUGELY ignorant...!!!

There's no evil... there's only ignorance. That's the key for "evil". Ignorance leads to fear, that leads to anger, imcomprehension, evil, neurosis and many other sicknessess of our society. We are not wise... the knowledge we have lacks the most important:


:bugeye: :eek: :bugeye: :eek: :cool: :eek: :eek:

thats not true

If i shoot you i KNOW you will die

I am not ignorent im EVIL

Evil exists
There's no evil... there's only ignorance. That's the key for "evil". Ignorance leads to fear, that leads to anger, imcomprehension, evil, neurosis and many other sicknessess of our society. We are not wise... the knowledge we have lacks the most important:

Quite decent Nelson, quite decent. Accept the existance of evil and you're on the right track....lose the huge red letters though -bloody annoying.

Tell that to the women. In this country women want men to have the same level of sexual feelings as the women.

Which is like, about the same, right?

Women think, men will become rapists, abusers etc by viewing playboy or other visual items. When we have a female president, she may decree that no male shall masturbate using playboy or internet.

I'll forgive you that, given that you're located in the "Sawth" and soultherners are weird.

Be assured my non-American Sciforummers, it is not really like that.
TruthSeeker: Yes there are evil, abnormal, & neurotic people and groups in our society. That does not make our overall society evil, abnormal, or neurotic.

The majority of our teenagers do not go on killing sprees. The facists are in the minority. Riots and violence in our major cities is done by a small segment of the population.

Nuclear weapons have not be used for over 65 years. I guess that at least 10 countries have had them for 20 or more years. This suggests some level of rationality and/or ethics.

BTW: I have never understood the fuss over nuclear weapons. There were more people killed using conventional bombs in WW2 that killed by nuclear weapons. The deliberately created fire storms in a few German cities were particularly gruesome. Some people there died of suffocation due to fire consuming all the oxygen.

If you want to worry about something, look at the way governments have been encroaching on our civil rights for the last 60-70 years. While minorities and women have more civil rights that they had a century ago, all sorts of other civil rights are being slowly eroded.

Worry about the dangers posed by big government and the huge bureaucracies they spawn.

Is it wise kill someone?
I'm not talking about knowledge, I'm talking about wisdom.


Quite decent Nelson, quite decent. Accept the existance of evil and you're on the right track....lose the huge red letters though -bloody annoying.

I accept the existance of evil... :bugeye:


Yes there are evil, abnormal, & neurotic people and groups in our society. That does not make our overall society evil, abnormal, or neurotic.


The majority of our teenagers do not go on killing sprees. The facists are in the minority. Riots and violence in our major cities is done by a small segment of the population.
Not quite... the percentage seems highter...
I've read an article that said that almost (or everyone...?) in Los Angeles walk with guns in the street because of the fear of being assaulted or killed, for example...

Nuclear weapons have not be used for over 65 years. I guess that at least 10 countries have had them for 20 or more years. This suggests some level of rationality and/or ethics.
Palestine, Iraq, India, China... do they have nuclear weapons...?
Who knows... :eek: :bugeye:

BTW: I have never understood the fuss over nuclear weapons. There were more people killed using conventional bombs in WW2 that killed by nuclear weapons. The deliberately created fire storms in a few German cities were particularly gruesome. Some people there died of suffocation due to fire consuming all the oxygen.

The major concern is about the nuclear weapons of the old Soviet Union... to win money, they might have sold many nuclear weapons to countries like Iraq, Palestine and so on. We don't know it, and that's the danger... Besides that, there are still nuclear weapons that can destroy the entire world all alone...

If you want to worry about something, look at the way governments have been encroaching on our civil rights for the last 60-70 years. While minorities and women have more civil rights that they had a century ago, all sorts of other civil rights are being slowly eroded.

Good to see that you know it...

Worry about the dangers posed by big government and the huge bureaucracies they spawn.

Yes, they are also evil, abnormal and neurotic... ;) :bugeye: :eek:

Yes Nelson????

If a few members of society are like that, how does that make the whole society evil?

By vthat logic, if I have a hate filled with 18 red balls and 1 black ball, the make-up of the hate is black balls.
No Tyler...

If a few members of society are like that, how does that make the whole society evil?

A few groups... not a few members...
Many people are normal... but the ones who are evil, abnormal and neurotic already do a great difference...


define wisdom?

And you want to know whats wrong with Nukes
ever seen someone die of radiation sickness?
or a baby deformed by radiation posining?
Wisdom is the knowledge of oneself. It can only be attained by increased self-awarenes, through looking inside one's Heart and perceiving one's true divine nature. Through experiencing connection with Nature, one may pursue one's true nature and link this inner nature to the universe, through nature. In this way, the universe is discovered within and everywhere, and wisdom is attained.

Can you new-agers start making up your own language? I'm tired of you guys changing dictionary definitions for English. If you want to think up some wild, out of reality idea....just give it a new word to title it.