Campaign Speech

No problem.

I just hope people don't think I'm pointing any fingers. I'm merely pointing out a possible flaw in the system.
It's pretty trivial for me to check who has voted. I'll take a look at any votes from new members and see if any of their IP addresses match other members. Since this isn't anonymous (from my perspective), there's no chance for cheating.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I had an incline that you could do something like that
<i>question: does that James R guy ever post in this forum?</i>

Yes, I do.

For example, see some of my extended arguments with the infamous tony1.

As I said, I probably won't post to this forum a lot, but if appointed moderator I <b>will</b> look at every thread, and will keep a careful eye on the forum to see that it runs smoothly.

Chances are I will throw in the odd post or two from time to time. I wouldn't be volunteering to moderate this forum if I wasn't interested in the discussion here. I enjoy speculating about God, and I like learning about different religious views. This is one way to do that.
Uhh... I take that back.

As moderator of the Religion forums, I will try to allow as free of speech as possible (and so I will not delete such topics as Tyler has said)

However, I will be sure to uphold the rules that y'all agreed to when you registered here.

I will remove any obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or illegal content from posts.

While some may see this as my raining on their parade, this IS after all what you agreed to when you signed up.

Also, I will be sure to delete repeated name-calling (the first time you call a person a name, I will not extract it from your post unless it is obscene, but I will remove such things as "little children" or "retard" if they're used excessively)


Now, let me review some statistics on some of our other candidates (nothing hurtful, hopefully)

James R, on average, posts 3.29 posts daily. Much of this count is from earlier, when he was a more active member. Unfortunately, we cannot check statistics for the past month.

He has made 1351 posts. If you search for these posts, you will find the more recent ones are concentrated in the forums not in the philosophy section, but rather in forums on science. While there is nothing wrong with this, can you really expect him to know exactly what has been going on in this forum for the last 6 months?

All I can say about Thor is that most of his posts are in Free Thoughts. But, if you don't vote for me, he is one of the candidates I would reccomend.

Cris is another good candidate. But let's see how many posts he makes a day-- 2.85. However, from what I can tell, most of these are in religion. Another person I would reccomend as an alternative.

Xev is, although one of the favourites, a little too hot-headed, and often finds it hard to keep from calling Theists (and other people who are 'wrong') names, or finding ways to bash them not nessecarily relevant to the discussion. Would you want a moderator like that? While I admit I have done that in the past, I've cut down on that quite a bit in the past month.

As for Coffee, most of his post are in fact NOT in the religion forums. And, despite his claim of being here for quite a while, took quite a long intermission from any posts at all until about two months after I arrived here.

There's nothing really for me to say about Zero here. I just think that often he has a hard time understanding what is meant to be humourous and what is not. But other than that, he's one of the best choices.

As for me, I make 6.77 a day on average. I have many posts, probably half of which are in Religion (the other in Politics, with a small amount in Free Thoughts and a few in other forums)

I am not a n00b, as I registered about 7 months ago.
James R, on average, posts 3.29 posts daily. He has made 1351 posts.

As for me, I make 6.77 a day on average.

Perhaps you should compare quality of posts rather than quantity.
Hi GB,

The analysis of the post rate is interesting. But as you state there is no way to see periods of activity. All we see is an average since the time of joining. For example I will have been here 3 years on 1/1/3. I joined 1/1/0. Clearly I must have been so bored with the millennium celebrations that I chose to spend my time at sciforums instead of partying. Now how is that for dedication?

But I have also had several periods of a month or more when I haven’t posted at all. That would certainly have been enough to reduce my average. These periods have been when I have been engaged in major projects at work or when there has been a lull in sciforums activity. There was a time when days would pass without any posts in Religion. You should realize that the active membership has been much lower than it is now.

But to be an effective moderator does not necessarily mean that he/she must be an extremely active poster. Remember that there is a ‘REPORT’ button on each post that alerts a moderator to an issue, and there are also PMs. All you really want is for a moderator to react quickly and know enough about the subject material to be able to make informed, fair and intelligent decisions.

The real value in James is his cool-headed neutral objectivity. His agnosticism is a real benefit here since he has conditioned himself to try to see both sides of the argument. And the evidence of his posts shows that he is not easily swayed by biased and subjective arguments. That attitude makes him a perfect candidate for a fair and just moderator.
I have to agree with Cris. Post count is irrelevant. If you look at Adam's posting rate it says that he posts something like 16.75 times a day. We all know that Adam post's a lot more then that.

As for my low post count; when I first joined sciforums I mainly stuck in the scifi section. People were nice there and not as rude as they were in the other forums. I was afraid of big posters like, Tiassa and Xev. They made me feel inferior. I had the thought in my head that maybe I shouldn't post in this forum because this person is going to rip apart every little word. And they do that. But I realized that that's the way its going to be so I went for it. For the last few months most of my posts have been in the religion forum. Especially since Ive become a theist.

Oh and I have been here quite a while. So Im not a n00b, Ive actually been here longer then you GB. Just because I don't respond to a thread/post doesn't mean that I don't read it. Sometimes the topic is uninteresting or someone else has already responded with something that I would have said. So really, do I need over 2,000 posts to qualify for a Mod position? Seriously?

*EDIT* I just want to say that I did not start the mud slinging... if thats what this is?:bugeye:
<i>James R, on average, posts 3.29 posts daily. Much of this count is from earlier, when he was a more active member. Unfortunately, we cannot check statistics for the past month.</i>

A few points have already been made, but I'll reiterate them:

1. The count is an AVERAGE over the whole time I've been a registered user here. Lately, my post rate has been considerably higher than that. But this is irrelevant anyway because...
2. Quality should count for more than quantity. Take the most active poster to sciforums - Adam. Many of his posts are cut-and-pastes of news stories. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it's certainly easier to do that than to come up with thoughtful original content.

<i>He has made 1351 posts. If you search for these posts, you will find the more recent ones are concentrated in the forums not in the philosophy section, but rather in forums on science. While there is nothing wrong with this, can you really expect him to know exactly what has been going on in this forum for the last 6 months?</i>

Yes, because...

3. The post rate is no indication at all of the READING rate of posts. I read far more posts than I write. I follow the Religion forum far more closely than is apparent from the number of posts I make to the forum. I suspect a lot of other people are in a similar position across sciforums. How many "lurkers" read but seldom post? More than you'd imagine, I think. I post when I have something I want to say.

I would not like to run any kind of negative campaign against any other candidates. At this stage, I will restrict myself to expressing my support for Cris, who at the time of writing is leading the poll anyway. I think he would make an excellent moderator for this forum. If two moderators are appointed, I would be very happy to cooperate with him.
Originally posted by (Q)
James R, on average, posts 3.29 posts daily. He has made 1351 posts.

As for me, I make 6.77 a day on average.

Perhaps you should compare quality of posts rather than quantity.

I am not referring to seniority.

It shows less community involvement, not quality of involvement.

Cris-- yes, that is very dedicated.

And yes, I have been here when there have been long stretches of no posts in the Religion forum. Like I said, I'm not a n00b :p

However I don't have projects to do at work-- I sit home all day on my ass and do stuff on the Internet. I translate some games to English from Japanese, watch a bit of TV, post a few things at Sciforums, read a couple hundred posts, make a few more posts, wait to see if anybody replies while I'm still at sciforums, go to other sites, come back to Sciforums maybe an hour/5 hours later and check to see if there are any replies to my posts, and then I check to see if there are any new posts.

Now, while I was considering answering an RFP from a local agency needing a webdesigner for a legal kiosk project, I by no means need this money and I would be glad to spend this time at Sciforums instead. You see, while most moderators here may check in 3 times a day at best, and once a month at worst, I check 10-15 times a day at best, and once a week at worst.

So, if somebody makes a post and you're busy on a project, if you're the moderator, you will not be able to take care of that post if it is against forum policy, but I can delete it promptly-- or can I, if I'm not a moderator?

You see, while you're at work (even normal hours), I may be watching a soap opera on tv, bored to death because all the posts at sciforums seem rather boring, and there is nothing else I want to do online or elsewhere in my house.

While I may sound like a loser, I have stuff I do. But generally it's stuff like answering friends' questions about English grammar, or translating games for those gamers not able to read Japanese. So yes, I guess I'm a loser of sorts. :p

'Oh and I have been here quite a while. So Im not a n00b, Ive actually been here longer then you GB. Just because I don't respond to a thread/post doesn't mean that I don't read it. Sometimes the topic is uninteresting or someone else has already responded with something that I would have said. So really, do I need over 2,000 posts to qualify for a Mod position? Seriously?'

I never said I had been here longer than you, or that you were a n00b, rather that you took an extended 'vacation' that included when I registered.

And when did I talk about your post count?

And chances are, if you post more in our other forums-- which I can tell from a search that you do-- that you read them quite a bit more too.

Oh, on second thought, maybe you don't know what "intermission" means and thought I meant something else?
1. The count is an AVERAGE over the whole time I've been a registered user here. Lately, my post rate has been considerably higher than that. But this is irrelevant anyway because...

That's exactly what I said in the portion of my post you quoted. Did you read it? Or did you skim?

2. Quality should count for more than quantity.

If I recall correctly, sometimes your post count gets higher than mine, and some times mine is higher than yours. So no, I'm not trying to say that since I have more posts, I'm better.

However, posting frequency is the best statistical indication that can be generated for us on demand of periods of user activity.

Take the most active poster to sciforums - Adam. Many of his posts are cut-and-pastes of news stories.

Most of them? Usually, that's just the start to a topic. And often, they're accompanied by detailed posts that aren't cap stories.

3. The post rate is no indication at all of the READING rate of posts. I read far more posts than I write. I follow the Religion forum far more closely than is apparent from the number of posts I make to the forum. I suspect a lot of other people are in a similar position across sciforums. How many "lurkers" read but seldom post? More than you'd imagine, I think. I post when I have something I want to say.

Yes, but the fact that you post much more in other forums is some indication that you read them more too. But that's just a good indication, not proof.

I would not like to run any kind of negative campaign against any other candidates. At this stage, I will restrict myself to expressing my support for Cris, who at the time of writing is leading the poll anyway. I think he would make an excellent moderator for this forum. If two moderators are appointed, I would be very happy to cooperate with him.

Thus indicating to us that you expect to win. Actually, it seems quite close between you and somebody else. Are you hiding something from us?
"Thus indicating to us that you expect to win. Actually, it seems quite close between you and somebody else. Are you hiding something from us?"

Richard Nixon the second? No! It's GB! Well GB it's become apparent that I'm not going to 'win' the elecetion, so do not consider this mud-slinging from another runner. You see, Mark, there is nothing in his statement that says he is hiding something or expecting to win. All it says is that if Cris wins he would gladly be a duo-mod with him. I would to. I would also with JamesR. Or Xev. Does that mean I know I'm going to win? Nope. It just means I'd happily duo-mod.

"Oh, on second thought, maybe you don't know what "intermission" means and thought I meant something else?"

--- "Also, I will be sure to delete repeated name-calling (the first time you call a person a name, I will not extract it from your post unless it is obscene, but I will remove such things as "little children" or "retard" if they're used excessively)" ---

Now how can I, a faithful member of sciforums, be expected to believe that little bit of your campaign speech when you go right ahead 3 posts later and insult someone?

You're shaping up to be a great politician, Mark.

I check sciforums about 5 or 6 times a day. I respond to most of the responses from my other posts. So by checking sciforums I meant that I go through various forums and see if there are any new threads. I also use the "View New Posts" button a lot.

I thought that you were talking about post count.:bugeye: It just seems like you were to me.

I have seen many new members merely post because they want to their post count number go higher. I do not do this, for me it is quality over quantity most of the time. As well as it is for everyone who is in the election.

At the present time it appears that Im not going to win. So I would like to congardulate Cris and JR. The people have elected you! To everyone else Im glad that you ran, keep posting and have fun! Thats what this place is about.

You see, Mark, there is nothing in his statement that says he is hiding something or expecting to win. All it says is that if Cris wins he would gladly be a duo-mod with him.

No, he says IF two mods are appointed he WOULD be very happy to cooperate with him, which makes it sound like he is 100% sure he would be that second mod.

Now how can I, a faithful member of sciforums, be expected to believe that little bit of your campaign speech when you go right ahead 3 posts later and insult someone?

I challenge you to find in that quote something that I stated that I would delete from posts if I became mod. Can you? No, you can't. Because I didn't say something I would've deleted. Would Goofyfish've deleted that? No. What about wet1? Probably not. What about our other moderators? Chances are, no.

I do not think there is an expectation that a moderator will be available every second just in case a bad case of member-abuse occurs. You make a case where you are available for a considerable amount of time, but do you then not sleep? What happens if an event occurs while you are asleep, would you then expect to be woken? Would you also never expect to take a vacation? Remember that these forums are open 24x7 and are international.

Neither should there be an expectation that the moderators must read every single post in every thread just in case there is a problem. We have the REPORT option for that and there is an expectation that concerned users would make use of that feature to alert a moderator. Remember also that Porfiry is a backup for urgent events.

And while I consider sciforums to be generally important to me I do not see that it is a matter of life and death that a moderator be expected to respond immediately to an event. If you look at the record of such events then there is very little that is so bad that it can’t wait some hours or perhaps a day or two.

But also consider that your position might change and that you will be involved in projects in the future that take you away from your Internet access. Will you deny these opportunities because you feel dedicated to sciforums? Sciforums is good but that would be an obsession.

But mods do have to take breaks and vacations so having two mods for a busy forum such as Religion makes a great deal of sense.

As the n00b issue; isn’t this all relative? One day is new to someone who has 5 days. And 7 months is relatively new compared to several years. At what point does someone stop being new? And really why should this matter?
Cris-- yes, however I could be availible.

And a project-- no, I don't have a job, and I never have, not since I was born. No occupation. And chances are, I won't have a formal one for two or three years yet. I can't have one for at least one year. At least I'm not supposed to.

And being availible is a big plus. That means I can respond to peoples' PMs promptly. That may make the difference between a great mind becoming an active poster on sciforums, or never making a single post.

And no, I'm not always awake, but I have a very irregular sleep cycle, so I'm not always sleeping at the same time each... uhh... lunar cycle. ;)
Xev is, although one of the favourites, a little too hot-headed, and often finds it hard to keep from calling Theists (and other people who are 'wrong') names, or finding ways to bash them not nessecarily relevant to the discussion. Would you want a moderator like that? While I admit I have done that in the past, I've cut down on that quite a bit in the past month.

Perhaps you may as well go back to your origional "Xev is a bitch who is only tolerated 'cause she has tits" argument? :)

Cris and JamesR seem to be winning. Congrats, guys. I have only one concern, well, two:

1: Do you think you'd be willing to delete nonsense threads? Suppose another Mallory Knox comes along?

2: I presume you will moderate with a light hand. Y'all have a life, and likely won't be censoring every little profanity?

seem to be winning.
Depends on your perspective. While I currently have more votes than anyone else I don’t have a majority of the total votes. I.e. more votes have gone to others. If such a “win” occurs then it should be tempered with humility and a ready willingness to listen to others such as yourself.

1: Do you think you'd be willing to delete nonsense threads? Suppose another Mallory Knox comes along?
Yes, no problem. And if I had doubt about something then the members here have already displayed a willingness to discuss troublesome members in polls and dedicated threads.

2: I presume you will moderate with a light hand. Y'all have a life, and likely won't be censoring every little profanity?
That is true. Swearing is a normal part of life for many people, it is reality, and people need to deal with that. Excessive usage is another issue.

But the poll isn’t over yet.
All I can say about Thor is that most of his posts are in Free Thoughts. But, if you don't vote for me, he is one of the candidates I would reccomend
Woah, woah, woah!!! Why? I mean, I wouldn't recommend me...wait a minute, I did. Nevermind then, carry about your business :bugeye:
Anyway, most of my posts are in Free Thoughts because I get bored alot. I'm here pretty much all day (Adam can second that as we seem to be in 'Who's Online' alot together). There hasn't been a day since I've joined that I haven't been here.

Regarding the 'Quantity Vs Quality' arguement, you can always use me as an example ;)
But remember that one mans garbage is another mans gold

To answer cris's question
At what point does someone stop being new?
When they feel comfortable with how everything works and how they should behave

Anyway, to break from the norm of 'elections', I'm gonna be honest. I'd love to see Cris and Counsler co-moderate. Everyone else, please don't take this as an insult or anything, but you're all good people and could moderate reasonably well. But I believe these two would make a great team and bring some stability back to the Religion area.

Other than that, it would be ubercool if Xev does it :D

There's no conspiracy going on here. Nobody is rigging the vote count. Right now, it looks like Cris is probably going to be appointed as moderator. Whether there will be one or two, I have no idea. And CounslerCoffee has almost the same number of votes as me at the time of writing, meaning I could easily run third or lower.

Best of luck to you.