calling all atheists

White Knight:

'Round hereabouts, masturbation is referred to as "jerking off" whether you're a boy or a girl.
It's really the same motion, stroke and pull, whatever your gender is. Only there's less pulling if you're female.

So I actually try to stick to my standards; that gives me the right to bitch about the monkey people, and poke them, and hopefully point them toward a more productive future.

And thus, you are not acting out of purely altruistic motives, because you get a kick out of "poking the monkey people"

Really, the only difference between what you do and what I do is that I don't hide what I enjoy. I LIKE intellectual sadism and I'm not afraid to admit it.

You like intellectual sadism but you hide it under "I want to point people to a more productive whatever".


I generally try not to AOL post, but I agree with you. Ultimately, we act for personal benefit.

And why is this a bad thing?
Originally posted by Xev

And thus, you are not acting out of purely altruistic motives, because you get a kick out of "poking the monkey people"

Really, the only difference between what you do and what I do is that I don't hide what I enjoy. I LIKE intellectual sadism and I'm not afraid to admit it.

You like intellectual sadism but you hide it under "I want to point people to a more productive whatever".
No, I don't poke people because I get a "kick" out of it. I hope to point them toward more socially-beneficial behaviour.

I gain a little pleasure from poking idiots. I would, however, gain much pleasure if an idiot started thinking and became more than a monkey. So far it doesn't happen a lot, yet I continue doing it.

Some of us, believe it or not, don't act purely out of greed.
No, I don't poke people because I get a "kick" out of it. I hope to point them toward more socially-beneficial behaviour.

Uh huh. Same here. ;)

I gain a little pleasure from poking idiots.

Thank you.

I would, however, gain much pleasure if an idiot started thinking and became more than a monkey. So far it doesn't happen a lot, yet I continue doing it.

That's nice. Shall I bring you your crown of thorns now?

Some of us, believe it or not, don't act purely out of greed.

Where did I say that we did?

Face it Adam, you act as you do because it feeds your ego trip. I'd ask you to honestly consider this possibility, as you might start behaving civilly (as you would advocate) once you've gotten over it.
That would be the difference between the monkey people and the homo sapiens. The monkeys do things for the basic drives, food, sex, an ego-boost. Homo sapiens try for more than that. If you wish to remain a monkey, that's fine. But don't get envious and expect the homo sapiens to remain monkeys as well.

I'd suggest you learn to, to use the trite phrase, "think outside the box". Humans are motivated by things much more complex than the will to fuck.

That said, your attempt at insult duly noted. I'm hurt. I'm crying my eyes out. I mean it, I'm really in pain. Please don't hurt me anymore, Mr. Adam. I'll be good now, blah blah blah, etc etc etc.

Now, where did I say we acted purely out of greed? Do you think you could try and answer my question?
Consider this a dare:

Where did I say that we humans acted purely out of greed?
Sorry to break up this party boys and girls, but as the poster of this thread said elsewhere, ‘Do I care?’ Now, as atheists, having evolved through natural selection over billions of years from a mere protoplasmic, slimy ooze into the highly-intellectual, finely-tuned creatures that you currently are, this should be rather easy for you to fathom. So, follow along. God does not exist, right? Okay, if God does not exist, then the Bible is just a book, right? Now, if the Bible is just a book, then sin is just a myth. If there is no sin, there is no need for atonement (Jesus). If there is no need for atonement, then morality, and everything else, is relative. If everything is relative, then everything is subjective. If everything is subjective, then there are no absolutes. However, to say there are no absolutes is an absolute statement, and therefore, false, invalid and illogical.

This is called circular reasoning boys and girls, and this is the foundation for your beliefs. In summary, we can deduce that your beliefs are not only false and invalid, but more importantly, illogical. Now, being the supreme intellectual organisms that you are, I am sure that you were already aware of your fallacies. You were just testing us Christians, right? Regardless, you can still obtain salvation. It’s easy. Grace is a free gift from God for those who choose to have faith in Him. So tonight, ask Jesus to help you understand the Truth, as you are lying in bed waiting for sleep to come. Thank you for your time.

Originally posted by inspector
Now, if the Bible is just a book, then sin is just a myth. If there is no sin, there is no need for atonement (Jesus). If there is no need for atonement, then morality, and everything else, is relative.

This is called circular reasoning boys and girls, and this is the foundation for your beliefs. In summary, we can deduce that your beliefs are not only false and invalid, but more importantly, illogical. Now, being the supreme intellectual organisms that you are, I am sure that you were already aware of your fallacies. You were just testing us Christians, right? Regardless, you can still obtain salvation. It’s easy. Grace is a free gift from God for those who choose to have faith in Him. So tonight, ask Jesus to help you understand the Truth, as you are lying in bed waiting for sleep to come. Thank you for your time.

Note, if we don't believe in Xtianity why should we believe that statement by Jesus? Seems to be the weak link in your chain here.

We, or rather I, never claim to be a superior intellectual organism. Aware of our fallacies? Is anyone perfect in their reasoning? It's all about testing what's wrong and continually questioning and evolving, which seems to be largely rejected by Chriatians. The whole "do not question" philosophy leaves very little possibility for improvemnt of the christian religion. You folks stay in the same spot and refuse to question the properties of what you believe in.

I appreciate your concern for our souls, but I'm afraid proselytizing will have to come when we're not forced into a defensive attitude by your posts.

I say, stop assuming that your viewpoint is superior to other people's. I repeat it a bizillion times yet some people lack the mental capacity to comprehend it.