calling all atheists


I'm atheist. I don't believe in Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism etc etc or any of it. I don't believe in any supernatural being or force.
However, it has been my policy to try and respect everyone's views. Unless you're an absolute dumbass who can't entertain an idea within your mind without getting an emotional feeling (whether + or -), it is possible to disagree and make valid arguments without causing bitter feelings. Such intelligent discussion, in my opinion, made sciforums appeal to me in the first place.

But recently, some n00bs seem to be ruining that atmosphere with negative, closeminded, and scornful attitudes. They are discussing under the assumption that their views are superior to any others and they're merely there to scold or enlighten. It's quite sad, really.

If you are atheist, I implore you to stop the bullshit and come back to old school decent atheism. You're giving us all a bad name. And that never helped, did it? If we all discussed without that stupid n00b attitude there would be significantly less antiatheist hatred nowadays.

If you are religious, I also implore you to stop the bullshit. Being closeminded never makes you or your religion better in others' eyes. And if you are unable to not become heatedly emotional during religious discussions, I'd say you need more mental maturation to do before coming back to sciforums.

Now I will wait for your responses (or abuse), if any.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos

Yes. Excellent, I agree completely.

I’d advise both sides to follow one simple rule.

Feel free to attack the argument as strongly as you feel appropriate, but don’t attack the person. There is a clear distinction.

Calling someone a stupid (a)theist, and all the possible variations, adds nothing to a debate and only creates bad feelings which then tend to escalate.

Any argument can be fully courteous and at the same time seriously attack the opponent’s position.

If someone is posting stupid remarks then don’t sink to their level by replying in kind but instead step up to an even more polite level and attempt to point out their mistakes as pleasantly as possible without being condescending. If you do a good job and they are intelligent then perhaps they might admit their error. However, if you throw abuse and profanity at them then they have no incentive to back down, and the result is deadlock and a waste of time.
Life without conflict is like watching good porn without jerking off.

There's a difference between being an asshole and being belligerant. Regardless of what Oprah might say, arguing with someone doesn't make you a bad person. Nor does scorning an idiot.

Better life in fire than life reading "Chicken Soup for the Soul" while watching "Love Story" and cuddling with your 27 year old virgin girlfriend.

So why is it ever necessary to be beligerant or to ever scorn anyone?
Why is it necessary to have sex when one can jerk off?
Why is it necessary to have steak when you can nuke a tv dinner?
Why is it necessary to drink Sonoma red when you can ferment grape juice?
Hell, why shower more than once every other day? With deoderent, you can go for at least a week, I bet.

Cause it's fun!
OK but when other people are involved is it still fun to cause them distress?
I've noticed the same thing Zero, there is a lot of Ethnosentric (I love that word) comments flying around

That is why I have stopped posting, I've started talking to my incredibly dense friend remember Peter Griffin, right?

Edit: Typo :bugeye:
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It's all about you right? Self-glorification?
That is true of everyone. No one does anything unless they see a benefit to themselves.

Even an alleged altruist chooses that path because they achieve pleasure from such apparent self-sacrificial actions.

I obtain pleasure from being less belligerent or offensive when others increase their attacks on me.

I pass no judgment on Xev, we simply operate differently. Your comment however, sounds definitely judgmental. I assume you obtain pleasure from judging people.
Originally posted by Cris

That is true of everyone. No one does anything unless they see a benefit to themselves.

Even an alleged altruist chooses that path because they achieve pleasure from such apparent self-sacrificial actions.
I must disagree, Cris. I've done things I knew would cause me only problems, and they did, but I did them anyway because it was in line with my standards. I got only negative results, but did it anyway.
It's all about you right? Self-glorification?

Yes it is.
ME. MY values. I protect others because I want to. MY Will.

And in the end, that's how every human think. You think Mother Theresa was after anything but an ego trip?

Think again.

Thank you. I may someday cease to enjoy belligerence, (I am, after all, THAT age).
If and when I do, it will be because I want to.


Pleasure need not be "attractive women flinging themselves at you". Pleasure can be from the power one gains when one refuses to back down, or the self-satisfaction, or even the ability to say smug, self rightous things on internet message boards.

I've done things I knew would cause me only problems, and they did, but I did them anyway because it was in line with my standards. I got only negative results, but did it anyway.
If there was no benefit then you wouldn’t do it.

Here you explain you took the action because you wanted to maintain a standard. The pleasure comes from maintaining a standard; in this case a sense of pride.

I do not believe there is any instance of a true altruist action; there is always a gain or benefit of some type. If there weren’t then you would simply not take the action.
wtf!? I'm glad ONE person agrees with me but is this it? The discussion is degenerating into a mass harassment of my sweetheart Xevums...

*scowls and crouches protectively in front of Xev*

She's mine!!! :D

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Well, I agree less name calling and childlike antics are a good idea. We have to call someone out when they do it. I don't think it has been too bad lately, maybe I haven't been in the right threads...
Wha!! Oh yeah, Xev can defend herself!!

*sits at the sideline as usual*
Originally posted by Cris

If there was no benefit then you wouldn’t do it.

Here you explain you took the action because you wanted to maintain a standard. The pleasure comes from maintaining a standard; in this case a sense of pride.

I do not believe there is any instance of a true altruist action; there is always a gain or benefit of some type. If there weren’t then you would simply not take the action.
I didn't do it for pride either. I did it because I have no right to expect other people to maintain such standards if I don't do it myself. A simple philosophy which I stick to, which does not necessarily boost my ego or give me rewards. The reward is not pride, but hope that eventually other people might feel the same way.

…but hope that eventually other people might feel the same way.
And you want them to feel that way because…..?

If others feel the same way as you then your comfort level will increase and you will ultimately benefit.

If you state a reason for an action then that indicates you want something to occur. I.e. satisfying a desire, perhaps directly or indirectly.

Ultimately you still expect a personal benefit.
Originally posted by Cris

And you want them to feel that way because…..?
The human race will do better in the long run with everyone getting along together, rather than constantly bickering and being greedy monkeys. Many people have no concern whatsoever for the human race as a whole, for its future; such people are monkeys. Some of us actually like to think about such things though. But merely thinking about it achieves nothing. And I have no right to bitch about how pathetic other people are if I am the same. So I actually try to stick to my standards; that gives me the right to bitch about the monkey people, and poke them, and hopefully point them toward a more productive future.