Call For Incorporating Sharia Into International Law

Where is the lie I simply quoted an islamic website are THEY liars? Why don't you go tell them start a debate with your muslim brothers. So you are saying the issue of music is interpreted differently by some muslims. Funny you didn't even bat an eye at the beheading citation.
Bells & Devils
in Islam

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (Muhammad) as saying:Angels do not accompany the travelers who have with them a dog and a bell. Source - Sahih Muslim Book 024, No. 5277

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (Muhammad) as saying: The bell is the musical instrument of the Satan. Source -Sahih Muslim Book 024, No. 5279

Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: Ibn az-Zubayr told that a woman client of theirs took az-Zubayr's daughter to Umar ibn al-Khattab wearing bells on her legs. Umar cut them off and said that he had heard the Apostle of Allah (Muhammad) say: There is a devil along with each bell. Source - Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 34, No. 4218

Click here to listen to the evilest song in all of Islam.

Farside’s Commentary: Muhammad was very superstitious.

Kind Regards, Farside
Proud_Muslim said:
Again, you are so misinformed, NOT a single country in the middle east applied or is applying the true sharia law now...I advice you to check your facts before you post.

Ahh, an old favorite. Here are the rules, apparently:

*Proclaim the superiority of one religion.

*When somebody does something horrific in the name of that religion, say that person was not a real believer.

*Likewise, if religious laws go awry, say the laws weren't really religious in the first place.

Very convenient system. But, nonetheless, completely full of shiite.

Proud_Muslim said:
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!! How pathetic ?? The western media was very quick to publish this poor woman story blaming Islam and Muslims for her drama, her story was HEADLINES all over the HYPOCRITICAL WESTERN MEDIA but this same FILTHY western media( apart from some view honest ones like the BBC) went silent when the SAME SHARIA COURT FREED THE SAME WOMAN:
What you fail to realise PM is that the court sentenced her to death by stoning in the first place, which means the punishment exists, which can be demonstrated by the fact that Amina Lawal Kuram was also sentenced to death by stoning in the northern Nigerian state of Katsina. The world didn't blame Muslims or Islam for her 'drama', as you so kindly put it. The world blamed the law which allowed her to be sentenced in the way that she was in the first place. What you also fail to realise is that the Court of Appeal in this case had come under tremendous pressure by the Nigerian Government and by the world. What you also fail to realise is that had women's rights groups and human rights groups not funded her second appeal (yes she won it on her second appeal), she'd have been stoned to death.
Proud_Muslim said:
Islam permits singing under the condition that it not be in any way obscene or harmful to Islamic morals. There is no harm in its being accompanied by music which is not exciting.

So, I'm guessing no Ozzy then...

How exactly might one define "obscene or harmful to Islamic morals"? And who gets to decide? Tipper Gore? And what if I happen to like Satanic music? I can guarantee you Satan-worshipping families have way cooler album collections (and stereo systems) than most Islamic families. And who the fuck wants music that it is not "exciting"? What will we be left with? Islamic chanting and Yanni? :bugeye:

"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can." -- Frank Zappa

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arabic music is actually very, very good
one of my favourite arab singers is Asala Nasri (PM maybe you've heard about her.. she's from Syria)
that doesn't mean though that Islam or Sharia should take the credit for it

very religious people may even call Asala a kufr for her "deviation"
Bells said:
What you fail to realise PM is that the court sentenced her to death by stoning in the first place, which means the punishment exists,

Sure, the punishment exists and we are PROUD of it !! after all, I dont want western style society in which childern dont know who is their father let alone marrying their own sisters !!!

What you also fail to realise is that the Court of Appeal in this case had come under tremendous pressure by the Nigerian Government and by the world.

This is NONESENSE !! No one on earth can pressure sharia court Judge !! you guys are pathetic !! when the same SHARIA court freed her, you attributed her realse not to the SHARIA but to the imaginary world pressure !! HYPOCRITES !!!

What you also fail to realise is that had women's rights groups and human rights groups not funded her second appeal (yes she won it on her second appeal), she'd have been stoned to death.

This is another BS ! in an Islamic sharia court, you dont need funding, it is the state which funds your case !! ( aparantly we are more superior than the west in this regard, the defendant in the west will be sentenced to death if they dont have '' GOOD'' lawyer !! ) how pathetic !!
Proud_Muslim said:
Sure, the punishment exists and we are PROUD of it !! after all, I dont want western style society in which childern dont know who is their father let alone marrying their own sisters !!!


WHAT? muslims are proud that a woman can be stoned to death and her new born baby be left an orphan in her first weeks of life That is fine, just great but don't expect the rest of the civilized world to think sharia is anything other than stone age, and EXTREMELY unjust and it's practitoners raving savages. ;)
otheadp said:
arabic music is actually very, very good
one of my favourite arab singers is Asala Nasri (PM maybe you've heard about her.. she's from Syria)
that doesn't mean though that Islam or Sharia should take the credit for it

very religious people may even call Asala a kufr for her "deviation"

ASALA is my favourite singer, she is the darling of Syria !! she is very famous all over the arab world:

Again, her songs have no sexual nature nor anti religion nor satanic, she is Muslim... so her songs are fine.

The good thing is that we dont have this hysteric satanic western style music ( hard rock and metal ).
path said:
WHAT? muslims are proud that a woman can be stoned to death and her new born baby be left an orphan in her first weeks of life That is fine, just great but don't expect the rest of the civilized world to think sharia is anything other than stone age, and EXTREMELY unjust and it's practitoners raving savages.

You retard !! isnt more appropriate to understand how the system work first !! there must be 4 WITNESSES who can witness that adultery took place ( seeing her in bed with someone else is NOT enough, the witnesses have to say they saw her in the middle of the act ) !!

Now, tell me, who is that IDIOT to committ adultery in front of 4 witnesses ???

Proud_Muslim said:
Sure, the punishment exists and we are PROUD of it !! after all, I dont want western style society in which childern dont know who is their father let alone marrying their own sisters !!!
That's good PM. You agree with a law that will stone a woman to death if she can't prove that her pregnancy was the result of rape for example. And you're proud of a law which will result in the child growing up without a mother and with the shame that he/she was born of adultery and that his/her mother paid for that child's life with her own. You're proud of a law that will kill a woman for having a child out of wedlock, regardless of the circumstances. What if the woman and man aren't married but love each other and the child was born out of an act of love? Nope, go to the wall and stand there and be killed by manner of stoning. Yeah you be proud of such a law PM. Shows what kind of person you are on the inside.

This is NONESENSE !! No one on earth can pressure sharia court Judge !! you guys are pathetic !! when the same SHARIA court freed her, you attributed her realse not to the SHARIA but to the imaginary world pressure !! HYPOCRITES !!!
Do you enjoy walking around with your head in the sand? You only see and hear what you want to be witness to. Sad really. Do you have any idea of how much pressure the court was under at the time? Not just from the world community but from the Nigerian Government? Are you even aware that the Nigerian government has deemed the punishments under Sharia Law to be unconstitutional? Shame they haven't done anything about it though.

Despite statements from senior government officials, including President Olusegun Obasanjo and Minister of Justice Kanu Agabi, opposing such punishments and declaring them unconstitutional, the federal government has yet to prove its willingness to act.

Proud_Muslim said:
This is another BS ! in an Islamic sharia court, you dont need funding, it is the state which funds your case !! ( aparantly we are more superior than the west in this regard, the defendant in the west will be sentenced to death if they dont have '' GOOD'' lawyer !! ) how pathetic !!
Actually, no PM. It's you who is pathetic! Some people aren't even represented when their case is presented to the Sharia Court and some of the judges don't even have legal training:

Previous trials in Sharia courts in several northern states of Nigeria have been characterized by an absence of due process. Defendants do not always have legal representation; they are often ill-informed about procedures and about their rights. Judges and other court officials frequently lack legal training.

In January 2002, for the first time since Sharia was extended to cover criminal cases, a man was sentenced to death and executed. In the trial, the defendant did not have legal representation and did not take up the opportunity to appeal.

Yet you classify such a law that will stone a person to death to be superior? Such a law is beneath even the barbaric electric chair and lethal injections used in the US. Do you actually GET that this woman was sentenced to death by stoning in the first place and that she won her case on a SECOND appeal?
This was the second time she had appealed against her sentence of death by stoning, with the help of two Nigeria women's rights groups which took up her case.

And shame if you can't prove that you have been raped:
Since Zamfara brought in Sharia in January 2000, several people have had their hands amputated for theft, and a woman found guilty of fornication was given 100 lashes - despite her protests that she had been raped.

A young woman, Amina Lawal, has been sentenced to death by stoning after she was found guilty of having extra-marital sex.

Following protests from around the world, the federal government has promised that no-one will be stoned to death but the sentence still hangs over her head.

Are you even aware of how she ended up in front of the court PM? She was forced to confess to her so called crime of having a child out of wedlock. Lucky for the father that all he had to do was say it wasn't me and he was acquitted:

Mohammed, who would also have faced death by stoning denied any wrongdoing and was acquitted for lack of evidence.

The court ruled that Lawal should have been allowed to retract her alleged original "confession", which was taken by a village court after "fundamentalist vigilantes" raided her home at night shortly after the birth of her daughter Wasila.

Without her clear confession or four witnesses, Lawal, under Sharia, should not be punished.

Any defendant has the right to withdraw a confession, which should be made at least four times before a panel of judges, rather than just once before one judge as in Lawal's case, judge Ibrahim Mai-Ungawa said.

Nigeria's federal police should not have pressed charges in the case, he added, unless they had four witnesses to the alleged adultery.
Amazing how such a lack of due process resulted in a woman being charged and sentenced as she was in the first place. Yeah you should be proud of such a legal system PM. PATHETIC!
Proud_Muslim said:
You retard !! isnt more appropriate to understand how the system work first !! there must be 4 WITNESSES who can witness that adultery took place ( seeing her in bed with someone else is NOT enough, the witnesses have to say they saw her in the middle of the act ) !!

Now, tell me, who is that IDIOT to committ adultery in front of 4 witnesses ???


Proud Muslim I will try and limit this to simple yes and no answers since you can't tackle anything more complex.

Did she stand trial?
Was she convicted to be stoned by the court?
Did she need to file a second appeal before gaining reprieve from that sentence?

There you go simple as can be

What are your thoughts about the beheading of apostates? Are you proud of that punishment too?
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Bells said:
That's good PM. You agree with a law that will stone a woman to death if she can't prove that her pregnancy was the result of rape for example.

Incredible !!!! you display amazing level of IGNORANCE !! you are picking one case and you are trying to generalize it !!

And you're proud of a law which will result in the child growing up without a mother and with the shame that he/she was born of adultery and that his/her mother paid for that child's life with her own.

You see ! the woman was not even stoned but you as always rush to judge the law without even knowing anything about the sharia law !!

You're proud of a law that will kill a woman for having a child out of wedlock, regardless of the circumstances.

Sharia law does not kill for nothing, THERE MUST BE 4 WITNESSES TO PROVE IT!!! GOT ITTTTTTTTT ???

What if the woman and man aren't married but love each other and the child was born out of an act of love? Nope, go to the wall and stand there and be killed by manner of stoning. Yeah you be proud of such a law PM. Shows what kind of person you are on the inside.

If a man and woman love each others why the HELL they dont get married ????? :rolleyes:

Do you enjoy walking around with your head in the sand? You only see and hear what you want to be witness to. Sad really.

it is you who like to walk your head in the sand:

''Current trends indicate that by the year 2015 one of every two American babies will be born to a single mother, and illegitimacy will surpass divorce as the main cause of fatherlessness."

Jennifer Marshall Sanctioning Illegitimacy: Our National Character is at Stake

More babies born outside marriage

Hamilton County Stats

In Tennessee in 2000, there were 5,059 teen pregnancies. African-American teens had a pregnancy rate of 30.6 per 1,000 and white teens had a rate of 13.2 per 1,000.
Kids Count 2000

In Hamilton County, teenagers aged 10 to 19 accounted for 729 pregnancies in 2000. 401 of those pregnancies were to Caucasian teens and 319 were to African-American Teens.
Tennessee Department of Health

Tennessee was ranked as the third state with the worst percentage of single parent families. Only two states ranked lower. The rises in divorce and out of wedlock births are pointed to as the cause of such a poor ranking.
1995 Kids Count Data Book

In 2000, 39 percent of the pregnancies in Hamilton County were to unwed mothers.
Tennessee Department of Health

In 2000, 39 percent or 1,564 children were born outside of marriage in Hamilton County (total births were 4,028).
Data collected from area hospitals by First Things First.

In 2000, 5.5 percent of all the babies born in Hamilton County had mothers under the age of 18.
Hamilton County Health Department

The non-marital birth rate in Tennessee increased 252 percent from 1962 to 1994.
The State of the Child in Tennessee, 1995, Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth Report

Hamilton County Youth Behavior Risk Survey

The 1998 Hamilton County Youth Behavior Risk Survey conducted by the Community Research Council found that:
58 percent of area ninth through twelfth graders said they had ever had sexual intercourse, compared to 53 percent statewide and in the U.S.

13 percent of these teens said they had sexual intercourse for the first time before age 13 (10 percent statewide,
9 percent nationwide).

39 percent said they had had sexual intercourse in the past three months, compared to 38 percent state- and nation-wide.

22 percent said they had had four or more sexual partners (20 percent statewide, 18 percent nationally).

56 percent said they had used a condom during last sexual intercourse (55 percent statewide, 54 percent nationally).

9 percent said they had either been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant (8 percent statewide, 7 percent nationally).

What Hamilton Countians Believe

A growing belief among Chattanooga residents is that "there is nothing wrong with a woman giving birth to a child even though she is not married." In 1997, two out of every five residents embraced that view (42%). However, the current study shows that one out of every two Chattanoogans (50%) now believes that out-of-wedlock pregnancy is perfectly appropriate.
2000 Barna Report

Who are These Parents?

Men age 20 and older fathered 70 percent of the births to teen mothers.
DLC Blueprint for Change

80% of teen fathers are not invovled in the lives of their children.
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

Teenagers account for 30 percent of non-marital births. Women over 20 make up 35 percent of out of wedlock births.
Child Trends, New Report Explains Explosion in Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing

The statistics show that thirty years ago 52.2 percent of pregnant, unwed women married the father before the child was born. Today, only 26.6 percent of unwed mothers marry the father.
McManus, Marriage Savers


Nearly 60% of all teens who become pregnant are living in poverty at the time of giving birth.
National Vital Statistics, 1998

Unlike children born to parents in their twenties, babies born out of wedlock are more likely to be born prematurely and there is a 50 percent chance the baby could have a low birth weight.
Maynard, Kids Having Kids

Girls who were born to adolescent parents have an 83 percent chance of becoming a mother in their teen years. In addition, they have a 50 percent chance of having an out of wedlock child sometime during their lifetime.
Maynard, Kids Having Kids

Children born out of wedlock are two to three times less likely to be rated "excellent" in school by their teachers. These students have a tendency to score lower on tests than their other classmates.
Maynard, Kids Having Kids


Boys born to teen mothers are 2.7 times more likely to end up behind bars than their peers born within a marriage.
Maynard, Kids Having Kids

It is estimated that a 10 percent increase in out of wedlock rates leads to a 17 percent increase in serious violent crime. ( I guess you will be very happy to have such society, right ??? :rolleyes: )

Social Breakdown in America

Studies indicate that more than 70 percent of juveniles in state reform institutions come from fatherless homes.
Jennifer E. Marshall, Sanctioning Illegitimacy: Our National Character Is at Stake, Family Research Council. 3/28/97

The Costs

53 percent of the cost of AFDC, food stamps, and Medicaid is attributed to households begun by teen births.
Kathleen Sylvester, "Preventable Calamity: Rolling Back Teen Pregnancy," Progressive Policy Institute Policy Report, No. 22 Nov. 1994

It is estimated that out of wedlock births cost taxpayers $2.2 billion in welfare and food stamps each year.
Maynard, Kids Having Kids

Such VIOLENT societies have NO place in Islam, Islam( despite its harsh laws which work mainly as deterent ) strives to establish healthy safe societies, THIS IS WHAT WE WANT AND THIS IS WHAT WE WILL DO TO ACHIEVE SUCH SOCIETIES, if you are happy with the above statistics then good for you bells !!!

Do you have any idea of how much pressure the court was under at the time? Not just from the world community but from the Nigerian Government?

As I said, no pressure no matter how big it is can change the sharia is enough that we kicked the MISS PROSTITUTE( miss world ) contest from Nigeria to somewhere else where HEDONISM is tolerated !! Hedonism and animalistic behaviour have NO place within Islamic societies.

Are you even aware that the Nigerian government has deemed the punishments under Sharia Law to be unconstitutional? Shame they haven't done anything about it though.


Actually, no PM. It's you who is pathetic! Some people aren't even represented when their case is presented to the Sharia Court and some of the judges don't even have legal training:

I did not know you are legal expet !! hmmmm very interesting !! :rolleyes:

Yet you classify such a law that will stone a person to death to be superior? Such a law is beneath even the barbaric electric chair and lethal injections used in the US.

Well, We think it is SUPERIOR, you think it is, what is the problem ?

Do you actually GET that this woman was sentenced to death by stoning in the first place and that she won her case on a SECOND appeal?


Are you even aware of how she ended up in front of the court PM? She was forced to confess to her so called crime of having a child out of wedlock. Lucky for the father that all he had to do was say it wasn't me and he was acquitted:

What a load of BS ?

Amazing how such a lack of due process resulted in a woman being charged and sentenced as she was in the first place. Yeah you should be proud of such a legal system PM. PATHETIC!

Indeed, PATHETIC !! the fact that the SAME SHARIA court freed this woman is not enough for you know what ? you are such a joke !

Our sharia law is superior and more fair than yours:


Rape is a common crime with a conviction rate of below 10% and sentences as low as 180 hours community service.

You need SHARIA LAW TO SAVE YOUR SOCIETIES and you need it NOW !!!
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So the western method is to assist single mothers who need it and the muslim way is to just stone them to death and get it over with. Yes I see the incredible justice there. The only thing shari'ah can save is some dumbass fiqh scholars job :p
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Saving single mothers cant be done by encouraging more adultery but by passing harsh laws like the sharia laws ( which works mainly as a deterent) which stop your HEDONISTIC societies from going down the drain.

It is ISLAM which will save the western civilization from terrible end at the hands of its own hedonistic citizens ! just wait and you will see.
Proud_Muslim said:
Saving single mothers cant be done by encouraging more adultery but by passing harsh laws like the sharia laws ( which works mainly as a deterent) which stop your HEDONISTIC societies from going down the drain.

It is ISLAM which will save the western civilization from terrible end at the hands of its own hedonistic citizens ! just wait and you will see.

Yes but your MASOCHISTIC religion will save us by stoning all single mothers to death :rolleyes:
I thought you muslims subjugated their woman
so how come this woman named sharia has such a prominant possition
Proud_Muslim said:
Again, you are so misinformed, NOT a single country in the middle east applied or is applying the true sharia law now...I advice you to check your facts before you post.

Can you tell us which muslim country was able to apply the "true" sharia law? :cool:
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