Call For Incorporating Sharia Into International Law


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Call For Incorporating Sharia Into International Law

CAIRO, April 30 ( – World Muslim scholars meeting in Cairo urged incorporation of Sharia into the International Law to avoid eruption of more crises or other forms of injustice.

"Some western researchers have found out that Islamic principles could be used to develop the International Law and incorporate its moral values into it," said Jaafar Abdel-Salam, the secretary general of the Islamic Universities Association.

He was speaking at the International Islamic Conference, held in Cairo from April 28 till May 1 under the title of "Tolerance in Islamic Civilization".

Addressing the sixteenth session of the Conference, Abdel-Salam, himself a professor of International Law, said the application of Sharia along with the International Law would help set up a world system "turning countries closer to each other".

"Islam, with its practices, is the best of international systems that could achieve peace," said Mohamed Dissouki, an International Law professor at Al-Azhar University, in the conference.

Abdel-Salam also stressed that the role of the United Nations should be enhanced and its system modified to prevent domination of specific countries.

He was referring to the veto power wielded by the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council; the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain.

Dissouki, was of the same mind.

"The International Law has recently tilted towards unequal treatment of people, as some agreements turned into valueless pieces of paper when they came against the interests of such a super power as the United States," he lamented.

Islam, on the other hand, deeply respects vows, treaties and agreements and warns against the serious consequences of their violation, Dissouki averred.

He cited that the United States had enforced its veto power in the Security Council several times of the year, mostly to kill draft resolutions condemning Israel for aggressions against the Palestinians.

In September, the U.S. employed its veto to kill an Arab-driven resolution condemning Israel for its decision to expel Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

On October 14, the U.S. vetoed a Syrian-proposed U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israel for continuing its construction of the separation wall, which snakes through the Palestinian territories in the West Bank.

Muslim scholars, however, heaped blame on western media outlets for an "unfair" campaign against Islam.

"Showing Islam as an enemy – in place of communism - of the west stocked up sentiments of hatred, bias and discrimination against the religion and its followers," said Mohamed Youssef, from the Islamic organization of Latin America.

Youssef lamented that the Muslim communities in Latin America mostly feel the need to boost religious awareness, increase the number of Islamic schools and make swift and permanent contact with the Islamic world.
Mohamed El-Masri, of the Canadian Islamic Congress, said Muslims need to change, not Islam.

"Islam is a religion of reform. What rather needs change is its followers," Masri said, urging Muslims to regain power for effectively dealing with current issues.

"In Europe, where the number of Muslims are noticeably growing, they are in need for guidance," said Ismail Amin, the imam of al-Aqsa Mosque.
Proud_Muslim said:
"In Europe, where the number of Muslims are noticeably growing, they are in need for guidance,"

I can give them all the guidance they'll ever need...... :D :D
"Showing Islam as an enemy – in place of communism - of the west stocked up sentiments of hatred, bias and discrimination against the religion and its followers," said Mohamed Youssef, from the Islamic organization of Latin America.

Yup, forget about the communists and let's find a new scapegoat.. Ooh I know! Let's pick Islam! And let's all "stock up sentiments of hatred, bias and discrimination against the religion and its followers".

If he is trying to proselytize Islam, he shouldn't make himself look like a fool and make invalid statements like that. Corroborate his statements at least.
Yes, let's introduce Sharia law everywhere, and cut off the hands of all thieves, and downgrade the rights of women. Won't that be great?
Proud_Muslim said:
"Islam, with its practices, is the best of international systems that could achieve peace," said Mohamed Dissouki, an International Law professor at Al-Azhar University, in the conference.

Yeah, because it's worked so well in the Middle East, huh?

Someone get this man a pair of reality-colored glasses.

How, exactly, might further crises in the world be avoided by implementing the stone-age system of justice employed by the part of the world that is most frequently in crisis? Huh? Anyone? Please explain this to me.

And before anyone goes off on how I am anti-religious, let me remind you that I am a practicing Christian and I am not advocating the return of legislation which mandates dunking people in water to see if they float so we can determine whether or not they are witches.
James R said:
Yes, let's introduce Sharia law everywhere, and cut off the hands of all thieves, and downgrade the rights of women. Won't that be great?
You forgot about throwing those filthy homos off of high buildings and stoning them if they survive, and beheading drug-dealers etc the list just goes on and on (I'll post citations before this thread is over). As to the stocking up issue I guess I better plan a trip to IKEA soon as I am fresh outta storage space :D
James R said:
Yes, let's introduce Sharia law everywhere, and cut off the hands of all thieves, and downgrade the rights of women. Won't that be great?

Sadly James, you are the victim of your own biased media, the sharia is not about cutting off the hands of the thieves and downgrading the rights of women, this is what your Jewish-controled media try to portray Islam and its laws.
JustARide said:
Yeah, because it's worked so well in the Middle East, huh?

Someone get this man a pair of reality-colored glasses.


Again, you are so misinformed, NOT a single country in the middle east applied or is applying the true sharia law now...I advice you to check your facts before you post.
Proud_Muslim said:
Sadly James, you are the victim of your own biased media, the sharia is not about cutting off the hands of the thieves and downgrading the rights of women, this is what your Jewish-controled media try to portray Islam and its laws.
Sadly PM you are a victim of your own propaganda as we can post countless examples of shariah IN PRACTICE that shows just what James and I mentioned. You are familiar with the case of Amina Awal in Nigeria for one aren't you, the pregnant woman who was supposed to be STONED as soon as her baby, conceived outside of wedlock was born. Or the man who got drunk and recieved 80 lashes in Nigeria, he wasn't muslim but suffered a muslim punishment. Your theoretical shariah just doesn't exist anywhere except on that website.
Proud_Muslim said:
... the sharia is not about cutting off the hands of the thieves and downgrading the rights of women...

Of course it's not! What it's really about is its confidential counselling service.

I can just imagine.

Caller: Hey, my wife's been cheating on me with some Western dirt-bag Zionist sympathizer. I don't actually know who he is, but I'm certain he's on of them. What should I do?

Counselor: You know what you must do, brother.

Caller: All right, will I get a discount on the hand grenades and the bull whip from your catalogue if I can recite ten Quranic verses?

Counselor: Of course you will, brother.
path said:
Sadly PM you are a victim of your own propaganda as we can post countless examples of shariah IN PRACTICE that shows just what James and I mentioned.

Sadly, you cant produce a SINGLE case of abuse by sharia law apart from the backward taliban afghanistan, those taliban does not represent Islam, they are backward thugs who hold their culture ahead of their faith.

You are familiar with the case of Amina Awal in Nigeria for one aren't you, the pregnant woman who was supposed to be STONED as soon as her baby, conceived outside of wedlock was born.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!! How pathetic ?? The western media was very quick to publish this poor woman story blaming Islam and Muslims for her drama, her story was HEADLINES all over the HYPOCRITICAL WESTERN MEDIA but this same FILTHY western media( apart from some view honest ones like the BBC) went silent when the SAME SHARIA COURT FREED THE SAME WOMAN:

Nigerian spared death by stoning

A northern Nigerian woman sentenced to death by stoning for committing adultery has won her appeal against the verdict on a majority decision. Four out of five judges rejected her conviction, saying she was not given "ample opportunity to defend herself".


Or the man who got drunk and recieved 80 lashes in Nigeria, he wasn't muslim but suffered a muslim punishment. Your theoretical shariah just doesn't exist anywhere except on that website.

Where is your proof he was lashed ?? if he is Muslim, he should be lashed, lashed for being drunk is better than to DRIVE WHILE DRUNK and kill so many innocent lives as the case DAILY in the ' civilized' west !! :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:
Sadly, you cant produce a SINGLE case of abuse by sharia law apart from the backward taliban afghanistan, those taliban does not represent Islam, they are backward thugs who hold their culture ahead of their faith.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!! How pathetic ?? The western media was very quick to publish this poor woman story blaming Islam and Muslims for her drama, her story was HEADLINES all over the HYPOCRITICAL WESTERN MEDIA but this same FILTHY western media( apart from some view honest ones like the BBC) went silent when the SAME SHARIA COURT FREED THE SAME WOMAN:

Nigerian spared death by stoning

A northern Nigerian woman sentenced to death by stoning for committing adultery has won her appeal against the verdict on a majority decision. Four out of five judges rejected her conviction, saying she was not given "ample opportunity to defend herself".


Where is your proof he was lashed ?? if he is Muslim, he should be lashed, lashed for being drunk is better than to DRIVE WHILE DRUNK and kill so many innocent lives as the case DAILY in the ' civilized' west !! :rolleyes:

You act like such a dimwit sometimes PM if you followed the case then you know how much international pressure had to be put on the shariah court to get them to spare her it was everywhere in the news here.
Here from the link you provided
The panel of judges said the decision to acquit Ms Lawal was based on procedural errors at her original trial and the fact that her adultery was not proved beyond doubt.

What a load of BULLSHIT !! The sharia law is the most just and fair in the world, do you think the Muslim judges in this court will bow to any pressure from the west ??? you are such a dreamer !!

But hey, I like it when your lies are EXPOSED......NEXT LIE PLEASE !

Proud_Muslim said:
What a load of BULLSHIT !! The sharia law is the most just and fair in the world, do you think the Muslim judges in this court will bow to any pressure from the west ??? you are such a dreamer !!

But hey, I like it when your lies are EXPOSED......NEXT LIE PLEASE !

Actions speak louder than words my delusional friend look at my post above again. Yeah that is fair and just :rolleyes:
* lashes are a common punishment in Saudi and other arab countries

* the case of the Nigerian woman, it is not the fact that she was spared from stoning which is important, but the fact that she was this close to getting stoned. the only thing that stood between her and being stoned to death (according to Sharia) were 2 religious judges. we can only speculate why they overturned their decision, but thank G-d they did

* i could of course bring other cases of Sharia being all divine and helpful... but you all know as much as i do about it

the FOX JEWS did a good job :rolleyes:
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Let the avalanche begin :cool:

In fairness to the reader, the complete section, Apostasy From Islam, is quoted, so that the reader can see the entire text within its context and read the justification offered for beheading a person who leaves the fold of Islam.


Yeah that is fair.

How bout listening to beautiful music?

Allah Mighty and Majestic sent me as a guidance and mercy to believers and commanded me to do away with musical instruments, flutes, strings, crucifixes, and the affair of the pre-Islamic period of ignorance."

(2) "On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will pour molten lead into the ears of whoever sits listening to a songstress."

(3) "Song makes hypocrisy grow in the heart as water does herbage."

(4) "This Community will experience the swallowing up of some people by the earth, metamorphosis of some into animals, and being rained upon with stones." Someone asked, "When will this be, O Messenger of Allah?" and he said, "When songstresses and musical instruments appear and wine is held to be lawful."

(5) "There will be peoples of my Community who will hold fornication, silk, wine, and musical instruments to be lawful ...."

Music is evil?! :eek:

And what are some of the influences for shari'ah decisions you ask

'Aisha was 6 years old when Muhammad legally married her. He was over fifty years old at the time. The co-habited together as man and wife when she was nine years old. Naturally, she was a curious young girl. So, when the Negroes from Abyssinia were sporting with their spears and daggers in the mosque, she wanted to see the excitement. Muhammad let the young girl peer at them while she was screened by himself. After awhile, she grew bored and went back to playing.

This seemingly little episode in the life of young 'Aisha impacted Shari'a law. It permitted dancing and spectator sports in Islam. Why? Simply because Muhammad permitted his young wife to look at the Abyssinians when they danced and sported in the mosque.

Wow such depth of thought given to global justice a 6 year old girl had a say at determining shari'ah laws.

more shari'ah
path said:
Let the avalanche begin

Let the LIES start !! quoting from christian missionary hate site will only expose your LIES !!! :D

Yeah that is fair.

How bout listening to beautiful music?
Music is evil?!

In your face, LIAR !


Among the entertainments which may comfort the soul, please the heart, and refresh the ear is singing. Islam permits singing under the condition that it not be in any way obscene or harmful to Islamic morals. There is no harm in its being accompanied by music which is not exciting.

In order to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness, singing is recommended on festive occasions such as the days of 'Eid, weddings and wedding feasts, births, 'aqiqat (the celebration of the birth of a baby by the slaughter of sheep), and on the return of a traveler.

'Aishah narrated that when a woman was married to an Ansari man, the Prophet (peace be on him) said, " 'Aishah, did they have any entertainment? The Ansar are fond of entertainment.'' (Reported by al-Bukhari.)

Ibn 'Abbas said, " 'Aishah gave a girl relative of hers in marriage to a man of the Ansar. The Prophet (peace be on him) came and asked, 'Did you send a singer along with her?' 'No,' said 'Aishah. The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) then said, The Ansar are a people who love poetry. You should have sent along someone who would sing, 'Here we come, to you we come, greet us as we greet you.' " (Reported by Ibn Majah.)

'Aishah narrated that during the days of Mina, on the day of 'Eid al-Adha, two girls were with her, singing and playing on a hand drum. The Prophet (peace be on him) was present, listening to them with his head under a shawl. Abu Bakr then entered and scolded the girls. The Prophet (peace be on him), uncovering his face, told him, "Let them be, Abu Bakr. These are the days of 'Eid." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

In his book, Ihya ulum al-deen, (In the quarter on "Habits", in the book Listening to Singing.), Imam al-Ghazzali mentions the ahadith about the singing girls, the Abyssinians playing with spears in the Prophet's Mosque, the Prophet's encouraging them by saying, "Carry on, O Bani Arfidah," his asking his wife, 'Aishah, "Would you like to watch?" and standing there with her until she herself became tired and went away, and 'Aishah's playing with dolls with her friends. He then says:

All these ahadith are reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim in the two Sahihs, and they clearly prove that singing and playing are not haram. From them we may deduce the following:

First: The permissibility of playing; the Abyssinians were in the habit of dancing and playing.

Second: Doing this in the mosque.

Third: The Prophet's saying, 'Carry on, O Bani Arfidah,' was a command and a request that they should play; then how can their play be considered haram?

Fourth: The Prophet (peace be on him) prevented Abu Bakr and 'Umar from interrupting and scolding the players and singers. He told Abu Bakr that 'Eid was a joyous occasion and that singing was a means of enjoyment.

Fifth: On both occasions he stayed for a long time with 'Aishah, letting her watch the show of the Abyssinians and listening with her to the singing of the girls. This proves that it is far better to be good-humored in pleasing women and children with games than to express such disapproval of such amusements out of a sense of harsh piety and asceticism.

Sixth: The Prophet (peace be on him) himself encouraged 'Aishah by asking her, "Would you like to watch?" (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

Seventh: The permissibility of singing and playing on the drum...

and what follows, to the end of al-Ghazzali's discussion on singing.

ow such depth of thought given to global justice a 6 year old girl had a say at determining shari'ah laws.

Again, christian missionaries hate sites only indicates your WEAKNESS, if you want to debate ISLAM and MUSLIMS you go to MUSLIM SITES and MUSLIM BOOKS and debate them from there not from hate sites but you are just primitive hater, not professional one yet !! :D