Cain buggers Abel:his own son and brother

In Genesis, the line of Cain was discontinued suddenly, and presumably this change in attitude was related to the murder of his brother Abel. Cain was exiled to the lands east of Eden where he later produced a son also called Enoch who was reportedly the builder of cities, seven in fact, all named after his sons. It is perhaps coincidental that there were seven major cities built by the Sumerians before the Deluge and suggests a common source of origin.

Genesis continues the line of Cain, uneventfully, through Irad, Mehujael, Methusael, and then ends with Lamech. Not content with dropping the line here, the Scriptures left behind a puzzle, a cryptic verse that has been the bane of Biblical scholars. The verse which ends the line of Cain is as follows:

"Lamech said to his wives, Adah and Zellah, hear my voice, O wives of Lamech, give ear to my speech; I have killed a man for wounding me, a boy for injuring me. If Cain be avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-seven fold."

Genesis then drops all mention of the Cainite line and abruptly begins the genealogy of Seth. Obviously the verse contains the clues to this sudden change of policy. If the line was doomed, what were the reasons? The solution to this enigmatic verse which ends the line of Cain probably lies in the existence of the two, even three, parallel lines of descent.

We know that the book of Genesis is a book written by the jews while they were held captive in Babylon under the reign of Nebuchadnessar and that it was based on Babylonian fairytales and legends/myth.

Please see threads "if god exist's" post 36 . and , "proof of god" posts 72-80.and in "modern prophet"

To take it for it's literal meaning as opposed to exegetical fact is naive to say the least. please read above post as it explains why saves me a lot of writing
Look at Genesis closely. There is never any intention to claim that all humanity came from Adam and Eve. We are told of other peoples immediately.

You see, for Adam and Eve, who had been created as Spiritual Beings in Paradise, the FALL to Humanity was toward a condition that was already established. They did not start out as Humans, but were MADE to be Human as part of their punishment, part of their FALL.

then there is the matter of Tribal Supremacy. Many Tribal Traditions relate stories which discuss their little localized Tribe as being something of the Center of the Universe -- they call themselves THE PEOPLE and omit references to anybody or anything else. When it comes to Supremacy Doctrine, certainly the Jews are extremely competitive there, and have proven to be as narrow minded as the most backward of Tribes.

Now, the wonder of it all is that People outside the Jewish Tribe bother with it at all. Why would Non-Jews wish to participate in a Myth that is directed only toward the bolstering of Jewish Supremacy?

It does go a good ways toward explaining why Protestant America has voluntarily made itself a Colony of Israel. If Israel served the Cause of America, well, that would be one thing. But America's alliance with Israel has only done America almost incalculable damage, and all benefits have been on the side of Israel. It seems to assume that American Protestants have truly bought into the Myth that they must be the Willing Slaves to the Jews.

Does this mean Noah's Ark was an attempt to discard the notion that incestuous relationships spawned the human race? A way to rid the world of the A&E story and everything it insinuates? At some point did the ancient religious leaders of the day prefer the 8 human survivors over the 2 that started it all? Were they now aware of the affects of inbreeding and thus needed to change the written word so it countered such claims of incestuous behavior by the first family?
Leo Volont of course then there is the fact that its a MYTH designed to explain things that people without science couldnt explain. Just like ever other religion, oh and of corse to sperate US from THEM because WE are the true humans so we can go out and slaughter THEM without worrying about morality. Sort of like whats happerning in the US now
Leo Volont of course then there is the fact that its a MYTH designed to explain things that people without science couldnt explain. Just like ever other religion, oh and of corse to sperate US from THEM because WE are the true humans so we can go out and slaughter THEM without worrying about morality. Sort of like whats happerning in the US now

couldn't have put it better. The tale of Adam and Eve,Cain and able should be looked at as the origins, or beginings of history of a single tribe or village. Travel was not the norm only done in necessity so the surrounding area would have been the size of the known world.
Considering the tale of how the tribe/village began would have been handed down for generations then if you take into account chinese whispers the tale would have some original points mixed with fantasy.Belief in God turned man against man,if we want to last another 2000 years it is time we had belief in man. If we want the planet to sustain us then we must nuture the planet so it is capable of sustaining us. belief that God will save us is o.k. but when it means you do nothing and sit around watching us destroy the planet by over population,polution,rainforests etc because somethin that you have never heard,seen,tasted,touched or smelt will appear and stop it then you have to ask yourself is there room in the future for me???