Cain buggers Abel:his own son and brother


Registered Senior Member
Of course the Bible deals with the psychological Oedipol complex more delicately, but the story remains:
1. Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain...
2. Later she gave birth to his brother Abel!
8 Now Cain said to his [']brother['], "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his [']brother['] and killed him.
10 The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground.
11 Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground...
12 When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth."
13 Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is more than I can bear.
14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me!"
15 But the LORD said to him, "Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.
25. ...At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD.
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Incest is a must if those are all the humans present. We are the products of incest if the Biblical scenario is correct. In fact Eve must have slept with her son, you know, the one that killed the other one. Or had some other kids with Adam. Or had a secret lover, perhaps some failed prototype of Adam. But buggering it seems to me was optional.
In Genesis, the line of Cain was discontinued suddenly, and presumably this change in attitude was related to the murder of his brother Abel. Cain was exiled to the lands east of Eden where he later produced a son also called Enoch who was reportedly the builder of cities, seven in fact, all named after his sons. It is perhaps coincidental that there were seven major cities built by the Sumerians before the Deluge and suggests a common source of origin.

Genesis continues the line of Cain, uneventfully, through Irad, Mehujael, Methusael, and then ends with Lamech. Not content with dropping the line here, the Scriptures left behind a puzzle, a cryptic verse that has been the bane of Biblical scholars. The verse which ends the line of Cain is as follows:

"Lamech said to his wives, Adah and Zellah, hear my voice, O wives of Lamech, give ear to my speech; I have killed a man for wounding me, a boy for injuring me. If Cain be avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-seven fold."

Genesis then drops all mention of the Cainite line and abruptly begins the genealogy of Seth. Obviously the verse contains the clues to this sudden change of policy. If the line was doomed, what were the reasons? The solution to this enigmatic verse which ends the line of Cain probably lies in the existence of the two, even three, parallel lines of descent.
We are the products of incest if the Biblical scenario is correct.
We are whether the biblical scenario is correct or not.

I have to agree that it's really disappointing no dad-on-son anal is indicated whatsoever (let alone thoroughly verbally illustrated in sickening detail) by the verses presented in the opening post.
I still don't see how Spectrum gets that Cain 'buggard' his son and brother Abel. Where does it say that Cain is Abel's dad or that they had sex?
I wonder why he accepts that evolutionary familial buggering is different?

edit: i'm just curious.
In Genesis, the line of Cain was discontinued suddenly, and presumably this change in attitude was related to the murder of his brother Abel. Cain was exiled to the lands east of Eden where he later produced a son also called Enoch who was reportedly the builder of cities, seven in fact, all named after his sons. It is perhaps coincidental that there were seven major cities built by the Sumerians before the Deluge and suggests a common source of origin.

Genesis continues the line of Cain, uneventfully, through Irad, Mehujael, Methusael, and then ends with Lamech. Not content with dropping the line here, the Scriptures left behind a puzzle, a cryptic verse that has been the bane of Biblical scholars. The verse which ends the line of Cain is as follows:

"Lamech said to his wives, Adah and Zellah, hear my voice, O wives of Lamech, give ear to my speech; I have killed a man for wounding me, a boy for injuring me. If Cain be avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-seven fold."

Genesis then drops all mention of the Cainite line and abruptly begins the genealogy of Seth. Obviously the verse contains the clues to this sudden change of policy. If the line was doomed, what were the reasons? The solution to this enigmatic verse which ends the line of Cain probably lies in the existence of the two, even three, parallel lines of descent.
But we have just one woman there in the beginning. Eve. Either she gave birth to a daughter who had children with Cain or she had children with Cain.
of course she had daughters, but since when is a female's name all that important??
Seriously, what's Noah's wife's name?
But we have just one woman there in the beginning. Eve. Either she gave birth to a daughter who had children with Cain or she had children with Cain.

There is a strong point to be made about inbreeding and the negative effects of it ...

Uh, couldn't resist. :bugeye:
Of course the Bible deals with the psychological Oedipol complex more delicately, but the story remains:

Well, no.

Even the Bible describes the situation in much better context. Cain was a Civilized Farmer. Abel was a Barbarian herder. Cain made a sacrifice of Grain. Abel sacrificed a sheep. Remember that the Jews were Barbarian Herders and hated them there City Slicker Civilized people as well as the settled farmers that supported Civilization. While History mostly shows us that it is the Barbarians who attack Civilization, we could hardly expect a piece of Barbarian Literature to take that same tact, and so the Jewish Barbarian Bible presents Civilization as the Aggressor. Indeed, they still do, if you would notice any of the modern Hollywood Movies, screenplayed almost exclusively by Jewish Screenwriters -- Civilization is always portrayed as the villan and Barbarian Hero Rebels are always caste as the Heroes.

No, the Jewish Bible was not telling us that the City Slickers were screwing the Noble Herders up their butts... that would have been shameful and would have made them look week and pathetic. That was not the point at all. They only wanted an excuse to hate Farmers so they could slaughter them without evoking a guilty conscience.

The Jews can testify as to how well it all worked out. They hardly feel guilty no matter how many people they kill.
An unusual and somewhat bizarre description of the crime of Cain is also found in this document which narrates some episodes in the life of Adam. There are two versions - the Latin or Vita version, and the Greek or Apocalypse one. In the Vita version, Eve has a vision where it is "as is the blood of our son Abel was in the hands of Cain who was gulping it down in his mouth." The Apocalyptic version is somewhat more dramatic, as Eve tells Adam:

"My Lord, I saw a dream last night, the blood of my son Amilabes, called Abel, being thrust into the mouth of Cain his brother, and he drank it mercilessly... And it did not stay in his stomach but came out of his mouth. They got up to see what happened and found Abel killed by Cain."

The crime of Cain was, apparently, not only to commit fratricide but also to eat the flesh and blood of his brother. This behavior seems more reptilian than human, since Cain was sired by the deity, unlike his brother who had Adam as his father. Cain was therefore half-saurian. This may have been the main reason for aborting the line of Cain, to be superseded by that of Seth.

Whether provoked or not, Cain committed a serious crime, much more serious than just an error in offering a sacrifice. Cain not only killed Abel but ate his flesh and drank his blood. For this barbaric deed Cain was banished to the east to the land of Nod. Then as a sign that Cain came under the Lord’s protection, he placed a mark on Cain, the nature of which is not described in Genesis.

In order to protect his semi-divine progeny, the deity warned that "whoever kills Cain shall suffer vengeance seven fold." Strangely, this same statement is repeated in the verse on Lamech which ends the line of Cain, and obviously the two verses are related.

Cain is considered by the deity to be a bad experiment; but since he is semi-divine and his offspring, he cannot be destroyed but is exiled to a far land so that he nor his offspring can do no more harm. Cain is said to have married his sister Awan at the end of the Fourth Jubilee or about the 200th year of Adam’s life.

Rabbinical sources indicate that he died in his 930th year, that is, a year before the death of Adam. In the pseudepigrapha, Cain was reportedly accidentally killed by Lamech, thus fulfilling the curse of the seventh generation.
In order to protect his semi-divine progeny, the deity warned that "whoever kills Cain shall suffer vengeance seven fold."

Remember, this is only a story made up by meat eating Nomads to assassinate the character of grain growing members of Civilization.

What is meant by the "seven fold vengence"... it is a warning to Barbarians against attacking Civilization.

Nomads ALWAYS want to attack Civilization. When Civilization is in Decline, then the chances for success in attacking Civiliztion goes way up. But while Civilization is still intact and functional, then any Barbarian Attack upon Civilization is met with certain and devastating reprisals.

Indeed, it am reminded of the old Aztec tactic of sending out Scouting Patrols, as bait. When a Patrol would NOT come back, they would send out a Regiment to completely wipe out the territory. They kept the Peace by utterly destroying any territory where peace was not entirely a given.

Oh, maybe we should adopt the same policy. Any neighborhood where there is a mugging or a car theft should be razed and leveled to the ground and every man woman and child put to the sword. Let's see what that would do for Crime Statistics.
Does this mean Noah's Ark was an attempt to discard the notion that incestuous relationships spawned the human race? A way to rid the world of the A&E story and everything it insinuates? At some point did the ancient religious leaders of the day prefer the 8 human survivors over the 2 that started it all? Were they now aware of the affects of inbreeding and thus needed to change the written word so it countered such claims of incestuous behavior by the first family?