Bye everyone!

I'm on the cruiseboat now, haven't been lucky enough to get a tan despite my devotion to Ra. Have to make this quick....hmmm what to say what to say, I have a lot of catching up to do here. I think I'll check out Free Thoughts and head out. I'll try to post late tomorrow (EST). Where's the I'm away party eh?
Bombarding my skin with gamma radiation never seemed so much fun until you actually experience it, beb. My whole family is here and I'm in the first class, have a balcony, ooooh yes very hot and humid here, sweaty one could say. If anyone sees lindsey (from the local arena) tell her to email me back.

I got a baaaaad burn today but it's the only frickin way I'm gonna get a tan. I just don't tan without a burn damnit. Croicky.:D
Sounds like you have a fantastic time. You have to tell us all about it when you come back. But beware of burning your skin too hurts, and then it falls off, and then there' cancer!!! No, I don't want to spoil your vacation with worries. Enjoy. :)
me w.e.

have a splendid time!

come visit me if your in fort lauderdale!

dont 4get 2 send me sum mexican breasts.
i mean don't forget to keep your eyes open for a respectable young lady so you can introduce her to this respectable young gentleman.:)

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The I'm away party is for when you're not here. Don't think we would let the bag outta the cat do you? (I get it bassackwards every once in a while.) :D
It's too bad for me at the moment, I just started getting really cocky after hanging out with my older cousins for the past few days, one of them got so hammered on tequila that he fell asleep on the toilet seat, with the part that you sit on under his head and the cover on top. He locked the door so we wouldn't bother him but every time he hurled we cheered.

It was beautiful, going to see the mayan ruins, we lucked out with our Tour Guide, Jorge, who was quite frankly (or to be frank:D) one of the coolest people I've ever met. He appeared to know more about the ruins than your average young dude looking for some cash.

I missed you guys (all of you:D), and I missed the forums, missed my friends back home (some more than others), but all in all I've had a hellofa time. I finished two books, Speaker for the Dead, and Shadow of the Hegemon, which I both highly reccomend to everyone.