Business Ethics in USA

You may be right Squid Vicious. I now see your point. I noticed, a large number od Australians in this forum bash USA everychance they get. Can that be considered STUPIDITY or is that Jealousy?

I guess stupidity can take many forms...right?
Originally posted by kmguru
You may be right Squid Vicious. I now see your point. I noticed, a large number od Australians in this forum bash USA everychance they get. Can that be considered STUPIDITY or is that Jealousy?

I guess stupidity can take many forms...right?

It certainly can... for example, there are only four Aussies that I am personally aware of in these forums, and only one of them "bash USA every chance they get" as far as I've seen. Perhaps if you used your other hand to count as well, you'd see that numbers can in fact get a fair bit larger than four. I've personally defended the USA in several threads from memory, but I certainly dont see you as angels... as far as I'm aware, not many people do, no matter WHERE they're from.

As for Australians being jealous of the US... most of us wouldnt live there for quids, we're quite happy here. You really have no idea, do you?
I was in the USA in 1993. The majority of Americans seemed pretty much like the majority of Australians, except of course religion is far more prevalent there.
My brother returned last year from a year's journey around the world. I asked him; of all the places that he'd been, where would he consider returning to live? His reply:

1) New Zealand
2) Australia

I was impressed by both from his stories and photos. I expect to head down to see for myself one of these days.

One of the places I always thought might be a good place to live other than here in the US was Australia.

I think I am one of those who has developed a bit of thin skin over the US bashing that I have seen on the boards. Some have had good reason and have been able to put to words just what it was that they had a problem with. I can respect that. I do not agree with everything my government does either. Some seem to have no clue as to why. It is as if they were parroting some standard line that they bought hook, line, and sinker.

No, I am not singling out those from Oz as the main source of this. By and large they are open minded. I will leave this subject as it is. No amount of head bashing will change some. Maybe I need to reevaluate my position. I have thought so in the past and looked to see if maybe I was totally wrong. I am not convinced that is the case.

Very few of those starving have video machines to put games in. When you are worried about food all else becomes secondary to obtaining food to sustain life.
US government policies if put in proper context can be chaged by ordinary citizens here. You only have to know, where to send it. Our representatives are very sensitive to their constituents and hence can hear what we have to say. However, unless the citizens are convinced that we should be doing something that we are not, we usually ignore it. The only exception to that is powerful lobby groups that manage the media and buy favors from the political reps.

Anyway, I am not sure where I am going, but one of these days, I would like to check out OZ land for myself.
Originally posted by wet1

Very few of those starving have video machines to put games in. When you are worried about food all else becomes secondary to obtaining food to sustain life.

OK, I think you guys really NEED to get over here for a look. I assumed that the USA has a welfare system as well which kept people from going hungry... from what you have all said, perhaps I'm assuming incorrectly.

But I shall say it again...

Given the welfare system we have here, given the amounts required for rent and food and clothing, NOBODY LIVING IN AUSTRLIA SHOULD BE STARVING.

It's that simple. If you dont believe me, do some research on what food costs here, how much rent is payable in different cities, and how much the unemployed, aged, and disabled (even single mothers for gawds sake) get from the government. Then make up your own mind. I give up.