Bushmeat poses threat of simian retrovirus transmission to humans

No, leave monkeys alone. They're entertaining and don't intrude on our business. The disease is spread by eating the monkey, not breathing next to it.
Avatar said:
If I am not mistaken then MCD could be gotten only from consuming the sick meat.
If so - doesn't scare me.
You can't tell the difference between mad cow meat and non-mad cow meat if you're just looking at it sitting in the freezer isle. Or do you have some sort of supernatural prion detecting sence? Nope, I'm afraid whitewolf is right, you are putting the entire race at risk by eating that beef. So we either have to kill all the cows and chickens and pigs too, or kill all the meat eating humans. I know who my vote is for, you filthy disease vector.
Avatar, I'm not sure the CDC would agree with your methods, they are...unsound. They might have to get Charlie Sheen to go after you...
Too many things that need to be done are not done because of stupid ethics or other irrational beliefs.
What's CDC?
We should kill all the pandas while we're at it. Those sons of bitches just don't pull their weight. I mean what the hell is up with them? Their food is in the lowlands and they live primarily in the highlands? There needs to be some accountability, and frankly I think the day of reckoning for pandas has come.

Oh, and a word to manatees: you'd best get off welfare and get yourself a job, you slackers, otherwise we're just going to keep making boats with even bigger propellers that are going to cut all the deeper into your lazy degenerate backs.
Mystech said:
We should kill all the pandas while we're at it. Those sons of bitches just don't pull their weight. I mean what the hell is up with them? Their food is in the lowlands and they live primarily in the highlands?

Hmm. I'm almost tempted to cry plagiarism on this. I am 110 percent sure that I've seen this exact statement made by SpuriousMonkey in some other thread months ago. I bet I could find it if I was stubborn enough.

Or is this a common bitch? Those damned pandas...

Well. This thread's not entirely serious and more provocative than anything else, but while I'm here:

Spidergoat said:
People are eating monkeys because they are poor.

Wrong. They eat monkeys and gorillas and other types of bush meat for the same reason that Westerners eat lobsters and caviar. It's a status food. When you have someone important coming over for dinner you sure as hell don't feed them cow. You feed them gorilla.

It helps all these city-dwelling Africans fool themselves into thinking they're still maintaining some type of connection with their past culture.

You know. So they don't feel like dirty Americans or anything.

Whitewolf said:
Can we exterminate mosquitoes, please?

Christ. Wouldn't that be sweet? I wonder what the ecological consequences would be?
And there's always midges, and god knows how many other blood sucking critters out there.

Avatar said:
I don't eat any meat, SpyMoose

That explains it.
The Center for Disease Control in the United States.
What's CDC to do with Africa? It's not under the USA jurisdiction and I'm not a citizen of the US.

to Mystech: what a nice slippery slope you have there
You can apply the slippery slope to any issue and nothing will ever get done.

Notice, it is only humans that bitch about diseases and contageous animals. Normal critters don't care. It is the human race that is the source of the problem.
I doubt insects, rats or simmilar have enough intellect to predict a spread of a disease.
Avatar said:
What's CDC to do with Africa? It's not under the USA jurisdiction and I'm not a citizen of the US.

to Mystech: what a nice slippery slope you have there
I'm joking. Just like you are.
So, a question to you all: What's wrong with exterminating all the other primate species out there? Apart from childish morals, etc? I can't think of anything.
By exterminating them we effectivly delete the only source on this planet for viruses that tinker with our immune system, we secure our DNA!
Lack of intellect means lack of intent and all comprehension of guilt/damage etc. Can't blame the animal and insect and plant kingdoms. It is the humans that have a problem and therefore are it's source. That's why it's wrong to kill off monkeys. Humans need to either adapt to the environment or die off. No other choice, really. And that's what you'll see happening: we'll adapt (find a cure).

Because we are so good at avoiding deaths, we have overpopulation problems. We need something the size of that plague from the Dark Ages that was spread by rats... Boubonic plague?
Black death.
Anyways, you wouldn't want to see that. Study a bit about what effects on the remaining alive society the black death did have. Be afraid. ;)
That's why it's wrong to kill off monkeys.
I think that's your problem right there -> "wrong".
Nothing is wrong if it keeps me alive. That's my oppinion.
I don't care about right or wrong, I see -> dead monkeys = no more such viruses possible = YAY
You asked what's wrong; I used your language in my responce, so that you'd comprehend. We aren't looking for a morally right choice here; the most convenient choice is our goal. It does nothing to kill off monkeys and other animals and insects and plants that do us damage. In the end, we'll exterminate everything but ourselves and that will be our downfall. We need to adapt.
You should adapt.

What bad effects did it have? I've forgotten, it seems.... Half the population was gone, or somewhere around those numbers. I recall hearing that lack of proper hygiene was part of the cause....
So, a question to you all: What's wrong with exterminating all the other primate species out there? Apart from childish morals, etc? I can't think of anything.
By exterminating them we effectivly delete the only source on this planet for viruses that tinker with our immune system, we secure our DNA!

Two words.
Genetic diversity.

If you wiped out all primate species on the earth I can practically guarantee an ecological disaster that would make Aids seem like nothing.
Who cares about Simian Foamy Disease? You worried about it?

And, on a lighter note, apeman butlers.

By the way, Avatar, I'm saddened that you didn't take my bait.
What your vegetarianism explains is your girlish good looks.
Rise of religious fanaticism, a hell lot of cults and blame seekers. But I think that's more a problem for the USA not Europe, because people there are less culturaly developed and the country is high on god.
Please explain further the ecological disaster.

Also, explain what vegetarianism has to do with girlishness and appearances.