Bushmeat poses threat of simian retrovirus transmission to humans


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
Please see this article.
It seems that new retroviruses have been transfered into humans from wild primates. I won't repeat the article, read it yourselves, but I have a proposal ->
Exterminate all wild primates on this planet for the common good of humankind.
It seems that these viruses are so powerful exactly because the other primates are so close related to us, we have a DNA difference of just ~3% with some. I think it will be a lot safer world without these other species and they really aren't that valuable, we are the most successful product of the primate evolution.
Besides they look ugly..

Or have you any other good medical solution to this problem?
Wow, I didn't know monkeys were food... Anyways, I guess we become what some of us eat (I noted the reference to HIV as well).

Extermination of monkeys is not consistent with our studious goals. Besides, I bet they're somehow necessary in their ecosystems, aside from feeding some Africans. Remember, we want to preserve different kinds of animals now.
Extermination of monkeys is not consistent with our studious goals.
What goals are they? I think being safe and alive is more important.
Besides, I bet they're somehow necessary in their ecosystems, aside from feeding some Africans.
Who cares about Africa? There are no monkeys in Europe.
Remember, we want to preserve different kinds of animals now.
Yeah, me too //points finger at himself.
I think a better solution would be to stop eating primates. They're weird food anyways.

Well, why not use them in scientific experiments instead of poor little mice? (There probably is a reason, but eh....) Also, a roach who lives closer to you and inevitably drops his waste in your room carries enough stuff to leave monkeys in Africa alone at least for now.

To preserve your dear self.... You should lock yourself in a special bubble until they discover a way to immortality. Ever seen the movie about that bubble boy? He was sexy.
Why do you love those monkeys so much? :bugeye: Having sex with monkeys can transfer these viruses too.
I say: kill 'em all and make world a safer place for all humans!
Think of homo sapiens children!! /grins
We don't have sex with actual monkeys. I don't love them. I love and hate everything equally. Offer more reasonable evidence in your defence.

The homo sapiens children I like least. Your appeal to my humanity is pointless.
Why not just let every lowlife who is scummy enough to eat an ape die a horrible painful death? :confused:
Is that a problem?
Are we really going to miss "ape eaters"?
Imagine sally struthers trying to make us feel sorry for sick and dieing ape eaters, it would be impossible. They made their bed and now they can sleep in it the filthy ape eating fucks.
Oh right, "won't somebody please think of those guys who eat apes?".
Give me a break, what's next? Pedophiles?
Worried the tight asses of the children might chafe their poor sensative penii?
I know how to solve the whole disease problem. How about, we quit all contact with people? Run away from all monkey-cow-chicken-eating humans, and let them rot in their misery.

Get rid of all contageous humans.... Ha, the earth is so overpopulated each country should voluntarily dispose of 10-50% of its populace (chosen at random, to prevent discrimination).I'd exclude dear Latvia but I recalled they usually have tuberculosis (or some other serious coughing illness) outbreaks in winters.
People are eating monkeys because they are poor. New roads are making more wilderness areas accessable to them, and bush meat also evokes nostalgia for a time when people did live off the forest. Solve Africa's proplems of poverty, war, and dwindling natural resources, and the disease problem will be mitigated.
Easy, right?
Easy, if we kill all the africans there. Who would miss them anyway? I won't.
A lot of problems in africa are because africans are so primitive.
Take for example the Ivory Coast Republic, they are swimming in diamonds, but for those diamonds they buy weapons and kill each other. I think we should help them, clear central and south africa clean, make space for european settlers and all will be good again.

edit: or we can proceed with my initial plan and exterminate all other primates on this planet.
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Solve Africa's proplems of poverty, war, and dwindling natural resources, and the disease problem will be mitigated. Easy, right?

No. Close to impossible. If it was easy, it'd be done by now. Yet it only gets worse and more people complain.

edit: or we can proceed with my initial plan and exterminate all other primates on this planet.

No. Exterminate humans. It's not monkeys' fault that humans eat them and get sick.
Humans are unreliable and someone always has the possibility of thinking that eating monkeys is a good idea. By exterminating all other primates, you kill all potential source. Cold, hard and reliable results.
Humans eat other contageous meat. Mad cow disease doesn't scare you? I saw a victim in the news some long time ago; it didn't look desireable. How about those chickens?
Prohibit meat consumption and isolate those who don't comply (or kill 'em). Stalinistic approach. Cold, hard, reliable. Progress.
If I am not mistaken then MCD could be gotten only from consuming the sick meat.
If so - doesn't scare me.
You might unintentionally help the spread of disease by killing all the apes. You would have to hire hunters, most probably african hunters, and when the apes were dead, someone would eat them. Killing all the Africans would cause the same problem, unless we nuked them all, then we would have more problems than just disease.

Extermination of all other primates is impossible, but chimps and gorillas are already threatened. There are other carriers of unknown diseases besides apes, look at the bird flu, and wasn't that spread by civet cats or something? Humans are overdue for a big plague, see the movie "12 Monkeys" if you want to know our future...
I have seen the movie. In the movie it was from a chemical labarotory/bioterrorist, not an animal.
You think it's not possible, but give me funding and manpower and I'll clear africa clean.

Specialised extermination squads and burning the monkey body afterwards.
Oh yes, let me remind you of the West Nile Virus and mosquitoes. Also spread only by mosquitoes (not human-to-human). Can we exterminate mosquitoes, please?

Why do we have to use nuclear/atomic/etc weapons? Regular bombs won't do? Oh killing them will also solve their little poverty problem and their war problems, hehehe.... No, just isolate. That's easier, more humane, and so on.

Edit: Why oh why are you so against monkeys? Do you like African populace so much? Do they look sexy to you or something?
Ok, kill all africans and all other primates. Won't make a difference. You can kill the people, leave me to exterminate wild primates.