Bush signs agreement to open Area51 to Public

Tell me, do other countries (like China, for instance) have sites considered to be UFO storage et cetera?
Every black project ever developed was tested at area 51. Including the SR71, the stealth fighter, the B2 bomber and a host of others which were failures. Those failed projects along with tons of contaminated materials are buried at area 51. There are also a number of burn pits.

Is there any evidence to back this claim? All of the mentioned aircraft were developed and tested by Lockheed Sknuk Works, in CA.
Yeah, but you only have to look at CopyCat to see that the original cat and the clone are not identical in expression. They're both calico, but the patterns are different.

Similarly, if you cloned Hitler he wouldn't pop out with a little mustache and start goosestepping around the hospital. He'd just be some little kid with brown hair who would grow up all quiet 'cause everyone would stare at him all the time.

CLONING IS NOT THE SAME AS REINCARNATION. That's why you can have a clone and still be alive.

Anyway, wasn't that what The Boys From Brazil was about?

Originally posted by Xevious
Is there any evidence to back this claim? All of the mentioned aircraft were developed and tested by Lockheed Sknuk Works, in CA.

Not to be facetious, but can you mention another location where full scale testing on black projects would occur?:)



The development and production was done at the Skunk works, but they were all tested at the "ranch" initially but a lot of later testing was done at Edwards AFB.

Below is a link for any SR71 fans or former ground and flight crew members.


those were the days
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I thought Skunkworks had it's own runway, but maybe I'm wrong. Fair enough.
Originally posted by Xevious
I thought Skunkworks had it's own runway, but maybe I'm wrong. Fair enough.

Actually you are correct. But the original Skunk works in Palmdale CA. was not secluded enough for testing black projects. Lockheed /Martin currently has other R&D facilities in Burbank and Ft Worth TX. The term "skunk works" refers to the lockheed technical R&D facilities. Their current open project is the Joint strike fighter and it is being tested in open facilities.

During the U2 and SR71 era the skunk works had extensive facilities at Groom lake. aka dreamland aka the ranch, and this area was also sometimes refered to as the skunk works. I am sure that they are still active there. But I am now out of the loop.

Sorry if I am sounding like a "know it all" . Its just that at one time this old geezer had extensive first hand experience with some of the projects.:)
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Oh, that's not a problem. I'm not as versed on the history of Area 51 as I would like to be. If they got tested there and there is proof, that's fine! I like having the facts in hand.
that artical is bull shit

and even if it was true, obivouisly they clear out any important things out of area 51, and leave a couple expermental flying crafts and just say "yup thoes are the UFO we made" or some crazy thing like that

besides AREA 51 is just a front for the real hidden base which is a couple miles west (i think) of area 51, hidden bunkers within the moutains

i really dont know why poeple dont talk about it too much :D
satalite photos have conformed that there are hidden bunkers a ways away from the actual area 51, on the other side of the moutines infact
If all the general public were as asinine as those who have contributed nonsense to this thread, it's no wonder secrets must be kept.

Get a life people.
its quite possible the governments do KNOW about aliens and what not, but they dont "dont" want to tell us, mabey they dont tell becuase its for our own saftey

theres a thinker ;)

FYI Q: telling poeple "to get a life" when you too seem to have no life...arguing poeples claims and whatnot on sciforums all day, bit of a oxymoron dont u think :)
not trying start a fight or anything, im just saying

telling poeple "to get a life" when you too seem to have no life...arguing poeples claims and whatnot on sciforums all day, bit of a oxymoron dont u think

First of all, I don’t spend all day here. Secondly, I am here to discuss science since this is an alleged science forum, not to wonder if aliens are being kept secret by the government, which is not science, but delusional paranoia. Can you not distinguish the two?
its pseudoscience
if you wish to talk about science go to the science sections

"pseudoscience" is a science all its own
i dont know why its called pseudoscience
it should be called "goofy claims and storys 101"
"pseudoscience" is a science all its own

Sorry, but it is anything but a science.

I suspected you wouldn't know the difference.
Originally posted by (Q)
Secondly, I am here to discuss science since this is an alleged science forum,

perhaps a breakdown of your visiting habits? say for the last week? want me to do it? i bet sub cultures/phil will be the most visited:D

discuss science indeed
Woah, thanks Skinwalker for a good contribution twards the original topic!
Yes, that's the Presidential Determination exempting Groom Lake
from the disclosure of classified information first signed by Clinton
in 1995, in response to a lawsuit filed by the workers with health
problems. It has been renewed every year since. The only thing
I see suspicious about it is the fact that unsafe enviromental practices
can be covered up. The government is not required to share its
classified activities with the public.