Bush signs agreement to open Area51 to Public

Perhaps Area 51 is off limits for the protection of society at large. Oh wait, that makes no sense, it must be aliens.
Originally posted by and2000x
Perhaps Area 51 is off limits for the protection of society at large. Oh wait, that makes no sense, it must be aliens.

Bush cares about protecting society at large? (lol). Where you from hill billy ?

You want to invest in a bridge ?
Stick on topic, please.

I'll be the first to say that Area 51 should remain top secret so long as what they are doing out there is vital to our countries security. The problem is however, that not everyone trusts Uncle Sam to tell the truth. Considering that our Government has been double-talking and not doing what it publically says it will since the country was founded (Ironically, the US Constitution was drafted and ratified WITHOUT the conscent of the operating Government at that time), it is of no surprise that they are not trusted. Our founding fathers didn't even trust each other.
Originally posted by Xevious
Stick on topic, please.

I'll be the first to say that Area 51 should remain top secret .

How safely spoken. Unfortunately you will never know if it's vital, nor will your senators or congressman. You have been duped and you dont even know it ?
There are plenty of reasons the government would want to keep the existance of ET technology secret, if they had any. Putting aside the posts of people like "Q" for a moment, what do you think other countries, particularly enemy countries would think? They would easly percive us as the greatest threat they have ever known. A single person can be smart enough to handle it, but when you get a bunch of people togeather, all you get is a mob. The cold war might be over, but there are still plenty of

The average joe is more interested in Monday Night Football before he is interested in considering the extreme ramifications of exterrestrial contact actually occuring.
Unfortunately, I think we need places like area 51. The challenge is to keep a place like this secret and constitutional; no small challenge. :bugeye:
Just because a geographic area is kept restricted to the general public and it's activities secret, does not imply that there are extraterrestrials in residence.

While that is a possibility, the only thing one can infer is that the military and/or the government is developing something that they need to keep as a national secret. Area 51 is one of the few places that affords enough physical space to bring an experimental aircraft onto a runway and even take off without fear of being observed by those without clearance.

Experimental design and development of military and intelligence hardware is on-going. It has to occur somewhere.

It is highly unlikely that there is any real conspiracy at work.
Secret from whom?

Secret from your senators?
Secret from your congressmen?
Secret for those dieing of radiation exposure with no one to sue ?

What is the need for this secrecy. The Russian threat, The Chinese Threat. The Terrorist threat ?
Is Canada about to attack ?

Did the Japanese rebuild their army?

Did someone reincarnate Hitler ?

Stop excepting truth from confirmed liars!

Everything needs to be questioned!

I dont need to examine Area51 or S4 personally. But i would like it inspected by an elected official representing me and mine.
Alien obsession...

Originally posted by Xevious
The average joe is more interested in Monday Night Football before he is interested in considering the extreme ramifications of exterrestrial contact actually occuring.
(Have you read any of Crushing Belial's posts?)
Requoting myself:

what do you think other countries, particularly enemy countries would think? They would easly percive us as the greatest threat they have ever known. A single person can be smart enough to handle it, but when you get a bunch of people togeather, all you get is a mob.

People are always terrified by that which they do not understand. The Pueblo indians for example, think that if you take a photograph of them that you have taken their soul away. When the Conquistadors showed up in Cuzco, the local people did not think they were humans, but a four-legged creature with two heads and arms. They didn't realize that the Horse and man were separate creatures.

During World War II, the V-1 and later V-2 missiles wraked havock upon Brittan from the skies. Until such time as the British understood what it was the Germans were doing, they could only speculate how Germany had managed to deliver a several kiloton warheads without an airplane in the sky. Brittan was beyond terrified by this. What was Germany doing? How did it work?

If some kind of ET technology is at Area 51, imagine not how most Americans might handle it, but how less developed civilizations in say the Middle East, or South America, or someone as simple as the Amish in New York State would handle it. They have no framework in their minds for comprehending what it is.
Ufos from the future?


>Did someone reincarnate Hitler ?

No. Because his body was burned after his suicide, we can hope that it will be impossible forever to reincarnate him.

What about ufo sightings:
They might be human technology from a future civilization. And the UFO visitors would be not more and not less than archeologues from the future who want to study us, and have strict order from their universities to avoid contact (possible risk of time traveler paradox)

Imagine that our archeologues could use UFOS to study living ancient civilisations (greeks, romans, celts, chinese) instead of digging only for stones, relicts and skeletons.
You obviously haven't read the latest literature on cloning. To date, primate cloning has not been possible.

Also, reincarnation, by the mythological definition wouldn't involve dna or the remains of the individual.

Governments keeps secrets. This is a fact of history. Our nation's enemies are different, but they certainly exist. National security is still vital. Just because the area is off-limits, doesn't mean that there is some information there that the general public would benifit from knowing. Disclosing the "need" for the secrecy might, in itself, reveal too much about national security.

As far as keeping the information from senators and representatives, they are temporary and fallible. If they don't have a need to know their knowledge should be minimal. As to those who have suffered from radiation exposure.... well... life ain't fair, but the greater good of the nation should take precedent.

People lie. Get used to it. It's a human condition. Sometimes a lie is necessary for the greater good. Most times I am opposed to the far right ideaologies of administrations like the current one and I'll add my vote against them in 2004, but the secrets should be maintained.

Simply not knowing what they are, doesn't mean there's some conspiracy against the American people. It certainly doesn't mean that there are aliens and alien technology stored or explored there. Though I'm sure that the powers that be are happy to let that myth/urban legend perpetuate... it deflects the attention from the real issues.

Also, since we don't know what the secrecy is about, how can you assume that we shouldn't know. I concede that there is a possibility, hell, even a significant probability -based on past government behavior, that the information at Area 51 could be detrimental to the public. But the probability is still low enough to be tolerated.
While I find the evidence for the UFO as a manifestation of some kind of intelligence intriguing, we should be cautious about making a speculative leap to alien pilots.

While there is evidence of high quality for UFOs, there is a dramatic drop in that quality when it comes to establishing the core nature of the UFO.

I've seen no credible evidence whatsoever that there are alien ships at Area 51; that kind of claim seems to come from the fringe. And yes, I would argue that the study of UFOs has a mainstream, and a fringe.
Has anyone considered that maybe the stuff there is being kept secret for a good reason?

I don't believe it but the possibility must be considered.
Area 51 is gradually being phased out because of contamination. A new base is under construction by the Bechtel company which also built the the original area 51.

Every black project ever developed was tested at area 51. Including the SR71, the stealth fighter, the B2 bomber and a host of others which were failures.

Those failed projects along with tons of contaminated materials are buried at area 51. There are also a number of burn pits.

Polluted area 51?


>Every black project ever developed was tested at area 51. Including the SR71, the stealth fighter, the B2 bomber and a host of others which were failures. Those failed projects along with tons of contaminated materials are buried at area 51. There are also a number of burn pits.

Well, i expect the secret development and testing will be continuing for a while, as well as pollution.

So I think it were not good if the army closed the site and started testing and pollutiong elsewhere.

If it is necessary that they continue, then do it on the same site, thus minimizing the damage.