Bush: Religious hatred is special

Don't apologize to me. IF you get the chance, you'll have to apologize to Him.

People will be screaming in agony from hell for the chance to change their evil minds. God will not hear them.
I don't choose not to believe in the Chritian God, it's simply that I;ve experienced nothing that would make me believe otherwise. I'm a skeptic if you will, I don't believe in vampires or werewolves either, and since when did believing in something make it factually true? If that was the case then I'd choose to believe I'm a billionaire.

Have you read any Dawkins?
No. Dawkins is an outspoken atheist, secular humanist, and skeptic. I fill my mind with books about Christianity, the Bible, and other God-related information. I'm much happier/productive that way.:)
I fill my mind with books about Christianity, the Bible, and other God-related information. I'm much happier/productive that way.:)
You know, it's pretty impossible not to think you're happy in the majority of your posts. I just can't tell if that's "shark's grin"-happy or "clockwork orange"-happy. I kind of hope I don't find out.
No. Dawkins is an outspoken atheist, secular humanist, and skeptic. I fill my mind with books about Christianity, the Bible, and other God-related information. I'm much happier/productive that way.:)

This is like the blind leading the blind.


Maybe you should branch out a bit more and visit a non-christian bookshop and broaden your mind in your readings. Just a suggestion.:)

Cottontop3000 said:
UP God's arse. While I'm at it, all christians' arses too.
Welcome back.
You know, it's pretty impossible not to think you're happy in the majority of your posts. I just can't tell if that's "shark's grin"-happy or "clockwork orange"-happy. I kind of hope I don't find out.

This made me laugh so loudly I woke up the baby.:(


I guess I shall be back later on.
Its funny i was thinking about this the other day - for all the religious right's tub-thumping about morality and decency ive yet to come across any public figure within the far right spectrum of christianity who embraces any sort of ethics or altrusim whatsoever.
If anyone can point me in the direction of any pious fundies that might be out there im happy to stand corrected.
But so far all ive seen is alot of classic projection from oppurtunistic sociopaths whod embrace just about doctrine if it would detract attention away from their own faux-pas.
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I'm usually pretty happy when I first log on here but by the time I'm finished reading the anti-America, anti-Bush, anti-God bs whining, I don't post so nice.:geek:
I'm usually pretty happy when I first log on here but by the time I'm finished reading the anti-America, anti-Bush, anti-God bs whining, I don't post so nice.:geek:

I know the feeling (evil mooslims are coming!!!), you gotta develop a thick skin here; but don't worry, we only pick on people who fight back.
And we don't really hate anybody, just a lot of opinionated people here:D

I have the most fun with people who used to rag me the most.
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Don't apologize to me. IF you get the chance, you'll have to apologize to Him.

People will be screaming in agony from hell for the chance to change their evil minds. God will not hear them.

I'll also have eternity to escape, or even stage an uprising. If the bible is correct, a spirit is an amorphous being...therefore its development and evolution is unlimited. Especially given the timespan of eternity.

My point...hell is completely illogical a punishment. Side point...your god can turn his humanity on and off. By and large a "mere" human cannot, we'll always feel sympathy.

No. Dawkins is an outspoken atheist, secular humanist, and skeptic. I fill my mind with books about Christianity, the Bible, and other God-related information. I'm much happier/productive that way.:)

How is this productive? Do god books help with the requirements of your job? Did they teach you how to drive? How to make a comfortable living in a capitalist model? How to decorate your home?

How do you measure your productivity? By the number of quotations you memorize? By the number of weak athiests/agnostics you manage to stymie? By the Dawkinses you manage to dodge?

But I guess I can't fight happiness. Delusional or not, you may actually be happy.

However...and back to the OP...religious beliefs should not be a deciding factor on infringing any rights whatsoever. It is clear that Dubya's own hyper-religious upbringing is blinding him to the truth that hate crimes have niche targets, homosexuals being among them.

It is easily recognizable that gays are a target of violent crimes; just as it is easily recognizable that folks of african origins (some decades ago) were easy pickings, and even today that poor 'reasoning' still exists.

The crime in and of itself is not in dispute. Clearly murder is murder, and should receive a harsh punishment. What hate crime legislation seeks to incorporate (as I understand it) is the prevention of -

1. A defense attorney getting his client off with "crime of passion" thus lessening the sentence from Murder 1 to Manslaughter.

2. A theist judge overturning a jury sentence (or perhaps supporting a jury full of hicks) because she believes the "fag had it coming"

3. Police from being unjustifiably lenient to the perpetrator.

Hate crime law is being introduced mainly to curb the possible discrimination within the justice system itself; the "harsher" punishment is a bonus to 'encourage' would-be murderers to think a little bit before crying for a crusade/jihad or what have you.
Sandy said:

I don't know any Christians who hate homosexuals--just their sin.

When people routine insult one another as Christians, and calling someone a Christian can prompt them to try to hurt you, perhaps you'll see what's wrong with your statement.

Gay insults:

Donut puncher
Ass monkey
Pillow biter

Imagine a male heterosexual talking about a "chick flick" (i.e. stupid romantic comedy) with his friends. "It was pretty good," he says, and Bob fires back, "Faggot! That's a chick flick!"

When "Christian" is a demeaning slang term cast at non-Christians, would you accept that people "don't hate Christians, but just their stupid ways"?

I'm sick of the Christian lie: It is difficult to give the statement any credibility while Christians are, as a body politic, behaving so hatefully.
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Tiassa: theists generally don't live up to the high-horse claims they wish that they lived up to. Especially christians.

LOL "Donut puncher" - that brought to mind some bizarre images :) Who makes up this stuff!!
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A true born-again Christian's job is to be a "fisher of men." To spread/preach/teach the Gospel. To get man back to God. Back to a good, Bible-based non-denominational church. Denominations are messed up.

Life on earth is just a blink in eternity. I do not care about all the worldly stuff
anymore. I just help get people "saved", back to church, back to God. :)
Thanks Bells. Good to see you still here. How's your baby, and parenthood?

Well said Crunchy Cat. F-in "meow" back at ya. :) Imo, there's not too much that is worse than having your mind made up about something. In fact, I need to keep that in mind. Damn christians.
No. Love the sinner hate the sin is God's order.

Christians (and others) say this and it works as a mask which they can hide behind and pretend that saying that certain people actually should go to hell is not a form of blase hate.

Islam is the only one of those three that teaches hate.

The Bible makes it pretty clear that the Christian God is one to be feared. I don't fear love.