Bush: Religious hatred is special


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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The White House has threatened to veto a bill passed by the House of Representatives on Thursday that expands hate-crime laws to include attacks based on sexual orientation or gender.


Current federal Hate crime laws do not include sexual orientation in their definitions, despite the fact that quite clearly homosexuals are fairly big targets for hate crime. As the Congress moves to address this gap the President and evangelicals everywhere are working themselves into a tizzy.

Having looked at issues like these for quite some time I've noticed that whenever any measure for tolerance or acceptance of the fact that homosexuals are in our society and aren't busy eating babies or pulling the fabric of civilization down around us evangelical and fundamentalist Christians seem to take it as an affront to their religion. What we see now as a result of this sentiment is the President declaring, in essence, that the fact that irrational hatred is such an important part of his personal identity that any legislation with a spirit that contradicts that hatred must be stopped.

Religious groups seem to be echoing this sentiment - while it may, in our society, be a particularly grievous action to commit a violent crime against another purely out of hatred for his religion or his race, violence against a person simply for having different sexual attractions must not be protected in the same way, as it is so crucially important that we hate these people as a matter of course.

Who, then, is truly the enemy of civil society? The religious right sure does like to tout the idea that homosexuals will bring the end to western civilization, but coming from a group of people for whom institutionalized hatred seems to be such an important virtue, one really must wonder.
I have acquaintances who are homosexuals. I like them. I do not like their choices. That's because in the Bible God says homosexuality is an abomination
and homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Love the sinner, hate the sin...

"Critics of the bill say it would have a chilling effect on clergy who preach against homosexual behavior. "We believe that this legislation will criminalize our freedom of speech and our ability to preach the gospel." Now this I understand.

I don't know any Christians who hate homosexuals--just their sin.

Hate crimes are wrong no matter who the victim is.

The enemy is satan whose job it is to steal, kill, and destroy.
I have acquaintances who are christian. I like them, I do not like their choice to believe in ancient superstitious nonsense. I certainly don't like their choice to condemn gays because of the poorly translated creation myths of desert nomads from 6,000+ years ago tells them to.

If there were a god of some sort, I cannot believe that it would be concerned with where men choose to wiggle their weenies.
Believing in Jesus Christ and committing sodomy are two totally different things. Bad analogy...

The Bible teaches that your body is a temple. A temple of God where the Holy Spirit resides if you are a born-again Christian. Who in their right mind would want to defile that? Not me...
God doesn't know the Westboro nutjobs. They are abominations. They have hijacked their version of Christianity into a freakshow. They are going to have a hell of a time explaining their behavior IF they even get the chance to stand before God. I pity them.:(
Well some of my best friends are uuuh. . . um. Never mind! Haha. classic.
Riiiight. Bigots always spit that line out. Well ah deeclayah! Mah bess friend iza nigra!:rolleyes: And they wonder why they can't win elections!:p
Believing in Jesus Christ and committing sodomy are two totally different things. Bad analogy...

The Bible teaches that your body is a temple. A temple of God where the Holy Spirit resides if you are a born-again Christian. Who in their right mind would want to defile that? Not me...

It wasn't an analogy. It was a parody of your insipid post. What the bible teaches is completely irrelevant to me. I say a giant Twinkie ® created the cosmos, and it thinks that people should use whatever orifice suits their fancy to achieve as many orgasms as possible.

As their is just as much evidence for the existence of my deity as the one you choose to believe in, who is right and who is wrong?
As their is just as much evidence for the existence of my deity as the one you choose to believe in, who is right and who is wrong?

True. All of those Geek and Roman gods sure didn't seem to have a problem with homosexuality and there's just as much chance of all of them, or any one of them existing as a single specific interpretation of the Christian God.

So if we're dead set on making theological reasoning a fair basis for legislation, then just to be safe I think we should institute mandatory boy-love through out the country.
It wasn't an analogy. It was a parody of your insipid post. What the bible teaches is completely irrelevant to me. I say a giant Twinkie ® created the cosmos, and it thinks that people should use whatever orifice suits their fancy to achieve as many orgasms as possible.

As their is just as much evidence for the existence of my deity as the one you choose to believe in, who is right and who is wrong?

My God kicked your god's @ss 2007 years ago.:D :bravo:
A collection of stone age creation myths proves nothing other than that people of that time were very ignorant of the world in which they lived. The idea of the government of what is arguably the most powerful nation on the planet at this time basing policy on that collection of superstitious nonsense is profoundly frightening.
the whole concept of love the sinner hate the sin is a load of garbage. humans fear what the don't understand hate what they fear and wish to destroy what they hate. I met a lot of cristians and they don't understand them. like the whole idea its their choice. I have met some extremly stupid people in my life but no one idiotic enough to want to have to go through what the deeply religous and other groups which maybe homophobic have put homosexuals through. religions teach hate. at the forefront of these is the triad of monoteistic religions judiasm, chrisianity, and islam.
No. Love the sinner hate the sin is God's order.

We don't all fear what we don't understand. I fear nothing yet I hate criminal immigration, homosexuality, baby-killing, crime, terrorism etc...

I dislike what I know is wrong.

Christianity teaches love. Love of God. Of our neighbors. Of the law. Of Jesus Christ.

Islam is the only one of those three that teaches hate.

God doesn't know the Westboro nutjobs. They are abominations. They have hijacked their version of Christianity into a freakshow. They are going to have a hell of a time explaining their behavior IF they even get the chance to stand before God. I pity them.:(

The Westoboro nutjobs would say the same thing about you, so which Christian should I believe?
My God is better than your God, blah blah blah.... :rolleyes: