Bush meat

Whatever happened to extolling the many virtues, of welcoming natural family growth?

How do you differ between natural and unnatural anyway?

Instead of arguing about what's right and wrong, you're really talking about whats natural and unnatural (which for me isn't the same). It's like you're skipping a beat.

You're argument is so simple it's a bit relaxing, like a fresh of breath air. But at the same time I find it extremely arrogant and bitter.

And I am wondering what culture do you belong? Suburbs of America, or a ranch in South Africa, restaurant in China?

I place more emphasis upon what's good for man. Obviously, either God or nature, or both, has place intelligence within people, for some very good or profound reasons, including to enhance our abilities to reproduce and survive and thrive.

As I read of somebody writing that villages in Africa are growing into small towns haphazardly, I have no desire to try to hold back or slow the natural spread of the human race, over more and more of the land. No doubt, they are having so many children, for very good and profound reasons. They likely love their children, and see more humans coming alive, as a great enhancement of the nature around them. What I care about, is proper human population ACCOMODATION only, never imposing unjust, unnatural population "control." I like to see the population growth be more wisely planned for, and deliberately welcomed.

I am glad you see my pronatalist position as simple and "relaxing," as that's some of the ideas I am trying to get across. I believe so many more married couples, could have so much better enjoyable, erotic sexual lives, if they could somehow more "relax," and just welcome the babies to push out naturally, taking no "precautions," making no efforts to try to regulate the natural pace of natural human reproduction, other than obviously, responsibly building their proper family nests. Sex becomes more elegant and erotic, when breeding couples are proud to think that they are doing their part at further ENLARGING the already "huge" human race, for the greater good of the many. As people make love, the burgeoning huge human herd, continues to grow. Love "overflows" and so more children come alive. The simple best way, to avoid needless restrictions upon how many children we may have, is to speak against any perceived notion of ever having to impose them, and encourage people to go ahead and enjoy having their "traditionally very large" families. It's all for the greater good, as more and more people would be glad to come alive and experience life.

I believe it so much better, to respect the human body's natural reproductive rhythms, and welcome babies to happen as they happen. It worked quite well for our ancestors, who were more into that than our "modern" wayward culture that has largely forgotten what a great blessing from God, our children really are. Welcome more people to pair up and marry young, if and as they are ready, and don't bother to "space" babies. Plan for and encourage natural family growth.

What culture am I? U.S. citizen. But, although we don't even seem to hardly notice, even the U.S. is growing a little bit "big" in population. We just passed the 300 million mark, officially, a couple of years ago, 3rd most populous country in the world, and as I hear, among the fastest-growing developed countries. So shouldn't even some U.S. pronatalism, to be expected? Of course with just over half the average world population density (lower density than the global average), we have plenty of room comparitively, to grow. We are nearing more closely to a third of a billion people, than leaving behind the quarter billion of yesteryear. I suspect that U.S. growing-trend Stay-At-Home Moms, and "religious" homeschoolers, are actually more likely to breed prolifically, something like how immigrants are rumored to have "baby after baby," as children aren't likely to be seen as "obstacles" to the career ambitions, of mothers with no "careers" other than to be good wives and mothers and home-keepers.

We should set a good example, for a growing world of people, by growing ourselves, and showing the world how it is best done.
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There was an article on bush meat in Natl geographic and it showed a picture of a Dill being cooked. The hand looked so human. I'm really going to have to re-think my position on this.

What is a Dill? A monkey hand? So what? If it looks like a human hand, it still isn't. Looks doesn't always tell you a lot.

In Korea, don't people still eat dogs? Should that bother us, because we have dogs for pets? I don't see why, unless we suspect that pets are being stolen for food? Dogs that aren't pets, are pretty much like our cows or chickens. Without pet owners to impute value to them, what else could give them much value? They would be similar to wild wolves, even if tame being used to being around humans and "stealing" our discarded scraps of food.

There's basically 3 or 4 categories of life, and only humans really have much intrisic "sacred" value. All others are acceptable for possible food for humans.

  • people, created in God's image
  • pets, having some value imputed to them by their owners
  • wild animals and farm livestock
  • plants
birth control is natural. For birth control is implemented by humans, and how can a human go against the flow of nature? Everything we do, including building cities, and capitalism is nature - it is a natural occurrence. How could we manage to 'step out' of nature anyway?

Sure breeding is awesome and lovely, but if we moderated breeding and lived in harmony with animals, isn't that even more awesome and lovely?

A rapist's nature is to rape. Is this acceptable too?

Who defines nature for you, God? How religious would you say you are.

Are you from Utah? You seem a little bit Mormon actually.

and look man, the earth is not infinite. Many things can be good, up to a point. Breed breed breed up to a point. you can't breed forever. And when you start killing nature like 'Gods' animals, it is time to quite breeding.
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There was an article on bush meat in Natl geographic and it showed a picture of a Dill being cooked. The hand looked so human. I'm really going to have to re-think my position on this.

sorry, its was supposed to be Drill
Bushmeat merely refers to meat from the bush. Gorilla, for instance, is an ape, not a monkey.
so here in America, we eat bush meat as well. Is it any different than eating deer, rabbits, antelope. etc?
guess it depends on how endagered the animal is. For instance kangroo is avialable everywhere and we are being encoraged to eat it because it reduces CO2 emissions compared to beef. However if you were to eat bilbys on the other hand you would be a basted because they are VERY rare
When two marry, they become "one flesh." That is what's natural, or what the Bible says.

birth control is natural. For birth control is implemented by humans, and how can a human go against the flow of nature? Everything we do, including building cities, and capitalism is nature - it is a natural occurrence. How could we manage to 'step out' of nature anyway?

How do you almost get my point, and yet so miss it? The natural flow of human life, says we have to accept and find or make room for everybody. That parents need not use any means of "birth control," because each and every human life is immensely valuable and sacred, and for humans especially, natural increase is quite natural. Okay, this means cities are natural too, especially if it takes many big cities and towns, just to hold everybody. But this "human included" view of natural, doesn't include the bizarre that doesn't naturally really help humans all that much. It doesn't include ugly unnatural tattoos, nor contraceptives. It would seem to include cars, that help us get to work, to work to support our naturally-growing families.

Most everybody already sort of knows, that birth control is not natural. Natural human sex, can possibly lead to sometimes rather "large" families. So rampant contraceptive pushers, go against nature to buck the natural trend.

Sure breeding is awesome and lovely, but if we moderated breeding and lived in harmony with animals, isn't that even more awesome and lovely?

And yet don't we humans still eat animals? Why must we live with animals? Are we Amish? Do you have herds of sheep or goats or cows? Nothing says that a naturally large family, can't have a few pets as well.

A rapist's nature is to rape. Is this acceptable too?

And what does that have to do with anything? There is a proper purpose to things, which most any sensible person can see. Where is the natural place for the water in a fish aquarium to be? Inside the aquarium, or running out through a hole you drill in the glass, so as to favor the natural flow of gravity? Probably the fish would prefer the water to be held naturally in the aquarium, against the natural pull of gravity.

Natural, is teeth green with rot, and poison ivy. I favor natural, where it makes sense to, but I have many "artificial" things as well, such as a computer and a refrigerator. The sheer numbers of people upon the planet, increasingly requires that humans choose the proper mix of the beneficial simple and natural, and the artificial aids.

Isn't it kind of sad, that such words as "natural" are so poorly understood and distorted these days, that I have to write almost a whole essay to explain them?

Who defines nature for you, God? How religious would you say you are.

Did you really intend to open the "religion" can-of-worms right now? How many paragraphs do you think I could pontificate on, upon religion alone? Do you perhaps have a more specific question? Of course certain religion leanings influence me here.

Are you from Utah? You seem a little bit Mormon actually.

Funny, some people say I would make a good Catholic. I am neither, but I am an ex-Mormon. Just because I have renounced the Mormon "scriptures" and the supposed "revelations" of the so-called Mormon "prophets," doesn't at all mean, that I can't still hold to religious beliefs based upon the Bible.

and look man, the earth is not infinite. Many things can be good, up to a point. Breed breed breed up to a point. you can't breed forever. And when you start killing nature like 'Gods' animals, it is time to quite breeding.

Isn't it up to God to determine such bounds for us? I welcome "all the children God gives." Even among the people who love children, and have as many children as their bodies would seem to want to produce, there comes a point, at which children just stop coming. (Or for a few parents, the children coming slows down, and then Surprise! a bonus baby, just when a couple thought they were almost too old to conceive any more. But then, babies born to older parents, are likely a mysterious "blessing in disguise." For I think they help keep the parents younger, having to find a little youthful vigor to chase them and tend to them. Far better to have a child intrude a bit into "retirement years," than to have such years cut short, with an early trip to the nursing home.) The rampant contraceptive pushers are lying and distorting. Most people aren't quite as fertile to begin with, as they think they are.

Also, please use a little logic. Most animals breed far faster than humans, when they can find the territory to do so. So that means, as soon as Adam & Eve, started having children, they could be said to be "displacing" some of the animals around them. But then animals do that to each other as well, and animals don't have "human rights," and can't "own" property anything quite like how humans can. Surely you don't think that a world population of just 2 people, is enough anymore?
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so here in America, we eat bush meat as well. Is it any different than eating deer, rabbits, antelope. etc?

That hunting is regulated and done in an environment with lower species richness, and a greater number of individuals. There are also fewer natural predators, so the ecosystem is less complex due to lack of a 3rd trophic level.
Most everybody already sort of knows, that birth control is not natural.

Well that hardly justifies much.

id you really intend to open the "religion" can-of-worms right now?

Just by uttering your opinion you have opened it. But thank you, you're right I don't want you to explicate on it.

but I am an ex-Mormon

You still think like a Mormon for the most part.

Isn't it up to God to determine such bounds for us?

I cut God out of the picture a long time ago.

Sorry, but if he isn't cut from your equations this argument has to cease.

I consider tattoos and contraceptives completely natural. I don't have a 'God' to 'step out' of nature and dictate categories of naturalness.