Bush meat

Then I supposed we should survey all those africans, see who wants to die, and rule by a majority vote. I suspect they would rather live. And then I ask you, what gives you the right to take their lives? Because you like biodiversity?
I'm pretty sure they will most certainly NOT want to die. However, maybe we can work out a compromise. Maybe a bit of saltpeter with that bigmac sir?
They aren't the only african animals that don't want to die, so after analysing this from a "who wants to die?" angle the answer is no clearer than when we started.
So, we move on.
Which species has more individuals to spare?
Oh, humans, ok, no bushmeat for the humans then.

Pretty straight forward.
Central Africa's Forest Wildlife Are being Eaten into Extinction!

So which is more important: Biodiversity or more hungry humans eating off the last great mammals of Africa? If you had to pick between 500 million more humans and the loss of most African mammals OR 500 million less humans and the preservation of African mammals - which would it be?

Because - it seems this is what is presently happening.

And what are you doing about it?
If your kids were starving, wouldn't you be doing the same thing? :shrug:
Dr Lou Natic are you a vegetarian? Killing a human is different than killing an elephant, and I'm sure you would choose to kill the elephant in such an event. Don't deny your nature.

Michael, do you think the starving would rather have food? They can't just *get* food. Just as they can't just *move* before having kids.
i sugest that everyone who votes that people should die should put up there hands to be shot and have all there possetions given to one of these africans so they can take your life (litterally) and there by save x animals
Central Africa's Forest Wildlife Are being Eaten into Extinction!

So which is more important: Biodiversity or more hungry humans eating off the last great mammals of Africa? If you had to pick between 500 million more humans and the loss of most African mammals OR 500 million less humans and the preservation of African mammals - which would it be?

Because - it seems this is what is presently happening.
It's a false choice. We are delaying real solutions, rather than a short term measure. At some point we will have to figure out a way to distribute food properly. This can happen before those animals are extinct or after.
It is sad to me to see these animals eating, but remember what we see as socially excepted here is not socially excepted there. Eating bush meat is probably a tradition there.
When the animals are all gone, there won't be any bushmeat trade.

The problem exists because of what the West has done to Africa and Africans: we helped them along, with guns, medicines, technology, colonialism, tribal disestablishment and fragmentation, lots of stuff.
It shouldn't be a surprise that there are now a lot more Africans than before, and so a lot fewer animals left to hunt. Many Africans have lost touch (thanks to Western 'modernisation') with the need to husband resources, look after the environment etc.
Isn't civilisation great?
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Central Africa's Forest Wildlife Are being Eaten into Extinction!

So which is more important: Biodiversity or more hungry humans eating off the last great mammals of Africa? If you had to pick between 500 million more humans and the loss of most African mammals OR 500 million less humans and the preservation of African mammals - which would it be?

Because - it seems this is what is presently happening.

And yet we calmly eat our cows and chicken, which are abundant because we eat them. Not so sure I see much difference.

I am pro-life, which means pro-human life. So sure, I welcome the African human population to naturally grow by another 500 million, billions, however many children God would give them. I am for the natural flow of human life unhindered, free of the experimental lab rat bother of using Big Pharma's shoddy contraceptive potions and poisons. Now there's a real "environmental" issue, that I wish more people would notice or discuss. As technologies get cleaner and cleaner, why would we directly pollute our bodies with nasty cancer sticks, ugly tattoos, bizarre body piercings, or awful shoddy contraceptives?

Humans have to come first.

"Earth First. We can mine the other planets later." a cute bumper sticker

"I (heart) animals. They are delicious." another bumper sticker

"If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?"

Let the people eat most anything, other than other humans. Humans are omnivores. We can eat plants, animals, roots, even some bugs and insects.

I see it as a perfectly natural process, for humans to turn cheap organic matter or food, into additional human bodies of immense and sacred value. And to let mothers push out babies naturally without unnatural anti-family "birth control," is much the same as letting them eat or breathe. We would let them eat or breathe, right?

Just a fact of life, that encroaching humanity may not leave so much room anymore, for many free-roaming elephants. Oh well, good thing neither you or I are elephants, huh? Besides, other large mammals use the land way too inefficiently. Humans can populate extremely densely, being social creatures, hightly intelligent and adaptable, compared to the other large mammals, just another reason why humans should be welcome to be or become by far among the most populous of the large mammals.
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How do you differ between natural and unnatural anyway?

Instead of arguing about what's right and wrong, you're really talking about whats natural and unnatural (which for me isn't the same). It's like you're skipping a beat.

You're argument is so simple it's a bit relaxing, like a fresh of breath air. But at the same time I find it extremely arrogant and bitter.

And I am wondering what culture do you belong? Suburbs of America, or a ranch in South Africa, restaurant in China?
There was an article on bush meat in Natl geographic and it showed a picture of a Dill being cooked. The hand looked so human. I'm really going to have to re-think my position on this.