Bush Hurricane Conspiracy


Mayhem Activist
Registered Senior Member
It seems that the Bush Administration may be using top secret weather control technologies to repeatedly bombard Florida with hurricanes. Now he has the excuse to shower the state with millions of dollars in federal aid money, which he hopes will turn the Floridians in his favor for November. How clever.
No. my friend, you have it backwards;

Let me explain;

As Bush declared war in Iraq and pointed his sword forward- God (or the Gods, or whatever deity you choose) gave a message to the world – he exploded the Colombia Shuttle and blew it into pieces that ALL FELL ACROSS THE ENTIRE STATE OF TEXAS. Texas is Bush’s home state as your obviously know, but I’m trying to drive the point home.

Now, in the recent months- nearing election time and nearing crucial moments, we are given another strange warning – HURRICANES targeting Florida, one after the other consecutively. Florida belongs to Bush’s brother, Jeb Bush- which you obviously already knew as well, but again I’m trying to drive the point home. Are the heavens trying to warn someone/somebody/the world ??

Besides, why would Bush Sr (or Bush Admin) send such destructive force one of his relative's states, Jeb Bush's Florida ?

You have it backwards, Bush isnt sending this, Higher Forces or Gods are sending this at Bush... for things he is doing.
"Bad news. For the third time a hurricane is heading towards Florida. For the third time President Bush has done nothing to stop it."
- David Letterman
Actually, by ignoring global warming, and withdrawing from the Kyoto treaty, the Bush administration is contributing to the increased severity of global weather.
I live in Central Florida. Conspiracy or not, we all really wish they would stop so that life can go on.
Ah, but the Military love hurricans, all the better for building bunkers, not to forget the "legislated control" in the form of Martial Law.
Ah, but the Military love hurricans, all the better for building bunkers, not to forget the "legislated control" in the form of Martial Law.

Uh oh, the military; I guess that ties in with the Navy's HARP weather experiment program in Alaska. *gulp*

- N
if any of you guys are actually serious(which im seriously assuming you're not), i will probably have to withdraw from human contact for 30 years before i can get over this stupidity. :m:
I say we all just move underground.

Oh... wait... hurricanes flood too you say? Well, the old people don't need to know that.

Very simply, Bush is trying to fix the problems with social security by killing off a bunch of people who are on it.
nope, you're wrong, its not Bush.

*I* have developed this weather-controlling device, and will continue to use it to my own nefarious purposes until such a time as $1 katrillion dollars are deposited in my off-shore bank account.

That said, weather is a very complicated chaotic system which is based largely on three factors: sunlight, atmospheric consistancy, and the earth's rotation. I would seriously doubt if any scientist today could predict weather accuratly more than a few days in advance, let alone build a device which can create weather weeks ahead of delivering it's destructive force.
River-wind, aren't you suppose to raise your little pinky to express "Evil" in sign language and continue your post with "Mwhahahaa---Mhwhahaa---Mwhaaaa...."
Actually river-wind, such a device does indeed exist ala the HAARP project. It is designed specifically to heat a (user selected) section of the upper atmosphere, which can change the location of the jet stream and thus the weather. I'd doubt however, that you can specifically send any particular weather to a particular place with much certainty.

I'd guess though that the increase in hurricanes, along with global warming, is just a natural fluxuation in intensity. Did you see the article where some scientists are predicting 30 more years of increased hurricane activity?
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spidergoat said:
Actually, by ignoring global warming, and withdrawing from the Kyoto treaty, the Bush administration is contributing to the increased severity of global weather.

Now this is the first legitamate thing anybody said in this thread.
MacM said:
Now this is the first legitamate thing anybody said in this thread.

No it's not. As a matter of fact, it's completely illegitimate. First I'm not sure that there is a demonstrable "degradation" of global weather. Second, finally and irrefuteably, there is nothing to indicate humanity is the cause of global warming. If you disagree then please divulge the analysis that demonstrates beyond a 95% confidence that humanity is the cause. Given that all the parameters of weather cannot be accounted for, you'll find yourself in a difficult spot.

IMO, attributing global warming to humanity's behavior is the biggest tin-foil hat conspiracy of which I'm aware.

In the long term view, the planet's weather cycles vary wildly. How are you gonna pretend to pick our input out from the fray? Freakin ridiculous.

It's not a testament to the innocence of man... it's more about our impotence. We can only guess as to the magnitude of our impact.
Actually if you are going to question about the Greenhouse effect and if man has contributed, you could work that out simply by looking at the overall emissions that *ARE* manmade in origin.

For instance before we started recording the weather, men were burning more fossil fuels like Coal, although man had been for centuries previously using coal, charcoal and

There is then the emissions from manufacturing, you'd be suprised the sort of stuff that can be vented into the air from the different chemicals used in fabrication and even just waste chemicals that are only apart of a process.

Not to forget the amount of gas created by waste production, every piece of rubbish(Garbage) you throw out gets placed into large landfill tips that slowly decompose and during the decomposition alot of gases are created that also aren't natural in origin.

The list could go on, and yes all these gases and chemicals do effect the natural balance of the atmosphere no matter what anyone else would have otherwise stated.

However please note I'm stating that there are considerable amounts of Manmade gases that "Must cause some effect" and not suggesting that global warming is the effect generated, but I would suggested that our pollution doesn't exactly "lower" the chances of it.
Absolutely. Wesmorris seems a bit over sure of his position. While there may not yet be proof positive to his requirements, I dare say we have learned enough about Greenhouse affects that we damn sure don't want to ignore the fact that our data shows indeed a build up of such gases.

Ir really doesn't matter if man is the primary cause or not. If he is then we can try to prolong the devastation it will cause, if not lthen we don't need to contribute even further to a problem which we yet don't have a handle on.

I find Wes's attitude on this damn dangerous.

PS: I am not a peacenik or Greene, just a citizen sufficiently aware of the Ozone hole, etc, that thinks we should be taking all this a bit more serious, at least until we are sure. Finding out the hard way that Wes is wrong is just to costly.
MacM said:
Absolutely. Wesmorris seems a bit over sure of his position. While there may not yet be proof positive to his requirements, I dare say we have learned enough about Greenhouse affects that we damn sure don't want to ignore the fact that our data shows indeed a build up of such gases.

Yeah I'm overly sure about not being able to assign a cause. That's silly Mac. You can't assign the cause. Big deal. That doesn't mean it isn't happening. The point is to be careful about what you jack with, given that we don't know shit.

Ir really doesn't matter if man is the primary cause or not.

Oh? But I thought that was the whole complaint. You said that the only legitimate comment in this thread was that the "degrading global climate is because bush doesn't care" (paraphrasing).

If he is then we can try to prolong the devastation it will cause, if not lthen we don't need to contribute even further to a problem which we yet don't have a handle on.

If there will be devastation, then there will be devastation. We should try to avoid it if possible, but jumping to conclusions about causes can make the situation worse. Why? Because any solution will be derived at addressing the cause, which may or may not have any effect whatsoever.

I find Wes's attitude on this damn dangerous.

As if. It's called science Mac, I'd think you'd have a clue. I'm not condoning revocation of evironmental laws, I'm merely saying that the cause of global warming cannot be established as humanity.. and your (and spider goat's) comments about Bush's position are full of shit.

PS: I am not a peacenik or Greene, just a citizen sufficiently aware of the Ozone hole, etc, that thinks we should be taking all this a bit more serious, at least until we are sure. Finding out the hard way that Wes is wrong is just to costly.

Putting words in my mouth are you? How am I wrong? Perhaps if you're going to accuse me of a "dangerous and wrong position" you could point out exactly WHY it's dangerous and wrong to point out what I percieve as your silly argument?

Did I say "global warming isn't happening"? It's clear that the planet is warming a bit, but why? You don't know do you? No you don't. YOu might suspect it, but you don't know. It's probably best to attempt to limit our impact on the evironment, but it's ultimately impossible to get rid of it... and there is no hard evidence saying that our input isn't contributing to a SLOWING of global warming.

For chrissake, this planet has been dramatically warmer and at one point (suspected around 7,000,000 years ago) was a goddamned ball of ICE. I think it's human arrogance to pretend we can effectively assess our over-all impact on global temperature at this point.