Burning the flag.


Registered Senior Member
Do you guys think it should be illegal to burn the American flag as a sigh of protest?
Personaly I think it should be legal,even though I think its horrible.
You should be free to express yourself in whatever fashion you want as long as it doesn't violate other people's rights. If you feel like burning the flag on your lawn, fine. But if you burn it on the street where other people might get hurt, you will meet Mr. Baseball Bat. If you do it while in some sort of uniform, which represents an office or position, you should not be able to express yourself in any way that the organization does not approve of.
very very true.I have burnt flags before,but it was in a flag retirement ceremony with the Boy Scouts.
Let people burn all the flags they want, I say, it's part of your free speech rights. Just so long as you aren't belonging a particular flag that belongs to someone else, or something silly like that, I don't see why anyone should have a problem with the act itself, it's the statement being made that I can see there being some contest about, and banning the act certainly doesn't destroy the sentiment, it's kind of a ass backwards way of fixing the problem.
i dont see anything wrong with expressing yourself, but have some respect for where that flag came from, and what that flag has been through. take a look at the little things you always took for granted.
americans get all wierd about the flag

they did a social experiment which i watched for socially diverse and in it they sent 4 groups of people (brits, americans, germans and japanise) on holidays and filmed them and stuff but they didnt know about it

they had the 4 countrys flags up all the time and one of the things they did was burn the country that was curently staying theres flag

everyone else was a little shocked but the americans cut sick

when they found out it was an experiment one woman even went so far as to ask for the burnt flag so she could "dispose of it properly"

for christ sake its a piece of COTTON
my parents are old and conservative so any discussion on politics or anything american is not likely to go well. such was our discussion of the flag. my dad is a retired marine and he has this crazy wierd obsession with "respecting" the flag. i'm as embarassed as a redneck that we have one flying outside our house.
my argument is that flag burning is one of the most patriotic things an american can do. missing the point entirely, my old nearly dead parents were dismayed and called me all kinds of names including communist which is the irony of the story. burning the american flag is a celebration of american liberties and not being in a dictatorial/communist regime. it is a crime deserving death in a communist country to speak badly of the government or do something as heinous as burning the flag. therefore, proudly burning your flag is an outright demonstration of the fact that you're allowed to.
i know everytime i spark up a flag i wipe a little tear from my eye :)
"I personally do not believe in burning the flag. It's a personal belief, but I'll tell you something, I think people are overreacting, oh, just a little bit. "Hey buddy, my daddy died for that flag." Well, I bought mine. Sorry. You know they sell them at K-Mart for three bucks, you're in, you're out, brand new flag, no violence was necessary. "Hey buddy, my daddy died in the Korean war for that flag." What a coincidence - my flag was made in Korea!"
-Bill Hicks
ppl have no morals these days. what has the world come to?
just cause it's not illegal doesn't mean you should do it.

a flag is not "just a piece of cotton". it's full of symbolism and history.

just as 'burning the flag' is full of symbolism. if i ever saw someone burn a flag, any flag (except certain hostile nations' flags), i'd introduce them to mr. baseball bat multiple times.
Originally posted by otheadp
a flag is not "just a piece of cotton". it's full of symbolism and history.
Actually, it is just a piece of cotton. Last time I checked my flag it didn't have a history lesson in it... you need another person for that. As for symbolism, what a joke. Your faith in this country should depend on it's actions and people, not on some piece of fabric that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. All this symbolism is good for is cultural brainwashing.

if i ever saw someone burn a flag, any flag (except certain hostile nations' flags), i'd introduce them to mr. baseball bat multiple times.

So burning cotton is now worthy of manslaughter?
Originally posted by otheadp
if i ever saw someone burn a flag, any flag (except certain hostile nations' flags), i'd introduce them to mr. baseball bat multiple times.

So in your opinion free speech is unpatriotic? That's a silly contradiction. Why do you feel that people shouldn't be allowed to disagree with the government, or public policy?
Originally posted by otheadp
ppl have no morals these days. what has the world come to?
just cause it's not illegal doesn't mean you should do it.

a flag is not "just a piece of cotton". it's full of symbolism and history.

just as 'burning the flag' is full of symbolism. if i ever saw someone burn a flag, any flag (except certain hostile nations' flags), i'd introduce them to mr. baseball bat multiple times.

So, are you going to head down to your local V.F.W. hall next time they retire flags? That is how it is done, by burning them.

Oh wait, that's ok? So it isn't really the act of burning the flag you object to, rather burning it in anger.
So really, you think it is ok to beat people for saying the USA sucks.

You ought to have someone read the First Amendment aloud to you sometime.
Actually I dont believe people burn the flag because they think the us sucks,I think they burn it as a sigh of protest to something our goverment has done that they believe is wrong.

As for using it for symbolisim,I think its great and I believe that the people burning it use it as a symbol,otherwise burning it wouldnet mean anything,what im trying to say is,that the Flag does represent our goverment,some people put it up in their yards to show that they believe in something the goverment is doing,others burn it to show that they dont support a petcular action of the goverment.
Originally posted by otheadp
ppl have no morals these days. what has the world come to?
just cause it's not illegal doesn't mean you should do it.

a flag is not "just a piece of cotton". it's full of symbolism and history.

just as 'burning the flag' is full of symbolism. if i ever saw someone burn a flag, any flag (except certain hostile nations' flags), i'd introduce them to mr. baseball bat multiple times.

If the flag I buy at Kmart is so full of symbolism and history why is it being made in Korea? Should be made in the USA ONLY. And what history are we talking about here? The general Patriotic American's version of history or the real truth about what this coun try has DONE and STOOD for?

Slaughtering the Indians? Enslaving the Africans? All the greedy, adultering "Americans" who so eloquently wrote "All men are created equal"? (Except women and Africans and Indians, etc)

That's a load of horse manure. Go read some history books that they don't give you in school and speak to me of American history.

Since I have burned many flags of the wonderful US of A I invite you to come to my house with that bat of yours... I will buy and burn some more in front of you and DARE you to TRY to hit me with the bat.
Flag burning

Beautifull .


if i ever saw someone burn a flag, any flag (except certain hostile nations' flags), i'd introduce them to mr. baseball bat multiple times.


You'd shit your pampers full you crybaby .

* thanks for remembering us of your intolerant wayd for other ideas than yours .

* thanks for remembering us your bias views and double standards .
Originally posted by otheadp
just as 'burning the flag' is full of symbolism. if i ever saw someone burn a flag, any flag (except certain hostile nations' flags), i'd introduce them to mr. baseball bat multiple times.

Don't you realize how hypocritical and unpatriotic that is?

Why do you think this is a great country?
What makes you a patriot?
What were the ideals that this country was founded on?
What is the point?
Burning a flag is so completely insulting to those that fought for this country that it should be banned. It's disgraceful. And those who burn the flag should expect to be in a hospital. Is it against free speech? No, whatever is said by burning the flag could more easily said by pen.
Burning a flag is so completely insulting to those that fought for this country that it should be banned.

maybe your country should be banned instead

It's disgraceful

maybe your country is disgracefull

And those who burn the flag should expect to be in a hospital.

those who act aggressive upon flag burners should expect bullits

Is it against free speech? No, whatever is said by burning the flag could more easily said by pen.

not everybody can write