Burden of Proof

First off that reference is not correct. Exodus 34:6-"And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed,'The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.'

Now now, none of that deceitful, sly behaviour please. Seems you "forgot" to put the rest of the text that holds the relevance.. Nice guy that I am, i'll fill it in for you..

7: "maintaining love to thousands, (strange, only maintaining love to thousands?), and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."
My mistake. I only looked at verse 6 and verse 6 only. I now see my fault. Please accept my apologies.
(Q) said:
For crying out loud man, don't do that, the biggest fools in the world today are educated people.

Is that the reason you refuse to get an education?

Wow! You are so subtle.
Either say something of worth, you coward, or shut up.

Jan Ardena.
Hey!! Jan only a quickie;

I was born in Venezuela, brought up here in the states as a child, english is my second language, I have no accent when I speak english either, my accent is Texan good ol' country boy. My lack of education. 'Well I'm a high school drop out, I only attended till tenth grade, got my GED when I was 22, never attended a college. My complaining was the criticism I got from the grammar used in some discussions. You have too appease the critics sometimes.

I've been rather busy, and this is why I've neglected on the illusion comcept of reality. however not even I have finished reading that ontological disscussion website I posted once.


You are the one dissing education. Are you a proponent for ignorance? Would you rather the entire world's population read only the Bible? How can you say those things when it is education and science that got you the things you take for granted? Is that the kind of role model you wish to present?

Please do get an education so that you too can eventually say something of worth.

You are the one dissing education.

Point out to me, where i have dissed education.

Are you a proponent for ignorance? Would you rather the entire world's population read only the Bible?

Excuse me?
Where's all this nonsense coming from?

How can you say those things when it is education and science that got you the things you take for granted?

Say what things? Did you read the post properly?
I said nothing bad about education or science, only when it (education) is acquired by fools, people who through their ignorance misuse it and use it as a weapon.
Don't you think it is possible for an educated person to be a fool?

Please do get an education so that you too can eventually say something of worth.


Jan Ardena.
SnakeLord said:
In short: The assumptions of 2000 year old people who knew nothing about biological processes.

In either case, god has no position. There are those that say god cannot be seen, known, or understood - in which case the people of old were merely speculating. If, on the other hand god can be seen, known and understood - then I'm sure he can come down and tell me his reasons himself.[/B]

How would that make you believe any more than you do now?

It wouldn't require you to do it, not that you can anyway, from the looks of it.

Tell me, how does this statement help your argument in any way?

Of course I would. He's god.. I'm sure, being all powerful, he can write an email that I take seriously - or is he not that able?

God while being all powerful, will not force you to believe in Him. This is where free will come into play.

In this context.. no. You have no methods by which to validate the claims of these ancient people.

Have you any methods by which to debunk their claims?

You do not, and never will know these ancient people. You cannot comment on the mental status of these people,

If these people were insane, for lack of a better term, then others would have written so as to debunk them.

you cannot even say who these people were, what they looked like, and so on. You cannot show the drug usage statistics of these people.. cactus contains melanin, (basic lsd), and if I did some ancient horticultural research, I'd probably find other drugs that would have been freely available to these people back then.

Pot is pretty much freely available today, but does that mean that everyone uses it.

Basically, you have no position to be saying what they wrote was truth. Furthemore, many of these 'god sightings' were done so via dreams. I myself have had some bizarre and rather messed up dreams... They are not a valid source of reality. I was flying in one of my dreams, and if I wrote my dream down and put it in the ground for 1000 years, some schumcko might dig it up and actually think humans could fly.

Most, if not all, of the visions are prophecy. When Isaiah's vision talks of a virgin birth, it might of been bizarre; but sometimes that is the nature of prophecy.

Even nowadays we are often deceived by lies. There are methods, but usually people fail to see the signs of a lie, and the perpetrator gets away with it.

What are the signs of a lie?

We are also people that like to "exaggerate" a story. Everyone does it. It is natural for humans to make exaggerations to the stories they say, in order to make it seem somewhat bigger and better. The same can most likely be said of these ancient people.

So are we to throw out ancient history, or history altogether for that matter, because some people might exaggerate?

If you add all of these factors together, the bible has no credibility in the world of facts and truth.

What would give it credibility to you? What constitutes credibility?

Things of this nature work better in theory, than in practice. Hell, in theory, even communism sounds cool.

Confucian social order and communism are two different animals. Communism requires the ideal setting to function; Confucian social order can work even in a less than ideal setting. But this is not the point: the point is that a system developed a long time ago can still hold relevance.

Well, I urge you to try it out one day, and see if you still think the same. Sure.. Loads of good can come from it.. my instant 'loss' of parental responsibility meant I could take a long holiday in Egypt, but the fact remains: my son died. While we can waffle on about all the good that will come out of it for me and god, my son is still dead. What 'good' came out of it for him? Let me guess... It was good 'cause at least he didn't have to suffer with all the shit on this planet..

The point is that we do not know the good that might come out of this tragedy.

So much for free will.

How so?

I've read the bible many times.. what's your point?

My point is that Jesus was sent that all might have eternal life. That includes those who deny that He and/or God existed.

Ok... what evidence is there?

Ok...Here's a site that explains it probably better than I can.http://www.carm.org/atheism.htm
How would that make you believe any more than you do now?

It can be answered with a return question or two: What would make you believe in the giant invisible all-knowing turnip of planet oogle boogle? If you found an old book, would that instantly make it true?

One more question: What would make you believe any more than you do now in all of the other gods/beings that have been written about, from Zeus to Quetzacotl?

Tell me, how does this statement help your argument in any way?

Would you concur that god is powerful and able enough to come down and tell me, be it in a dream, a vision, or via email as stated earlier? If he can, I'd rather take his excuse over yours.

God while being all powerful, will not force you to believe in Him. This is where free will come into play.

So he just killed my son instead, to remind me I have free will? What about my son's free will to live and grow up on this planet? Again.. there was a problem with sending an email?

Have you any methods by which to debunk their claims?

Many. The only one I really need to point out here, right now is this:

A book, (of which there are many many millions), does not make something true, or even give credence to something as being true. Perhaps you're suggesting that I just start believing in vampires because Anne Rice says so... Well?

The fact remains, you have no position with which to give any credibility whatsoever to this book. The same can be said of every other book, (I don't see you believing in the Hindu god, the Greek gods, the Roman gods, the South American snake Gods, the Aztec sun gods, the minotaur, time machines, or aliens). Why not?

If these people were insane, for lack of a better term, then others would have written so as to debunk them.

That's your return argument? lol. Common "belief" is that Moses wrote the majority of the early books. If it were true, wouldn't we agree that Moses never ever ever ever ever met Adam? Wouldn't we agree that Moses never ever ever ever ever met Noah? And yet, here would be one man, making claims about life several thousand years before he even existed.

Furthermore, let's for the moment assume Mark Twain was 'insane'. Why would anyone debunk anything he'd written? If it's a story, it is not in a necessary postion to be debunked.

Pot is pretty much freely available today, but does that mean that everyone uses it.

I guess at least, you have the ability to ask them. Yes, that's right... You can walk up to them and say "hey dude, do you smoke pot?" Think you can do that with the ancient people you'll never know? You can't even tell me with anything other than personal assumption as to who these bible writers were..

Most, if not all, of the visions are prophecy.

Reminds me of that guy on death row who had a 'vision from god' that told him to kill all the non-believers. Think you're in a position to state whether this guy had a 'real' vision? Obviously not, so tell me... what makes you think you're in a position to be confirming the 'visions' of people you'll never know?

When Isaiah's vision talks of a virgin birth, it might of been bizarre; but sometimes that is the nature of prophecy.

The problem being that the bible is not a day-to-day account of events. Can you confirm that anything that was written, was written before the 'fact'? Of course, you can't even confirm that anything in the bible is even based upon reality in any way, shape or form. Can you even confirm that someone had checked Mary's vagina to ensure she really was a virgin? If not, you're working on nothing of credibility, instead just stating that the book is real because the book says so.

What are the signs of a lie?

Fidgeting, scratching your ass, twiddling your thumbs, dilation of your pupils, etc.

There are also other signs to recognise..

The eyes will instinctively look upwards to access information stored in the brain, (it's an autonomic response). Depending on which side they look, (up-left/right), you can tell whether they're accessing the memory centers of the brain, or the creative centers of the brain. You can test this for yourself.

So are we to throw out ancient history, or history altogether for that matter, because some people might exaggerate?

Throw out? Absolutely not.. Believe every word 100% without so much as a molecule of evidence? Damn no. The historical value of the bible and every other ancient text is immense- the same as every historical excavation site, every dinosaur bone, etc.. But you don't ever just form an instant "truth" because of what you find.

When I was a young man, of about 12, I found the remains of an animal. At that very moment I could have stated it was the remains of a giant octopus and been happy with that "truth". However, what it actually required was a long damn time of research, of fact finding. I compared it with other bones, got an invitation to the Natural History Museum, checked the 'teeth' to see if it was a meat eater or a veggie, in order to narrow the search, and so on and so forth until a definite conclusion was achieved, not based upon something one book said was true, but upon decades of evidence and the ability to 'see' it for myself.

Much like I wouldn't now rely on your 'opinion' if you decided to tell me what it was. And yet for some bizarre reason, you're trusting the word of some unknown ancient guy without so much as flicking an eyelid.

What would give it credibility to you? What constitutes credibility?

Facts. Of which the bible will never have any. Sure, I agree 110% that is such a shame we can't travel back in time and witness it all for ourselves, but the fact remains we can't.

What modern day humans rely on in this issue, is a voice in their head. No offence, but there are a lot of voices, in a lot of heads, that talk a lot of shit. It has about as much credibility as using a mars bar to prove quantum mechanics.

Unless of course... You have actually seen god? If so, my apologies, but I would ask that you inform me as to his appearance. Is he even a he?

Did you ever read that book about Betty and Barney, (no, not the flintstones), who got abducted by aliens? Would you just believe everything they said, because they said it? Would you require a bit more than that to convince you? What would it require? Please, same question to you..

The point is that we do not know the good that might come out of this tragedy.

good for who?

My point is that Jesus was sent that all might have eternal life. That includes those who deny that He and/or God existed.

While I fail to see the worth of god sending a mini-god down to kill himself just to be alive again 30 seconds later, (and as such hardly a 'sacrifice'), throughout the rest of the bible it says many different things, including the future possibility of burning in hell. According to that, us un-believers will end in the lake of fire. Your quote has no purpose, when I could just pick out another one to leave it meaningless.

Ok...Here's a site that explains it probably better than I can.http://www.carm.org/atheism.htm

I've read the site, and it's laughable, (along with every apologetics website I've seen). There's the old contradiction

"Nobody has ever seen god and lived" vs god saying "I speak to Moses face to face"

Of which the apologetics guy, (a priest), said: "Moses wasn't speaking to the real god, but a in-between that god made to talk to him."

Enough of apologetics sites please, they're pathetic.
I stumbled upon this answer I had saved but obviously never sent. There's my excuse for being about 5 months late. I figure I'll just throw it out to yall

SnakeLord said:
It can be answered with a return question or two: What would make you believe in the giant invisible all-knowing turnip of planet oogle boogle? If you found an old book, would that instantly make it true?[/B]

To say that a turnip is on a planet already makes the assumption that it is within our time and our space. Further, your assigning this being the characteristics of a turnip even more-so confirms this idea. Therefore your statement would already assume that this thing is, for lack of a better term, natural. Anything that is natural is observable to some degree. Therefore, it ought to be observable, or at least the effects of it should be seen. This would be a case where absence of evidence would be evidence of absence. Just a random thought, but if it's invisible how do you know its giant?

My claim that there is a Spiritual God that created the universe is not the same kind of claim. To say that something created the universe assumes that that entity is beyond that universe, beyond that realm.(This goes even further when I describe God as an unnatural being, that is a spiritual one.) To search within the universe for an entity that is claimed to be outside is as flawed as searching for a clockmaker in the gears of a clock.

One more question: What would make you believe any more than you do now in all of the other gods/beings that have been written about, from Zeus to Quetzacotl?

Zeus gives me no reason to obey him. Zeus could love me one moment, then kick me to the curb the next. He changes his mind. Heck, if God were really like Zeus, I'm not so sure I wouldn't be on your side.

In contrast, my God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He loved me before I grew to love Him. He loved me so much that, even while I was dead in my own rebellion against Him, He came down as Christ and died that I might have the chance of living with Him forever. I can't lose that love, that grace. I have been given something I could not hope to gain by myself. This God won't put my bad on one side and my good on another and if they balance out I'll get into Heaven. If that were the case I wouldn't have a chance. Instead He took my place, took my suffering and in turn gave me hope. For that I am grateful, and thus feel it is my "duty" to dedicate my life to Him, because He dedicated His life for mine.

That is why I believe in this God. Yes all the other proofs of God are great and I agree with them, but most only confirm that there's something out there, not necessarily anybody who cares about me or any of us for that matter. Whoop dee do, who cares about that?

Your response to this will probably be nothing more than a yawn. That's fine.

Would you concur that god is powerful and able enough to come down and tell me, be it in a dream, a vision, or via email as stated earlier? If he can, I'd rather take his excuse over yours.

What makes you so sure that you would accept it? Why does God have to put on a virtual talent show for you to believe in Him? If He did show you, would you then be convinced?

So he just killed my son instead, to remind me I have free will? What about my son's free will to live and grow up on this planet?

I really don't know. I can't read God's mind nor can I know all of His reasoning.

Again.. there was a problem with sending an email?

(along with the one above): Yes. What makes you think that God, Creator of the Universe, would come to you when/how it's convenient for you?

A book, (of which there are many many millions), does not make something true,

That I will give you.

or even give credence to something as being true.

I'm guessing by that statement that you've never read a book then and believed anything, religious or otherwise. Does this statement apply to all genres of literature? If you read a book by Newton or Einstein on physics or whatnot, are you skeptical of what they say b/c perhaps you have not performed or seen performed experiments that they have? Burn all the history books, since the authors obviously could not have known Caesar, Bismarck, and Hitler. Are you going to limit yourself only to what you can observe for yourself, or does this only pertain to religious literature?

Perhaps you're suggesting that I just start believing in vampires because Anne Rice says so... Well?

Anne Rice is portraying vampires as fictional characters in her novels. The writers of the Gospels are portraying a historical figure according to eyewitness(esp. there own) accounts. There is a difference.

The fact remains, you have no position with which to give any credibility whatsoever to this book.

Aside from the fact of the events/people in it being talked about by non-NT authors, specifically Josephus, Lucian, Pliny, and Thallus. Also, do you have anything to contradict what they said?

The same can be said of every other book, (I don't see you believing in the Hindu gods, the Greek gods, the Roman gods, the South American snake Gods, the Aztec sun gods, the minotaur, time machines, or aliens). Why not?

Because these writings were not written by eyewitnesses and are not verified by outside authors.

That's your return argument? lol. Common "belief" is that Moses wrote the majority of the early books. If it were true, wouldn't we agree that Moses never ever ever ever ever met Adam? Wouldn't we agree that Moses never ever ever ever ever met Noah? And yet, here would be one man, making claims about life several thousand years before he even existed.

Herein lies the doctrine of divine inspiration. The idea--expressed in the Bible in places such as Jer. 1:9, Isaiah 59:21, John 16:12, and John 14:26. That God inspired the writings of the Bible is the only way one can explain how the writers could write of things to come and also of things past. Further, by your standard, a person could only write what they have personally witnessed.

Furthermore, let's for the moment assume Mark Twain was 'insane'. Why would anyone debunk anything he'd written? If it's a story, it is not in a necessary postion to be debunked.

But that is fiction and portrayed as such; the Bible is not fiction and is therefore not portrayed as fiction.

I guess at least, you have the ability to ask them. Yes, that's right... You can walk up to them and say "hey dude, do you smoke pot?" Think you can do that with the ancient people you'll never know? You can't even tell me with anything other than personal assumption as to who these bible writers were.

In this case, I'm not the only one assuming things.

Reminds me of that guy on death row who had a 'vision from god' that told him to kill all the non-believers.

Think you're in a position to state whether this guy had a 'real' vision?

I think we can all agree that he probably had a vision. Where/who that vision came from is another story.

The problem being that the bible is not a day-to-day account of events. Can you confirm that anything that was written, was written before the 'fact'?

-Concerning the OT prophecies that spoke of Christ, the Septuagint copies that are known now are dated as far back as 300 or so years before "the myth" began. Some other versions go even farther back than that. If any changing of the Scriptures in this sense existed, then it would be noticed, and would definitely be made known.

Of course, you can't even confirm that anything in the bible is even based upon reality in any way, shape or form. Can you even confirm that someone had checked Mary's vagina to ensure she really was a virgin? If not, you're working on nothing of credibility, instead just stating that the book is real because the book says so.

Can you even confirm that she wasn't? What then are you working on but an assumption? You're going off on just as big an assumption as I am.

Fidgeting, scratching your ass, twiddling your thumbs, dilation of your pupils, etc.

There are also other signs to recognise..

The eyes will instinctively look upwards to access information stored in the brain, (it's an autonomic response). Depending on which side they look, (up-left/right), you can tell whether they're accessing the memory centers of the brain, or the creative centers of the brain. You can test this for yourself.

Give yourself enough practice and you can overcome these things. The point is that unless you have reason--and furthermore, evidence--to disbelieve someone's argument, to disbelieve it is unfair.

Throw out? Absolutely not.. Believe every word 100% without so much as a molecule of evidence? Damn no.

What constitute a "molecule" of evidence? Do you know of any archaeological find that has disproved what the bible has said?

Much like I wouldn't now rely on your 'opinion' if you decided to tell me what it was. And yet for some bizarre reason, you're trusting the word of some unknown ancient guy without so much as flicking an eyelid.

Have you ever read a history book? Did you personally know the authors? If not, then why would you believe what they said(indirectly) to be truth?

Facts. Of which the bible will never have any.

Wow, upon what evidence do you base this claim?

Unless of course... You have actually seen god? If so, my apologies, but I would ask that you inform me as to his appearance. Is he even a he?

No I haven't: it's hard to see a spirit.

Did you ever read that book about Betty and Barney, (no, not the flintstones), who got abducted by aliens? Would you just believe everything they said, because they said it?

No, there are such things as hallucinations, dreams, and whatnot.

Would you require a bit more than that to convince you?


What would it require? Please, same question to you.

Any other witnesses? Any evidence?

good for who?

Anyone involved. And by good, I mean like a spiritual good, not a materialistic good.

While I fail to see the worth of god sending a mini-god down to kill himself just to be alive again 30 seconds later, (and as such hardly a 'sacrifice'),

You fail to see the worth in all of this probably because you don't believe you are guilty of sin. Have you ever lied, cheated, stolen, been angry and harmed someone? If you can say in your heart of hearts that you have never done anything that can be classified as sin, then no, I guess you can't see the worth in Christ's death. After all, even if its true, it doesn't apply to you does it? Who needs a Savior?

hardly a sacrifice? Really? "Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his brothers." The kind of execution crucifixion was was not exactly a cake walk by itself. Then tack on some cat-ninetails lashings and it get quite bad.

throughout the rest of the bible it says many different things, including the future possibility of burning in hell.

This is true, but it doesn't have to be that way for you.

According to that, us un-believers will end in the lake of fire. Your quote has no purpose, when I could just pick out another one to leave it meaningless.

Your not

I've read the site, and it's laughable, (along with every apologetics website I've seen)Enough of apologetics sites please, they're pathetic..

A. Why are they pathetic? B. I was looking for a response pertaining to what they said. That you don't care for them is not worth anything to me and does zilch for your argument.

There's the old contradiction

"Nobody has ever seen god and lived" vs god saying "I speak to Moses face to face"

Of which the apologetics guy, (a priest), said: "Moses wasn't speaking to the real god, but a in-between that god made to talk to him."

By saying that , "Nobody has ever seen God and lived," means, has not seen Him in His Spiritual essence. God is Spirit, so no one can "see" Him per se. Now what Moses saw was the Glory of God, that is an aspect of Him. Save Heaven, no one can completely see God in His total, Spiritual Essence. What Moses, and others too, saw was a glimpse of Him, a tiny portion of God's glory.
Quote from OP:
"...As always is the case, the burden of proof weighs upon those who assert that some thing or some process exists."
I'd generalize that to: The burden of proof lies on whoever is making an assertion.
Alpha what you're saying and what the AA statement says are two different things. I agree with your's, not their's. "There is no god" or "it can not be determined there is/isn't a god" are just as much potential affirmations of reality as "there is a God."
jcarl said:
"My claim that there is a Spiritual God that created the universe..."
M*W: jcarl, I have some questions for you. When you say "Spiritual God," exactly what do you mean? Please explain.
To say that something created the universe assumes that that entity is beyond that universe, beyond that realm.
M*W: Why do you think "something created the universe assumes that that entity is beyond that universe..."
(This goes even further when I describe God as an unnatural being, that is a spiritual one.)
M*W: Please explain what you mean by "God as an unnatural being..."? How could anything "unnatural" create what is "natural?"
To search within the universe for an entity that is claimed to be outside is as flawed as searching for a clockmaker in the gears of a clock.
M*W: This doesn't make sense to me. Whoever "claimed" that this "entity" called "God" is "outside" of the universe? And where exactly is "outside" the universe? I thought the "universe" covered all creation past, present and future. Therefore, all creation would fall into the category of being "natural." Hence, if an unnatural God created everything, then everything would be unnatural. Your analogy about the flaws of "searching for a clockmaker in the gears of a clock" doesn't seem so absurd to me. If one was looking for a car, wouldn't one be wise to look in the gears of the car? If someone was looking knowledge, wouldn't he look into a book? So if someone were looking to find God, they should look into the heart of humanity.
Zeus gives me no reason to obey him. Zeus could love me one moment, then kick me to the curb the next. He changes his mind.
M*W: How is Zeus any different from Je-zeus? A true God would not be changing its mind. After all, isn't God supposed to be omniscient? When you say God "changes his mind," this would indicate that God is human and, therefore, has a mind to change. A true God doesn't make mistakes like that. A side comment to this -- why is it that Christians assign the masculine gender to their concept of God? Again, that tells me that God is not "outside the universe."
In contrast, my God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He loved me before I grew to love Him. He loved me so much that, even while I was dead in my own rebellion against Him, He came down as Christ and died that I might have the chance of living with Him forever.
M*W: My concept of God is a force of pure positive energy that we call our "lifeforce" or "spirit." Therefore, the presence of the God who is our Creator would be incapable of showing human emotion UNLESS, of course, the One Spirit of God dwells within all humanity. God which is this pure positive energy CAN change but can never die. The history of the human species HAS changed and will continue to change, but the spirit stays the same forever. When you express that "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever," that's one of the pre-programmed Christian beliefs, because no one knows or can prove how or what God is. This is just your personal concept of God. And, I ask you, how can a force of pure positive energy show a human emotion like "love?" I can only understand your concept of God's love if God were humanity wherein dwells human emotion. On the other hand, how can you say you "grew to love him" when you don't even know who or what God is? No one really knows. The truth is only found in personal belief -- and if that's the case, there could be as many as 6 billion perceptions of entirely different god-concepts. That "rebellion against him" that you spoke of wasn't truely against God but was negativity turned inward against yourself and/or outward toward humanity. How could you rebel against a force of pure positive energy? Are you not bound by gravity? I can see that you may have pushed positive energy away with your own self-created negativity. In this instance, you removed yourself from God because of what you did or failed to do. On the other hand, "love" is a force of pure positive energy. To put it another way, God is "love", a human emotion; therefore, God dwells within all humanity. Let me see if I understand this: God "came down as Christ and died" that you "might have the chance of living with him forever." Well, I'm sure you know there is no proof of "God coming down" from where he was (outside the universe?) nor is there any proof that Christ existed as a human being nor is there any proof that this individual "died" for anyone. The Bible cannot be taken literally, because after some 5,000 years of the Old and New Testaments, most of the stories were taken from earlier myths, including the myth of Je-Zeus, the dying demigod savior. Without being able to prove any of this, factually, you could easily say that Mithra came down and saved you. Same story, different name of God. Your chance of "living with 'him' forever makes some sense even if it's in a distorted kind of way. The force of pure positive energy (God) that dwells within you and all of humanity, never dies -- it just changes form and moves around, so I would assume that you will "live with this 'energy' forever," even after your body dies (and you shed your Earthsuit), the fire that is your soul will continue to "live forever." When you realize this, you will have some understanding of the power that God is.
I can't lose that love, that grace. I have been given something I could not hope to gain by myself. This God won't put my bad on one side and my good on another and if they balance out I'll get into Heaven. If that were the case I wouldn't have a chance. Instead He took my place, took my suffering and in turn gave me hope. For that I am grateful, and thus feel it is my "duty" to dedicate my life to Him, because He dedicated His life for mine.
M*W: The only way you could "lose that 'love', that grace" is if you let it go. Human beings strive to achieve their fair share of this 'love' (energy). Many human beings have not acquired their fair share. Those are the ones who keep "finding you" when you weren't looking. Somewhere, somehow, in their lives they have let negativity in, or maybe negativity was forced on them, and they spend their lives trying to suck some of the 'love' out of others. This negativity is from the place of cold, inner darkness that is a vacuum. Christians call it Satan, but it's pure and simple negativity that replaces the powerful energy of 'love.' Human beings ARE responsible for the force of pure positive energy that dwells inside them. We are totally in control of the 'light' and 'darkness' that dwells within. No one can take it away from you unless you let them. Heaven is a Christian concept of the afterlife. I say heaven is a spiritual state. The more positive energy that dwells within the human spirit is close to heaven. The more negative 'energy' (vacuum) that dwells within the human spirit is closer to the concept of hell. Your very life is a gift. It's a gift to you, a gift to your family, a gift to humanity, and a gift to all of creation. That's how important your life is! Dedicate your life to the God-within. That should be the mission for all of humanity. That is when you will truly dedicate your life to God.
That is why I believe in this God. Yes all the other proofs of God are great and I agree with them, but most only confirm that there's something out there, not necessarily anybody who cares about me or any of us for that matter. Whoop dee do, who cares about that?
M*W: Please explain to me what the "other proofs of God" are.
Your response to this will probably be nothing more than a yawn. That's fine.
M*W: I understand that you did not direct this post to me, but please forgive me for jumping in.
I really don't know. I can't read God's mind nor can I know all of His reasoning.
M*W: You might be able to understand "God's reasoning" if you looked within.
(along with the one above): Yes. What makes you think that God, Creator of the Universe, would come to you when/how it's convenient for you?
M*W: That's the way God works. Only the God-within would know when it's convenient for you.
Anne Rice is portraying vampires as fictional characters in her novels. The writers of the Gospels are portraying a historical figure according to eyewitness(esp. there own) accounts. There is a difference.
M*W: The Gospel writers were commissioned by Paul to write them. Paul told them what to write, but Paul never knew Jesus. He never met the man. They lived in different times. Paul came long after Jesus was gone. MML&J were not necessarily the authors who wrote the Gospels of MML&J. Mark was the first written about 70 AD. Some Bible scholars now believe that the Gospel of John and Revelations were actually written by Mary Magdalene, who is said to have been eye-witness to Jesus as well as his wife. Unfortunately, there is no known historical references about Jesus that haven't been proven to be forgeries.
Aside from the fact of the events/people in it being talked about by non-NT authors, specifically Josephus, Lucian, Pliny, and Thallus. Also, do you have anything to contradict what they said?
M*W: There are other members of this forum who are more knowledgeable than I am regarding the non-NT authors.
Herein lies the doctrine of divine inspiration. The idea--expressed in the Bible in places such as Jer. 1:9, Isaiah 59:21, John 16:12, and John 14:26. That God inspired the writings of the Bible is the only way one can explain how the writers could write of things to come and also of things past. Further, by your standard, a person could only write what they have personally witnessed.
M*W: Please see Katazia's post today about the definition of "inspiration." In a nutshell, she describes "inspiration" as being breath-like, airy, to inhale air and breathe. I would also add that "inspiration" means to me to be the force of pure positive (living) energy as opposed to dead energy or negativity. When I hear someone state that the "Bible was inspired by God," I would say that I believe the writers of the Bible books were living people, people who breathe and are not dead. I believe we are all "inspired" by our Creator. What that means to me is, those who wrote the Bible books penned what came to their minds, not necessarily what was the truth. Even fiction writers are "inspired." There really is no difference.
But that is fiction and portrayed as such; the Bible is not fiction and is therefore not portrayed as fiction.
M*W: See my answer above. Let me just say here that I went to a Baptist Taliban University before my days as a Christian (which are now long gone). I had Baptist theologically ordained professors who taught that the Bible was not to be taken literally but allegorically.
Concerning the OT prophecies that spoke of Christ, the Septuagint copies that are known now are dated as far back as 300 or so years before "the myth" began. Some other versions go even farther back than that. If any changing of the Scriptures in this sense existed, then it would be noticed, and would definitely be made known.
M*W: There are no "OT prophecies that spoke of Christ." The Jews believed there would be a coming Messiah. Christians believe that a passage in Isaiah foretold the coming Messiah would be "a son born of a virgin, etc....", but scholars have determined that Isaiah was speaking about his own son whom he believed would be that coming Messiah, and that was 700 years before Christ. Scriptures were most certainly changed (as in butchered) by the early church fathers at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. That's when they decided that Jesus would make a probably good dying demigod savior-type. Before that time, Jesus was just a Rabbi. Changes in the scriptures were "noticed" and have definately been "made known." It's just that Christians don't want to believe this or to further study about it.
What constitute a "molecule" of evidence? Do you know of any archaeological find that has disproved what the bible has said?
M*W: There have been some posts recently disputing the stories of the Exodus and Noah's Ark. Of course, the whole Adam and Eve thing can't be taken literally. The Bible said that it was an "apple" they ate, but heck, apples don't grow in that climate. The whole bible is written symbolically as well as taken from earlier stories of creation and other dying demigod saviors. In this day and time, with all the archeological research that has been done for centuries, either confirming or denying the truths of history past, it is beyond my comprehension that Christians not only still believe in fairy tales, but that they refuse to peruse the scientific reports of these data.
Have you ever read a history book? Did you personally know the authors? If not, then why would you believe what they said(indirectly) to be truth?
M*W: Good questions. Since Jesus did not contribute anything by writing, everything that is said about him is not first-hand nor is it second-hand. The stories about Jesus were "re-written" stories from other dying demigod saviors like Mithras, Adonai, Attis, et al. Were any of the ignorant people of these times saved by any of these earlier deities? No. Are there any Christians out there who have persued the study of these earlier dying demigod saviors who STILL BELIEVE they are saved by the dying deity, Jesus? No. Why? Because once a person learns the truth, they just can't go back to believing the lies, unless they are totally stupid and choose to live in fear.
By saying that, "Nobody has ever seen God and lived," means, has not seen Him in His Spiritual essence. God is Spirit, so no one can "see" Him per se. Now what Moses saw was the Glory of God, that is an aspect of Him. Save Heaven, no one can completely see God in His total, Spiritual Essence. What Moses, and others too, saw was a glimpse of Him, a tiny portion of God's glory.
M*W: Maybe it means that nobody ALIVE has ever seen God. That would mean only the spirits of the dead can see God. You are correct. God is "spirit." But what if even Moses was a made up story? There's some skepticism about Moses' natural existence. Some scholars are now saying he was a fictional character. So, how do we really know what is true and what is untrue? Christians will say "by faith alone." And where does that leave those of us who feel we are so worthless that we need a dying demigod savior to secure heaven for us? It leaves us in the same place we've always been -- a member of humanity. Since humanity was created by God, we don't need saving. Our visit here on Planet Earth is proof of our "salvation" (i.e. our human existence). We would need no salvation otherwise, unless we are being saved from something we can't quite express. There is only one God, and we are humanity.
Moses might of existed, however the real question is were he the author of the Pentateuch?


Why the doubts about Moses’ authorship?

Allen P. Ross says in “Lecture One: The Literary Analytical Approach.” The aim of higher criticism is to determine the date, authorship, composition and/or unity of the literary works in the Old Testament.

Philosophically, higher criticism developed out of the Rationalism of Spinoza (1670) essentially he claims the following…

1. All truth must stand before the bar of reason since only reason is universal in time and common to all humanity

2. Therefore the Bible's claim of special revelation and inspiration is repudiated or renounced.

3. Therefore, not all of the Bible can measure up to the demands of reason.

This resulted in attempts to identify the main documents, which were sources behind the Pentateuch (assuming that Moses was not the author [under reason])

Religious studies courses at many universities and seminaries teach that the Pentateuch is a composite work consisting of four (or more) literary strands. The four strands have been assigned the letters J, E, D, and P; each representing a different document or source that was woven into the fabric of the Bible. This set of assumptions has gone by a number of names including the documentary theory and the Graf-Wellhausen theory (as many as 70 different authors have been suggested for the five books in question)

more info at the link provided.
