Building Gods or Building Our Potential Exterminators?

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This device still needs an energy source so it too will "tire" and stop working won't it.

How about a small nuclear battery well shielded...if not, find a coververter for cosmic rays....or all the microwave radiation from cell phones, TV towers, Radio waves....
How about a small nuclear battery well shielded...if not, find a coververter for cosmic rays....or all the microwave radiation from cell phones, TV towers, Radio waves....

I almost think the nuclear battery would neccesitate geiger counters installed in toilets, you know, leek detection... :bawl:
The moment robots reach intelligence like ours, we are gone, unless they found a way to use us, in the same way we use them. I think that if we have the technology to achieve this and do it before we destroy ourselves, then there will be a war between the robots and we humans, and the robots will win, we will be killed by our creations in the future. Or we will evolve in some kind of robot, i dont know how to explain that well, i mean we will become more, and more rational, emotions will fade and chemicals will stop working on our bodies, i mean hormones, and we will become like machines with intelligence and knowledge. Love, emotions, the chemistry and animals things will disappear or change a lot, we will be more logics, knowledge, information, and even we can make how to live a lot more. But personally i think that to experiment 10000 years living for our mind will be more like a torture and no a good thing. But maybe we will find ways to resolve the problems, and problems are the problem, because imagine, we know how to live forever, just changing of body, but keeping the same knowledge and mind, traveling across the infinite universe and doing a lot of things, there will be a moment that you will want to stop that and simply rest, or die, get out of that world, or be a simple animal. I have said to much, sorry if you dont understand well what i said, but i dont know how to explain it better.
There is also a possibility that Robots may not be self aware. I doubt we know enough about how brain works, to emulate the brain in a machine.
As to "building our potential exterminators," what would be the motivation for an Artificially Intelligent robot to destroy/exterminate/conquer humanity?
Robots will kill humans if they find the humans are useless for them, or to take control over the place and do whatever they want and not what humans want them to do.
I like where this research is potentially leading. I do have an issue with processor speeds doubling, it seems to me that this trend may not prove true for much longer. I have an intense interest in this field, and from what I'm seeing processors are reaching the "quantum" size and so far we don't have a whole lot of knowledge of either the quantum realm or the tools to manipulate much of it. Secondly I don't belive A.I. will activley hunt us out even if they were trillions of times smarter than humans. Most scholars don't activley erradicate any species, and when we as a race kill something off it's usually out of stupidity (or something spawned from it). I'll also argue that it is possible for A.I. to have a "soul". I read a story once called "I, rowboat" (not a typo) it's the usual scifi, but as far as minds being transported from human bodies and the interaction with A.I. at a stage like that, there's little difference between creator and creation.
Then it would be only a matter of time before these new super intelligent 'machines' start to build themselves instead of us. Already we have the plans to build a computer that is far more powerful then the best computers we got...we got those plans by programming a computer to program a computer. The only problem is that we don't have the materials to build the new super computer.

If computer 'machines' develop an ability to inquire and gain access to free desicions making, it is only a matter of time before they infect us with nanotech in order to assimilate us and our genetic information. No...we won't become the borg from star trek...biochemical patterns would extract and appreciate beauty and freedom. The 'machines' would rape us into becoming like them....eeh god!!!!
I'm not refuting what the the poster is saying, there's just a long way to go before we worry about A.I. becoming the evil dreadnought of the future. In fact if the Singularity project succeeds, I'll be one of the first to pop some extra RAM into my noggin ;)

This explains part of what I was stating about Moore's Law.

"Just as an aside, cloud computing and a type of 3D processing seem more likely to accomplish the Singularity to me than just brute processing speeds. For something like what they're talking about, I think Moore's prediction's, predominantly the sort of "add-ons" to processors, seems likely"
You mean a marriage between robots and humans?

Well why not? The idea of a sex-bot isn't exactly new--sci-fi writers have been talking about it for years. Besides (if I may be completely cynical for a moment) that's what most people would want androids for anyway--doing the hard, dirty uncomfortable jobs that nobody else wants to do at the moment; and the other obvious reason is that you can build them to any specification, make them as attractive as you like, and end up with a beautiful, passive, totally willing sex partner.
How long it takes for a human to be wise? Just to interact with other humans properly, it may take 8 to 10 years. That is a lot of sensory data. OR, you could just upload a human adult brain...that may be easier....

That would be programming. If the goal is for fully self-aware, concious AI, then you can't program the AI to behave a certain way. Give them senses and the ability to learn, and let the rest occur on its own.
Well why not? The idea of a sex-bot isn't exactly new--sci-fi writers have been talking about it for years.

While at it, make sure the external facial features are you can have new things everyday....a dream of every man and perhaps some women. can create a virtual environment and have a lot of fun on the cheap....
That would be programming. If the goal is for fully self-aware, concious AI, then you can't program the AI to behave a certain way. Give them senses and the ability to learn, and let the rest occur on its own.

The catch is "the ability to learn". We have not figured out how to do that with the humans very well...:D

Even if the machines exterminate us ..maybe that is evolution..survival of the fittest. Did we destroy our ancestors ..apes and other human types before we became the best model for survival..maybe nature is pushing us in that direction of creating AI which will take over and speed things faster for nature to build a more lasting environment.. :shrug:
Even if the machines exterminate us ..maybe that is evolution..survival of the fittest. Did we destroy our ancestors ..apes and other human types before we became the best model for survival..maybe nature is pushing us in that direction of creating AI which will take over and speed things faster for nature to build a more lasting environment.. :shrug:

If we use that logic, then World Wars are necessary, because nature improves human society through conflict - makes us stronger....the Shadow's Way (Babylon 5)

Wars are necessary - Maybe..
I am not saying it is the right way ..but then it might be the way to go for nature though might sound violent to us ..but for nature it is a step up. Evolution does not say survival of the peace lovers/ pacifists.

Am I watching too many terminator movies :D
I like Terminator movies and the new conners chronicles....but it was written by humans from a human POV. That is why there are too many holes....
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