Building Gods or Building Our Potential Exterminators?

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Be kind to yourself always.
Valued Senior Member
by Hugo de Garis

Robot artificial intelligence is evolving a million times faster than human intelligence. This is a consequence of Moore's law, which states that the electronic performance of chips is doubling every year or so, whereas it took a million years for our human brains to double their capacities.

It is therefore likely that it is only a matter of time before our machines become smarter than we are. It is also likely that this development will occur this century if humanity chooses to allow it to happen.

My name is Prof. Hugo de Garis. My team and I are starting to design and build the world's first artificial brain at my lab, Starlab, in Brussels, Belgium, Europe, which should contain nearly 100 million artificial brain cells (neurons). In about 4 years, the next-generation artificial brain should contain a billion neurons.

Our human brains contain roughly 100 billion neurons, so it is not surprising that someone like me is preoccupied with the prospect of robot intelligence surpassing the human intelligence level. Admittedly, massive computational speed and size do not automatically equate to massive intelligence, but they are prerequisites. The potential is there. My brain-building team still faces the considerable challenge of architecting the artificial brain. We will need to become "BAs"--Brain Architects.

Despite this qualification, not only do I believe that artificial brains could become smarter than human beings, I believe that the potential intelligence of these massively intelligent machines (which I call "artilects" (artificial intellects) could be truly trillions of trillions of trillions of times greater.
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Then they can solve the mysteries of the universe for us. Where AIs become self creating...would they need us anymore than we need the roaches!

It will go 50-50.....

Then again, there may have been atleast 100 million years that AIs could have evolved somewhere else....where are they?
They may become a trillion times more academically smarter, but they will never have that inner voice , that "soul" that live (as in heart plus brain) humans do. so yes , they will be smarter, but never wiser.
They may become a trillion times more academically smarter, but they will never have that inner voice , that "soul" that live (as in heart plus brain) humans do. so yes , they will be smarter, but never wiser.

If they "learn " by their mistakes then they could very easy become wise.
I wasn't thinking along those lines but similar ideas though. By producing a human like exoskeleton then putting a humans brain inside the head cavity we could use it to move about for a longer period of life without discomforts or diseases.
I wasn't thinking along those lines but similar ideas though. By producing a human like exoskeleton then putting a humans brain inside the head cavity we could use it to move about for a longer period of life without discomforts or diseases.

As long as you have a Titanium exoskeleton and military grade chips - you may be allright. Add a nuclear battery, you are ready to go. But you will miss out on tasting food. One solution is to go in to a dream state to a virtual world where you can do stuff with a human body. You can even maintain your routine like go to lunch in a virtual world etc....and live long and prosper...
300 years ago Pascal invented the calculator, which was probably the beginning of A.I, it will only take another 300 years or so before we develop a fully functioning A.I (artificial human). I don't know anything about A.I, its not my field but it fascinates many people. However, keep in mind they may have already done this, the authorities usually don't disclose anything they think the masses aren't ready for.
However, keep in mind they may have already done this, the authorities usually don't disclose anything they think the masses aren't ready for.

If anybody has done it, I would know about it as I have contacts with skunk works type government labs. The reason, people have not done this is because one has to build a proper database with content first for the AI to learn from. Then, while it may be easier to use sensory input to copy and simulate our brain, that is difficult to emulate from the sensory input side. It is much easier to use data streams, like audio and video input as we have those handy. But writing algorithms based on this is very difficult without a goal.

The hope is there will be convergence of technology that creates the emerging properties in about 2050 that can be called AI. Then in 2052 or 2054 it could be fully aware (due to the doubling of the computer capabilities).

It is difficult to predict the exact technology that begets AI, but like man could fly, but not using own arms - several unknown technology could contribute to the first AI. It is a matter of time.
If you create a robot with a Human-type brain (in terms of intelligence), but let him discover on his own, he'd be wise
If you create a robot with a Human-type brain (in terms of intelligence), but let him discover on his own, he'd be wise

How long it takes for a human to be wise? Just to interact with other humans properly, it may take 8 to 10 years. That is a lot of sensory data. OR, you could just upload a human adult brain...that may be easier....
Then they can solve the mysteries of the universe for us. Where AIs become self creating...would they need us anymore than we need the roaches!
They wouldn't need us, but like a previous poster, I believe we will merge. Modification of the brain to create a hybrid of sorts.
They wouldn't need us, but like a previous poster, I believe we will merge. Modification of the brain to create a hybrid of sorts.

My gut feeling is this. We will soon, like in a decade, develop healthy bodies through gene manipulation that can extend healthy life say 150 years or more.

In the meantime, we would develop brain prosthetics (internal or external) that interfaces directly with the brain to hold the total human knowledge on your finger tips.

Because of that, our IQ extension would allow us to do many things. In the mean time, we will develop true AIs which may take another 50 years.

After that all bets are off....somebody will design a black hole and we all will be gone.

Have you noticed that in StarTrek, the holodeck personalities act like humans and yet the Enterprise computer is basically dumb!
I admit I havn't studied up on this much, but I'd almost imagine a scenario like the Ghost In The Shell universe where human prosthetics and neurological implants go almost in-step with robotic technology, and that human and AI's interact in a highly-evolved internet. With this idea, there would be no robots overwhelmingly taking over the world because the same technology going into AI and robotics could be applied to us, and mutual cooperation between AI and humans results in a nice synergy that neither side really wants to destroy.

I dunno, any reason why this wouldn't happen?
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