Buddhism: Is it really a religion?

Originally posted by Zero
If Buddhism isn't a religion, why would christian parents get so pissed when schools try to teach a bit of Zen (or even yoga for that matter) to get kids to focus?

Apparently some of us think Buddhism isn't a religion, but some of our parents do.

And one of the things you learn in such 'ways of thought' is flexibility. Hmm, what can we conclude about christian parents and what flaws they have?

It is strange that I almost always see people singling out Christians.

Dude, it isn't the Christians who get up in arms about it (if they do at all), it is, in my experience (media reports and local first hand experience) atheists. If someone wants to prove me wrong, tis fine, because I have no statistics to back me up, but from what I know, atheists are much more vocal about having spirituality and religion tought in schools then a member of another religion.
As for the part about Buddhism's possible logical flaw in that they believe in reincarnation but not a soul

Yes at first thought that does seem contradictory, who does the karma happen to?
It helps to understand it if you think of karma not in terms of punshment or reward, but as simple cause and effect.