Buddha1 is trying to infect our society with homosexuality


He is influencing children to try homosexuality, if children are not preprogrammed to be homo, is it ok for Buddha1 to propagate his kind through your children ?

James R thinks such thoughts of mine are a result of Homophobia, I think he is a gay too for being with Buddha1's above mission.

Is it ok for such men to marry women just to reproduce and cheat on them.

Should we not fear that our children can be influenced by this man just because he thinks 95% men are GAY ? Is this what we should call Homophobia; I think homophobia is fear of Gays and not fear of loosing your children to this memetic virus.

I can sleep with a GAY in his bed, because its his life in danger by doing so, i.e. if he starts to touch me.

Child molester are themselves molested as children, so just because they think its ok, we should agree with them ? Buddha1 was brought up among 95% men fucking eachother, including him through his anus. :eek:

Do U agree with me, i.e. if U r not HOMO.
Should we allow a wimp like anamolous to be amongst us. He is not only trying to make our children and brothers wimps, he is actually making our sisters, our daughters and our mothers 'whores' by encouraging them to sleep with men. Perhaps anamolous has no honour or shame, but we have. Certianly that is what his parents and his culture teaches him, but we cannot have a genetically warped person like that loose in our midst. Apparently he encourages his mother, sister and daughters to become whores, but we can't stand that!

We don't want our women to become whores. Say no to anamoulous. Kick his butt out of sciforums. If someone even touches my sisters hands I will beat the shit out of him, that he will regret it his entire life.
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Whores, when the hell did anyone said anything about whores ?

And who the hell asked Buddha1 to post anything in this thread, he just a lifeless garbage. A Zombie.
Humanologist said:
Whores, when the hell did anyone said anything about whores ?

And who the hell asked Buddha1 to post anything in this thread, he just a lifeless garbage. A Zombie.
You have sex with all those women you claimed. So who are they if not whores. Are they your wife? If not, they are someone's sisters, mothers and daughters. So you're gonna let your own mother, wife and daughter sleep around? Why don't you practise what you preach.
Did Your mother not fuck anyone on that unfortunate day when your GAY biological Father convienced her that he was worth fucking ?
He has literally converted SciForums into GAYForums, Over that he claims he has proved that 100% men are GAY.

Isnt that offending to every real man ?
Humanologist said:
Did Your mother not fuck anyone on that unfortunate day when your GAY biological Father convienced her that he was worth fucking ?
Your mother sister and daughters are all whores and you want our mothers, sisters and daughters to be whores too! We must kick you out of this sacred place. Go back to where you came from. Infect your own land. You are not fit for a free society.
Humanologist said:
He has literally converted SciForums into GAYForums, Over that he claims he has proved that 100% men are GAY.

Isnt that offending to every real man ?
You are not a man you are a woman. yOu're a wimp. Stop denigrating men you pansy faggot!
from what i can tell nobody buys buddhas drivel

what gets me the most about buddha is that he says 95% of men prefer men for sex
then when someone suggests that he(buddha) might be gay he gets mad about it

admit it buddha your gay

maybe instead of starting all these threads about how 95% of men want men for sex
you should start a thread called gay rights

in my opinion being gay is not a bannable offense
Humanologist said:
Buddha1 is trying to infect our society with homosexuality


Now if ever is a time for that image to be used.
what gets me the most about buddha is that he says 95% of men prefer men for sex
then when someone suggests that he(buddha) might be gay he gets mad about it

From what I've read, and I must admit that I find little of interest in Buddha's threads even though I do peruse them from time to time for reasons of jocularity, Buddha's point is that 'gay' is when you take it up the ass. In other words, anal penetration is making yourself feminine. Degrading yourself. Etc... I'm not entirely sure what his position on the 'giver' in the situation would be, but, if he's not 'taking it' then he probably maintains his masculinity and is thus not a 'girl with hairy arms'.

Buddha is not pushing a gay (by the former definition) lifestyle. Buddha is desirous of mutual masturbation and oral sex. It is these activities which he believes are normal masculine activities. Not anal sex.

I also believe that I've gathered from Buddha's posts that he's from some (middle-)eastern country. This may be mere scuttlebutt, but I've heard that such attitudes are not uncommon in these locales. He's even given the reason why they are so prevalent. Because a woman who has sex is a whore. And there is a mandate in their society to prevent women from being whores.

A question to Buddha. Do you agree with honor killings? Or perhaps the cutting off of noses, etc...?

There is a great difference between our cultures and thus it is difficult to pass judgement on different cultures with different values, but Buddha's culture is quite strange and bizarre. In some aspects it is disgusting and brutal. The shame of his obsession with this subject is that the only aspect of his culture that comes across in his discussions is the brutal and disgusting aspects. His hatred of women (manifesting itself in a 'pedestal' type situation. Women must remain pristine and pure or else they lose all value...) His inability to understand that his cultural values are not the 'norm'. That they're not even close. Buddha suffers from a cultural blindness that is quite fascinating if one maintains an abstract viewpoint.

This is all, of course, assuming that Buddha is not a sock puppet and a troll.
I do wonder what New South Wales has to do with the situation. As well as the rest of the listed cities: "Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania .... and..... La Jolla, California....and...California State University, Northridge....Birmingham, Alabama...and...Osborn, New South Wales....and...Australia Gosnells, Western Australia."
Buddha1 said:
Should we allow a wimp like anamolous to be amongst us. He is not only trying to make our children and brothers wimps, he is actually making our sisters, our daughters and our mothers 'whores' by encouraging them to sleep with men. Perhaps anamolous has no honour or shame, but we have. Certianly that is what his parents and his culture teaches him, but we cannot have a genetically warped person like that loose in our midst. Apparently he encourages his mother, sister and daughters to become whores, but we can't stand that!

We don't want our women to become whores. Say no to anamoulous. Kick his butt out of sciforums. If someone even touches my sisters hands I will beat the shit out of him, that he will regret it his entire life.
Your mother had sex with your father (presumably a male), resulting (unfortunately), in you, so if we were to use your argument, that would make her a whore.
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I'm gonna have to hang out on this side of the forum more often. This is crazy! Who the heck is Buddha1 and why does everyone think he's gay?